Unveiling the procrastination puzzle: Strategies to transform dreams into action

Deciphering overwhelm: Navigating the path to prioritization

BEFORE WE CLOSE THE DOORS on FEBRUARY…..Please be reminded that on March 4th, we’re diving deep into eliminating or significantly reducing procrastination at Wisdom Warriors. So make sure you’re all signed up! And in advance of that, let’s chat about a powerful way to combat procrastination today.

This brilliant strategy I want to share came up during a recent podcast interview I did with Samantha Foote, focusing on neurodivergent parents and individuals. Now, remember, you don’t have to be neurodivergent to benefit from these insights, but they can be particularly insightful. So be sure to check out that podcast.

Now, let’s talk about our big dreams. Remember just a few weeks back (6-8 weeks, early JAN?)  when we were firing on all cylinders, setting ambitious goals left and right? I’ll never forget when my 22-year-old son decided he was going to embrace veganism, start running every morning at 5 am, and meditate religiously. Sound familiar? It’s the classic case of biting off more than we can chew.

Here’s the thing – our brains love to do it all and do it now. We have these massive dreams, but sometimes they’re so big that they overwhelm us. And let’s be real, those middle steps? Not always easy to navigate.

Before we dive into strategies, let’s also acknowledge that sometimes what we need most is rest. Slowing down to speed up is a game-changer that many of us overlook. Rest is not the enemy; it’s a necessity. Whether it’s sleep, time away from screens, or simply taking a walk outside, prioritize rest.

Now, onto the strategy I want to share, which we’ll explore further on March 4th. It involves breaking down those big dreams into small, manageable steps. But first, we need to silence those voices in our heads that belittle small steps as “slacker” moves. Trust me, they’re not.

Grab a blank sheet of paper or a whiteboard and start with a brain dump. Write down everything you’ve got on your mind. Then, categorize them into different areas – health, business, family, etc. Now comes the fun part. Arrange them in piles and ask yourself, “What’s calling to me right now?” Trust your intuition to guide you to your highest priorities.

And if you’re struggling to choose, consider factors like importance, duration, and cost (I review this in detail in the video). Focus on what’s important, short in duration, and low in cost first. This method ensures you tackle what truly matters without feeling overwhelmed by the enormity of your dreams.

Now, remember, there’s a special surprise in store for March 4th. But even if you can’t make it, there’ll be plenty of valuable content and opportunities for growth. So mark your calendars and I’ll see you then!