Can’t keep up with your home or finances? The secret to peace is simpler than you think.

In our last blog we looked at the process of de-cluttering and ridding ourselves of all the paraphernalia of modern-life, whether that is in a physical, emotional, mental or spiritual sense.

Now, let’s extend that further into our home life.

Have you ever paused in your everyday life and wondered, “How did we even get here?” “Why does this have to be so complicated?”

Why do we make things so complicated?  We place so many “ifs” and “buts” around our lives that it becomes like an assault course of stumbling blocks, caveats and conditions and to top it all, there’s no prize for reaching the finish line!

So why continue living that life when all you crave is simplicity?  For three easy steps to untangling, de-cluttering and uncomplicating your home and finances, read on…(After all, life really is too short, isn’t it?)

  1. First off, take a good hard look at your life. Go on, really evaluate it.  What are you doing just because “That’s the way it’s always been done” or “Because it’s simpler that way” – is it, really? You know, times change and maybe a new system, a new way of doing something is just what you need.  Maybe that slight change in perspective could be a launching pad to a more streamlined you!
  2. We all know the saying, “Less is more”, right? But, how many of us practice it? Do you really need all those bank accounts?  Wouldn’t one or two be enough? Let’s face it, it’s just more work at the end of the month to reconcile them, more passwords to store, more paperwork to file…more work, more hassle.  What about the other household systems or chores?  What can you do to reduce, eliminate or delegate them?  Maybe household chores take up too much of your time or energy.  What about the ironing – a whole lot of work and as soon as it’s done, a new pile magically appears.  You know, by employing someone for a couple of hours a week, you could tick those chores straight off your list and focus on some good stuff instead.
  3. Of course, this new-found simplicity isn’t going to work unless you practice it! All. the. time. It might take a while to see the benefits but, by actually acknowledging the changes that you are bringing about, by noticing, for example, that delegating X has resulted in extra time, or how you are now able to compete tasks which previously would have required more time, more patience, more application and you still have energy at the end of it! What a change this could bring! One that impacts on so many areas of your life.

If you crave a simpler life, then go get it!  It’s within your power and your control.