Time liberation: Unveiling practical steps to stop saying ‘I don’t have time’

From overwhelm to empowerment: Insights to revolutionize your relationship with time

Today, let’s dive into a common challenge many of us face: the tendency to say, “I don’t have time.” Have you ever caught yourself in that loop? It’s like a tug-of-war within ourselves. Before we dive into the strategies, I will share a little anecdote from a recent Wisdom Warriors session that perfectly aligns with today’s topic.

During our last *complimentary* group coaching, a participant expressed her desire to break free from the “no time” trap. It struck a chord with me because it highlighted a deeper yearning within her to shed her old skin and step into her true self. It was as if her presence was a divine gift, reminding us all of the importance of reclaiming our time and our essence. So, let’s explore three tangible strategies to help you reclaim your time and align with your true self.

Strategy 1: Create First

In our Wisdom Warriors session, I shared a personal practice I’ve adopted recently: dedicating the first 10 minutes of my day to something creative. For me, it’s coloring. This simple act infuses my morning with joy and sets a positive tone for the day ahead. As I’ve discovered, integrating moments of rest and creativity into our routine isn’t a hindrance to productivity; it’s a catalyst for it.

Strategy 2: Limit Your Work Hours

Ever heard of the four-hour workday concept? It might sound unconventional, but it’s backed by research and the habits of many successful individuals throughout history. By paying attention to our energy levels and limiting our work to four focused hours a day, we can maximize productivity while reclaiming precious time for rest and rejuvenation.

Strategy 3: Redefine Yourself and Live Into It

At the core of reclaiming our time is the process of redefining ourselves. It’s a journey that takes time and self-reflection, but the rewards are immeasurable. If you’re intrigued by the idea of embracing change and stepping into your true potential, I invite you to join me for our upcoming workshop, “Your Bold Breakthrough,” on May 7th. It’s an opportunity to break free from the No Time Trap and finally do  your Great Work without sacrificing what is most important!

As we navigate our journey towards reclaiming our time, remember to be kind to yourself and take things one step at a time. And for those who are ready to dive deeper into this transformative process, you can apply for early access to the most amazing program I offer HERE.

It’s a chance to unlock your full potential and transcend to new heights. Will you answer the call? Hit reply if you want more information…I have loads for you

Until next time, keep shining bright and reclaiming your time. See you soon!