Take Control: July 1 marks your fresh start for the month, quarter, and half-year

Relax your way into what you really want

Happy almost 4th of July! Or if you’re watching this from outside the United States, happy July.

We recently celebrated the solstice, a beautiful time for new beginnings. In fact, today I drew a card that said it’s a beautiful day for new beginnings. What are you beginning as we turn the page to the second half of the year?

Today, I received three messages from different places during my workday, all pointing towards the theme of new beginnings.

1. The Power of Meditation

The first message came from a coaching special interest group I belong to. The presenter spoke about the benefits of meditation and how it works well in coaching. I couldn’t agree more. When my clients and I shift from running around and being scattered to being more grounded and focused, we don’t shut off our thoughts but allow ourselves to be present. Practicing presence allows our brains to create new beginnings, and we deserve a new beginning.

2. Stop Running and Grasping

The second message was from an amazing client who allowed herself to slow down this past weekend. She did things for herself, like going to a movie, buying art supplies, and volunteering where she wanted to volunteer. By doing this, she felt less scattered and more in control of her life. As a result, she’s now better equipped to go after her dreams in the second half of the year.

3. Redefining Self-Identity

Lastly, I heard from a woman in a group where I coach. She described herself as the “queen of turning a dime into 11 pennies”, highlighting her money issues. She learned that she was projecting her money issues onto others. We often project our own issues onto others, thinking they come from outside when they actually come from within. She was challenged to redefine her identity. I invite you to do the same: declare today, “I am the queen or king of [your desired identity],” and future pace what you want to achieve by the end of the year.

Remember, you are limitless. Anything that comes from your heart and soul can be achieved. Go inside, find those answers, and act on them.

Announcing Limitless Days

This summer, I am offering Limitless Days. I have a few VIP spots available for one-on-one sessions, where I dedicate a limitless block of time just for you. Additionally, I am forming a group in early August for three or four sessions. 

If this resonates with you, email me at carol@unscatterme.com and say, “I want to be LIMITLESS!” 

And we will set up a conversation.

Happy 4th of July, happy Independence Day, happy second half of the year, and happy solstice. There’s a lot to celebrate, and it starts with you.

Blessings, Carol

PS: You don’t want to miss this interview…I am my raw-est and realist ever! LINK TO YERMI VIDEO