This is the first thing you should do when you want more discipline

Three soul-searching questions to build the discipline you crave

I often get asked, “How can I be more disciplined?” So today, we’re diving into three essential tips, which are really three crucial questions. Here’s a bonus tip to kick things off: The answers you’re seeking aren’t out there—they’re already inside you. My gift is helping you unlock them.

These three questions are designed to help you break through your discipline challenges. As you read, I encourage you to comment below, message me, or even find me on social media to share your answers. Let’s have a conversation!

Also, on September 23rd, I’m hosting a special two-hour workshop that’ll go even deeper into this topic. So if you’re ready to roll up your sleeves and get to work, join me for that session!

1. What Are the Voices in Your Mind and Body Saying to Disallow Discipline?

If you’re struggling with discipline, that likely means there’s a voice in your head telling you why you can’t. Maybe it’s saying, “I’m too busy,” “I’m too tired,” or “What if I succeed?” These are limiting beliefs that disallow discipline. Take a moment to think about the narratives playing out in your head and challenge them.

2. What Are You Doing Right Now for Your Own Happiness and Fulfillment?

When we think of discipline, we often associate it with hard work, nose-to-the-grindstone mentality. But what’s really missing in the background is joy. What are you doing for your own happiness? Sometimes, focusing on fulfillment is the key to unlocking the energy and discipline you need.

A great concept I came across from Vishen Lakhiani of Mindvalley is the idea of “Blissipline”—blending bliss and discipline. If you focus on your happiness, you’ll find that the discipline naturally follows.

For example, I recorded the video part of this article because it makes me happy. It doesn’t have to be complicated!

3. What Is Your Greatest Fear If You Do What You Say You Want to Do?

This might seem like a trick question, but fear often holds us back from discipline. The reptilian brain wants to protect us and keep us safe—sometimes from our own success. Ask yourself, What am I afraid of if I succeed? When you dig deep, you’ll likely find the root cause of your resistance to discipline.

Ready for More?

These three questions are just the beginning! Join me on September 23rd for the Bold Solopreneur Workshop—where we’ll dive deep into sticking to a schedule, making a plan, and building real momentum.

You won’t want to miss it! Spots are limited, so sign up today while you can!

I’d love to hear from you: What are your answers to these three questions? Comment below or message me privately. Let’s have a real conversation about how to unlock your discipline and achieve your greatest goals.

Until next time, stay bold!

p.s. When you fully participate in the BOLD ENTREPRENEUR workshop you too can have results like Heidi. It’s a journey AND you need to START (or level up!)