The power of tiny habits: A guide to radical transformation

From intentions to triumph: Join the Wisdom Warriors’ guide to goal mastery

Hey there, beautiful souls! 

9%  That’s the percentage of folks who kick off the new year with grand plans but kinda fizzle out by the end. But hey, I’ve got good news to flip that script, ’cause you know I always bring the good vibes. We’re gonna turn that 9% into something way more awesome – together, as a tribe, as a global community.

Now, mark your calendars for February 5th, 12 to 1 Eastern. If you’re already a wisdom warrior, just hit that calendar invite and join us. And if you’re not on board yet, seriously, sign up! It’s free, and trust me, you won’t regret it.

Alright, here are three killer tips to boost your odds of being in that 9% who reach their deep desires. We’ll dive deeper on February 5th, so don’t miss it!

  1. Firstly, make it small. Like, tiny. Jim Quick’s Tiny Habits book is gold – start with something as simple as flossing one tooth a day. Small steps, big wins.
  2. Second tip – make it repeated. Hook that new habit onto something you already do, like my morning coffee routine. It’s all about making it a part of your daily rhythm.
  1. And the grand finale, tip three – it has to be important, like really important. Not just the surface-level health goals (though those are awesome), but dig deep into what truly matters to you. Your career, your impact, your legacy – that’s the game-changer.

I was reading Forbes earlier, and guess what? Most folks set health goals, which is fantastic. But here’s the kicker – 

Very few of us go all-in on their career, 

their influence, 

the things that light their soul on fire.

Let that sink in. What do you really want? Look at your calendar and your checkbook- that’s what your actions say you want.

If that is NOT what you want, you can change direction. Really. Embrace those small steps, repeat them until they’re second nature, and make sure they align with what truly sets your soul ablaze. Join me on February 5th, where we’ll dive even deeper into this transformational journey.

And hey, here’s a little secret – besides all this wisdom, community is key. Wisdom Warriors on the 5th of February is your ticket to a tribe of amazing, like-minded souls. Entrepreneurs, difference-makers – they’re all there to support, uplift, and witness your journey. I can’t wait to see you there. 

Let me know your REAL goals, and I’ll see you there! 

Stay awesome! 🌟✨