This is the first thing to do when you feel invisible.

This is the first thing to do when you feel invisible.

In the last blog, we discussed 5 ways you may be self sabotaging yourself and how to “get out there” and what happens when you don’t. Maybe you are still feeling invisible, and not sure how to be noticed, and afraid of what might happen if you are noticed.

Go ahead. Be the person you are afraid to be. That’s the first thing to do.


Becoming our true selves creates mutual respect, admiration and honesty within our lives. And this leads us to reach our goals. How?

 There is a certain amount of fear and hiding in us all. And, when we live life “full out” and stop hiding, we begin growing. And then we risk failing. And failing is essential to growth.

So how can you become the person you are afraid to be? Developing confidence and believing in yourself, your power and your ability to get achieve your ambitions. Your goals!

Remember, building confidence is not an easy and straightforward journey. But taking action is the first step to start building your confidence. You may fail at first, that’s ok. You are probably in very good company. Get on your feet and use what you have learnt to try again until you consistently get the results you would like to see.

Give yourself some love. Most of us are impatient by nature. We want changes to happen now. However, hardly anything in life happens out of the blue. Change takes time so start with small steps but keep a long-term perspective.

Learn to handle people undermining your confidence and don’t let them get through you. One of the best technique is co-opt their criticism. Somebody is trying to put you down? Try this: “You know what, you might be right. I have no idea if this is going to work. But I figure I have to give it a shot, right? If you were me, what would you do?”

Stretch yourself and branch out. Your opinion about yourself and what you can achieve has probably been moulded by your upbringing – your parents, your teachers, your friends. Start seeing things from a different perspective. Working towards greatness is a process and you need to learn how to live your life with intention. Rephrase “I wish, I hope, someday I will” with action statements: “Today, I am, my calendar includes, my deadline is”.

Lastly, put yourself in the right environment. Are the people around you pushing you forward or holding you back? Try to create your own growth environment.  Surround yourself with motivating,

Expect “setbacks.” Learn from your “mistakes” and keep trying. Find your focus. Be deliberate in making your daily decisions. And if you’re stuck, reposition yourself quickly. Sometimes teetering at the edge of a cliff is a good place to be. It means you’re growing and that puts you WAY ahead of the bulk of this population.