Why am I so infrequently wanting to be the person I really am?

I have a bold question for you today: 

What if the question is not “why am I so infrequently the person I want to be” but rather “why am I so infrequently wanting to be the person I really am?” 

Wow. Now there’s a question. 

Victoria Lebalme, Risk Forward. That’s where that question came from. I’m on her email list. Email lists are a good thing when you belong to cool email lists. (Note, I’ll be starting a Daily Email Option sometime in the next month or so…stay tuned.)

The question about wanting to be the person I really am reminds me of something that came up on Monday in my Kick Off 2023 Right workshop. (yes you can buy the workshop for ¼ of the price – recorded with the workbook too when you follow that link!) When we look ahead, we want to look at goals and things that we don’t have now.

So of course, we considered that, and more importantly, we looked at where and what we want to be as our future self.  During that time, I expressed that that future self is actually just us…unpeeled

This quote from Victoria actually says the same thing, and she talks about desire, too. Like “Why do I not want to be me?” There’s lots of reasons for that, and I’d love for you to let me know what’s getting in your way.  What I’ve experienced from the people that I work with is sometimes 

-we don’t even know who we are 

-or what we are, 

-or what we want.

In fact, we don’t even think to “know to want” because we’re so busy out there doing what we need to do, trying to keep everybody else happy, trying to keep up with our commitments, trying not to rock the boat, trying not to muddy the waters, ruin the process, ruffle any feathers, buck the system, etc. WE make sure that everybody else is good, right?

We can be  a martyr, of sorts: falling on the sword. We can be that people pleaser, be that giver and then get resentful. Because the truth is, that’s exhausting. 

I’m here to turn that around with you. And the way to turn that around, the first step, is to go ahead and watch the workshop from Monday 1/9.  It’s the next step, when you’re ready to have real results like this is a great start. When you go through the process with the group, and work through the workbook, you will be set up to receive the same results as they do, as long as you move through it the same way. 

After this step, you’ll want to take action. Is that you? This is your sign. I have one spot left in my Discover Your Greatness through the Productivity Success Cake Process group coaching, doors close tomorrow (Monday) at Midnight Eastern.

It’s one thing to have intentions, and it’s really important to have that deep why. And it’s really important to have that deep understanding. And as important is to take action, because being in action stops that inertia and that inertia is what’s holding us back

In fact, I was talking to a person in my community just the other day, and that person was saying “It’s not that I don’t know about this stuff. It’s that when I sit down to do my work, I have a great deal of flexibility. And I have to decide, do I do this task? Do I do that task? Do I do another task? I have piles. I have emails, I have voice messages, I have people coming in, I’m an executive. (You know, it’s not like this person isn’t successful, it’s just there’s so much coming in at this person, and that’s common.) 

If you are heading this and thinking “how is she in my head,” then it’s time, my friend. If not now, when?

One seat left. Just one. I accept a maximum of 8 people, no exceptions.

It’s time to join the group coaching that I am starting on Thursday  January 19.  Doors close for registration at midnight Eastern on Monday so you don’t have a lot of time.

You will work through those kinds of processes that I just described, such as:

“What do I say no to at this very moment so that I can say yes to this priority?”

“How do I prioritize in general?”

“How do I get out of analysis paralysis?”

 I was talking to someone last week, and she wasn’t sure. She was starting to get tangled up in he future.

What if she receives a new job during this group course? What if there is a time conflict?

Answer: we will address this if such a “problem” arises (if it’s the job she wants…it’ll be a GREAT problem to have!)

Analysis paralysis will never get anywhere. What we need to do is:

– dive into our Future You and 

-trust the universe, 

unpeel the stuff that isn’t working for you. 

-Be bold, 

– hold the hands of the other people that are walking this walk with you,

– say ‘no’ to those tasks and those things that are not supporting that vision of that Future You.  


It may sound easy, and the truth is it’s not easy. One woman was in my Discover Your Greatness through the Productivity Success Cake group coaching a couple of years ago had been trying to move for five years out of her current home. 

She had piles of paper, she had ‘stuff’ and she had stopped exercising. She had gained a bunch of weight. She used to be really active and outdoorsy. She wasn’t being “her” anymore. Through the PRODUCTIVITY SUCCESS CAKE  process, she not only started to walk again and started to feel good about herself, but she was able to move!. TODAY SHE LIVES IN A BEAUTIFUL TOWNHOME ON THE OCEAN! 

She was able to declutter -she hadn’t been able to do that in five years. If you can resonate with that (being bogged down by clutter) please consider what might happen by April 30th when you say YES to the group opportunity that expires tomorrow.

Or, perhaps you resonate with strongly desiring to make more money. Another participant (from last year), made more money last year than she had in the last 38 years and it exceeded the income of her long term spouse. THIS HAD LITERALLY *NEVER* HAPPENED in their 38 years of marriage. If you want those results, then you want to consider joining me on the 19th. I have one seat open for the right person.

In closing, please start loving exercise, start giving yourself permission, move house, make more money than your spouse, say ‘no’ to things that don’t serve. You have so much fun. Dance and enjoy, because why wouldn’t you? 

It’s 2023, it’s a new start and there’s a lot of crap going on in the world, and there’s a recession. 

So let’s hold hands. Let’s walk through this together because the people that succeed in that recession see the long view and are consistent. 

I am so excited to be your guide!