Yes, we can! 5 ways to grow our inner strength.

Many people concentrate most of their time on their outer growth. They work hard to be recognized for their achievements. They progress in their career and reach a status thinking that they will finally feel fulfilled and achieve a sense of accomplishment. Sometimes they call this happiness.

The problem is that life is full of issues – stress, losses, vulnerabilities, pain. Some are out there in the world, such as financial concerns, relationship problems, losing a job. Others are physical like injuries or illnesses. And some others reside in our minds – anxiety, depression, low self-esteem. To complicate things, sometimes it happens than more than one issue comes at the same time (oh, joy!). One time, I talked to a man who needed a little help decluttering his overwhelmed mind. I suggested that he prioritize his life in terms of what he valued. For example, in my life, my top 3 values are: 1. My health 2. My kids 3. My work. He said that everything was all jumbled in his mind. If this is true for you….please talk with me…you might be right on the verge of a breakdown!

What you really need to take back control of your life is a strong inner core. The journey is made by ups and downs. In life, as in business, challenges can become obstacles and opportunities can turn into triumphs. Guess who’s the only constant? YOU. To effectively deal with issues, we need resources. Easy, right? So, your next question is – where do I find these resources? Guess again… Inside of YOU of course!

That’s your inner strength, all the good stuff you have in yourself.

  • Capabilities such as mindfulness, emotional intelligence or resilience;
  • Positive emotions like gratitude, love, self-compassion;
  • Attitudes like openness, confidence or determination;
  • Virtues like, generosity, courage, wisdom.

Let’s do some housekeeping now. Go and find these great qualities you have buried inside yourself, dust them off and let them shine. Here are a few steps you can follow to nurture your inner growth.

  1. Know who you are

Your personality is the foundation of your power, while insecurity can kill your inner strength. Invest some time in understanding who you are, what makes you happy, what is really important for you. Remember, the path to success (or happiness) really depends on the variables we use to describe what ‘success’ (or ‘happiness’) is for us.

  1. Identify your strengths

All of us are born with unique capabilities and skills, and the way to build one’s strength is to focus on these specific skills and work to enhance them further. Give yourself time to recognise the tools you have to direct the life you want to lead.

  1. Take control of your body

Use your body to strengthen your soul. Physical and mental strength work in synergy and feed each other. Follow a balanced diet, sleep 7 hours a night, exercise, dress to make you feel good. If you feel good when you look in the mirror, you will start your day with confidence.

  1. Create a positive circle

Make an effort to be surrounded by positive people, who make you feel good, energized and motivated. Spend time with others who are strong inside, celebrate you and feed positive energy into your life. Limit any time around negative people or energy.

  1. Ask yourself “why”

Whatever you do, do it purposefully. Cultivate the things that make you feel accomplished and fulfilled. Make an effort to do something meaningful so that you feel you make a difference in what you do. When you decide, commit and then act. Being strong requires an efficient use of energies.

Inner growth comes from the knowledge that you have the equipment and tools to handle life’s challenges. Building inner strength is a lifelong task. If done right, not only will it pay off when difficulty arises, it will become a habit, and eventually a part of your identity. Yes, you can!