
Embracing Your Great Work: 3 questions to answer so you truly believe in yourself

Empowerment through courageous inquiry and resilient action

Having the courage to do our Great Work in the world, to get out there and do something different, is no joke.

Answering the 3 questions below, very thoughtfully, will move you out of procrastination, inertia, and pain. They help you answer the bigger question:

Is there some part of me that doesn’t believe in me? 

This is such an important question because no matter how prepared you get, if you actually don’t believe that you can do the thing, your body will self-sabotage all day long.  It will not allow you to do the thing even when you take the steps. 

So here you go; the three questions:

  1. What do you really want? (Important so we don’t spend all our money and time doing stuff that does not matter yet…most times with most people that is what they are doing! Come 5/7 and stop this vicious cycle)
  2. What are you willing to do? (get out of your head and into action….be sure to have the 3 ingredients for success here: a community, a coach and a course/path)
  3. How many failures are you willing to have? (people almost never consider this and rather, expect perfection on their first try…when this does NOT happen they quit and tell themselves all the reasons they are not worthy, should not have tried, it’s not for them etc…which are All Lies.)

Do not forget or miss this rare opportunity on 5/7 to dive deep and stop that little voice inside that you could be doing your Great Work “if only…” (add in your reason/excuse)

Your Bold Breakthrough: The Great Work-Shop  is coming May 7th. Do not miss it. It’s 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM Eastern. Some registrations are starting to come in. Make sure you get a seat. 

It’s your chance to still make sure you get your goals realized in 2024. It is not too late. See you there. 

BONUS; Let’s dive deeper into the concept of self-belief: The Johari Window

The Johari Window offers a fascinating framework for introspection, dividing our self-awareness into four quadrants. This was fascinating to me. Tell me what YOU think. I’ll get you the quadrants and then an example for each one.

1. “open” quadrant: this encompasses aspects known to both ourselves and others—a realm of confidence and assurance. Duh; no example needed.

2. “blind” quadrant: this reveals aspects known to others but hidden from our awareness, shedding light on areas for growth and development. Good example: you keep eating cookies, soda and chips and wonder why you don’t lose weight. You might see it, but you are not aware of it. Or you are trying to grow your coaching practice, but you are not doing the right things for your phase of business. It takes others to shine the light and for you to recalibrate and follow a path of success.

3. “hidden” quadrant: this harbors secrets known only to us, urging us to confront our innermost fears and insecurities. Example: many of my clients hide money secrets from their husbands as they are building their business. They are deathly afraid of failure so they want a “win” first before asking for support. This backfires. Luckily they hired me and we got them out of lies and into abundance 🙂

4. “unknown” quadrant: this represents uncharted territory, where potential awaits realization, beckoning us to embrace uncertainty with courage and conviction.

As we navigate our paths towards greatness, let’s embrace belief in ourselves, transcending doubt and fear. If you find yourself grappling with self-doubt or uncertainty, know that you’re not alone. Reach out, initiate a conversation—let’s embark on this journey together. 

Remember, our bold breakthrough awaits, slated for May 7th. Don’t miss this transformative workshop, an opportunity to unearth your true potential and redefine your journey towards success. 

Join us, and let’s make 2024 the year of unparalleled growth and achievement. 

See you there!

You are worthy and the world needs you,



Balancing structure and spontaneity

Strategies for sustainable success: explore tactics to boost productivity and enhance well-being

Do you ever find yourself torn between the desire for consistency and the fear of boredom? If this resonates with you, then you’re in the right place.

Many individuals in my community express this dilemma. They understand that their lack of consistency leads to feelings of disarray. Yet, they also enjoy the variety of switching between activities to stave off boredom. If this sounds familiar, stick around because I’ve got three strategies to help shift your perspective on this common challenge.

Before diving into these tactics, let’s clarify what I mean by consistency and why it matters. When I talk about consistency, I’m not advocating for rigid schedules or strict routines that feel suffocating. Instead, it’s about committing to what truly matters to you and following through. This level of consistency is crucial because it not only builds trust with others but also fosters self-confidence. Without it, self-doubt can creep in, leading to self-sabotage. This is especially pertinent for creative and sometimes scattered entrepreneurs striving to make their mark in the world.

I know you want to decide you’re going to do something you really do want to, and then actually really do it. But how do you bridge that?? How do you get there?

Here are 3 tactics. Read through them and reply to me to let me know what you run into then you try them on. That’s where the real work begins!

  1. Energy: Recognize that your energy levels fluctuate throughout the day. Everything is energy. It’s therefore CRITICAL to identify when you’re at your peak—whether it’s during the morning, midday, or evening—and create your day rhythm to respect and honor your energy…not the other way around.. For instance, , you might find that your creativity flows best in the morning. So STOP saying YES to meetings in the morning. Your genius depends on it.
  2. Alignment: Be honest with yourself about what you genuinely want to pursue. MOST PEOPLE MISS THIS COMPLETELY. It’s easy to commit to activities that sound good in theory but don’t align with your true desires. This is the moment to STOP. Do not gloss over this, or worse, beat yourself up. Take a good amount of time to reflect on whether your actions align with your aspirations. For example, if you’ve been telling yourself that you’ll start a new exercise routine every Sunday after church but find yourself consistently skipping it in favor of a nap, it’s be time to reassess your priorities. Bigger than that is your Purpose. If you don’t know why you’re doing what you are doing, you will NOT be consistent. You will find the next shiny thing so you can feel better. It’s time to take a step back. Come to the Great Work-Shop on May 7 so you can dial in!
  3. Boredom: Dive deeper into the concept of boredom. Instead of dismissing it as a fleeting feeling, consider what underlying emotions might be at play. Boredom is often a mask for fear—fear of failure, fear of commitment, or fear of monotony. By addressing these underlying fears, you can uncover new opportunities for growth and creativity. For instance, if you find yourself constantly jumping from one project to another out of fear that sticking to one thing will lead to boredom, it’s worth examining whether this fear is holding you back from achieving success. We often will secretly fear success. Fear is sneaky and she “knows” you. She masquerades as “I want this so much!” and you never look at the fact that it’s YOUR actions that create your result.

Remember, it’s not about adhering to a rigid schedule or micromanaging every minute of your day. Instead, focus on establishing patterns of deliberate practice and intentional rest. Just as athletes alternate between training and recovery, find a balance between focused effort and rejuvenation in your own pursuits. Productivity and Rest are yin and yang. One without the other is no bueno. One with the other, combined with clear purpose and great habits and a coach and community….well that’s where you are UNSTOPPABLE and it feels effortless.


It’s one thing to know the tactics. It’s another thing altogether to do the work to get you there. Life has a way of distracting the bejesus out of us.

That’s why I offer workshops 3 times a year. When you know, you know. Just imagine…rest and purpose and productivity, habits and community. What are you waiting for anyhow?

You know. Well then let’s do this. “Your Bold Breakthrough” on May 7th. REGISTRATION IS OPEN! INFO/REGISTER HERE TO SAVE YOUR SPOT.

See you there, and until then, stay inspired!


Carol Williams
The Beacon of Light Center, LLC

p.s. Did you miss the Overcoming Obstacles Map to Success from last week? DOWNLOAD THE FREE MINI COURSE HERE

p.p.s. Don’t forget, my friend, Karen Robinson, is hosting a complimentary Healing Coaching Intensive focusing on Addictions & Risky Behaviors Post Trauma on Thursday, April 25, 2024, from 7:00-8:00 PM eastern. A transformative event to face your unhealthy behaviors and reclaim control of your future. Find out more here.


Time liberation: Unveiling practical steps to stop saying ‘I don’t have time’

From overwhelm to empowerment: Insights to revolutionize your relationship with time

Today, let’s dive into a common challenge many of us face: the tendency to say, “I don’t have time.” Have you ever caught yourself in that loop? It’s like a tug-of-war within ourselves. Before we dive into the strategies, I will share a little anecdote from a recent Wisdom Warriors session that perfectly aligns with today’s topic.

During our last *complimentary* group coaching, a participant expressed her desire to break free from the “no time” trap. It struck a chord with me because it highlighted a deeper yearning within her to shed her old skin and step into her true self. It was as if her presence was a divine gift, reminding us all of the importance of reclaiming our time and our essence. So, let’s explore three tangible strategies to help you reclaim your time and align with your true self.

Strategy 1: Create First

In our Wisdom Warriors session, I shared a personal practice I’ve adopted recently: dedicating the first 10 minutes of my day to something creative. For me, it’s coloring. This simple act infuses my morning with joy and sets a positive tone for the day ahead. As I’ve discovered, integrating moments of rest and creativity into our routine isn’t a hindrance to productivity; it’s a catalyst for it.

Strategy 2: Limit Your Work Hours

Ever heard of the four-hour workday concept? It might sound unconventional, but it’s backed by research and the habits of many successful individuals throughout history. By paying attention to our energy levels and limiting our work to four focused hours a day, we can maximize productivity while reclaiming precious time for rest and rejuvenation.

Strategy 3: Redefine Yourself and Live Into It

At the core of reclaiming our time is the process of redefining ourselves. It’s a journey that takes time and self-reflection, but the rewards are immeasurable. If you’re intrigued by the idea of embracing change and stepping into your true potential, I invite you to join me for our upcoming workshop, “Your Bold Breakthrough,” on May 7th. It’s an opportunity to break free from the No Time Trap and finally do  your Great Work without sacrificing what is most important!

As we navigate our journey towards reclaiming our time, remember to be kind to yourself and take things one step at a time. And for those who are ready to dive deeper into this transformative process, you can apply for early access to the most amazing program I offer HERE.

It’s a chance to unlock your full potential and transcend to new heights. Will you answer the call? Hit reply if you want more information…I have loads for you

Until next time, keep shining bright and reclaiming your time. See you soon!