The most unexpected place to find time to do your best work

Re-inflate on a regular basis so you don’t become pancake flat

As solopreneurs, many of us have figured out when we’re most productive. For some, it’s those quiet, early morning hours. But what happens when life gets in the way, especially when caregiving demands compete for that precious morning energy?

When your most productive time is also the time you’re needed most as a caregiver, your priorities shift. And that’s okay. You do what you have to do—take care of those who cannot care for themselves. But at the end of that caregiving, you’re left drained, with a mile-long to-do list staring you in the face. What now?

Here’s what: you rest.

Rest is not just productive—it’s vital. As caregivers, we often operate at a deficit, giving our last bit of energy to others and leaving ourselves with so little. Over time, this builds up, and suddenly, it’s not just one night of poor sleep or one skipped meal. It’s a series of “not enoughs” that compound, making us more tired, more stressed, and less effective.

What you truly need is time to re-inflate. Not reshuffle. Not “balance.” You need to intentionally fill yourself back up so that you can keep going. Without that rest, you’re operating from an empty tank. So, what do you do when your most creative time is also the time you’re most needed?

Here are three ideas to help you manage:

Reduce your creative time to a shorter duration. If you can only get 15 minutes in the morning, make those 15 minutes count. Let go of the guilt and just use what you have.

Ask for help. Sometimes we think we have to do everything ourselves, but there are people around you who can step in, even if just for a short time, to take over caregiving duties.

Honor your need to rest. Defer your creative work to another time if possible. Your well-being comes first, and without rest, your creativity won’t shine like it can.

The most important thing to remember here is that YOU are in charge. You get to stop, plan, and create a new way of being. Over time, as you build in intentional pauses and self-care, you’ll find a rhythm that allows you to thrive in both roles: as a business owner and a caregiver.

So, give yourself permission to re-inflate. Rest is not just a luxury—it’s your most productive tool. And with that rhythm of rest and work, you can create a life that feels balanced, even when it’s anything but!

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p.s. “Learn more about how important it is to take a pause and how I did it here”  Listen HERE