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Too much to do? 3 Habits to set you Free.

Do you ever have one of those days when you have made plans at 9 am, only to find that at 5pm very few of those original plans have been accomplished?

Do you ever feel that planning is actually a waste of time? Yet, somewhere buried in the back of your mind, you know this is not true. You read somewhere to “plan the work and work the plan”. But how is this done? Let’s look at clarity as a state of mind to achieve so that those productivity strategies start to stick.

Clarity leads to productivity. But this is not just productivity for the sake of “getting more done”.  Rather, I am referring to productivity that’s effective- that you are doing “the right” thing at any given time (not just “busy”).

Do you long for the feeling of being back in control? Do you crave feeling less harried? Try these habits for 21 days then email me back and let me know how you did.

  1. Find new and creative ways to say NO.  For example, when someone asks you to commit to something, get in the HABIT of saying, I need to check, and get back to you. Then, stop and think. If I COMMIT to that, what will it mean? Might I have to bail out at the last minute? How might I then be viewed- as reliable or something less? We all know those people who smile and nod, but somehow, they just don’t follow through. Decide to be that person who does what he or she says and says what he or she does
  2. Get outside- every day. Even if it is just for 15 minutes.  At this time of year, getting outside is easier for most people. Since the sun is rising by 5 am and not setting until about 9 pm, and it’s getting progressively warmer, the habit of “Outside” becomes easier. But we still have to establish the habit. What do you stand to gain from “going outside?”  Just breathing the fresh air is clarifying. If we walk, jog, bicycle, hike, or do any other physical activity, the clarity only increases. Decide on a time of day to get out. Then try. When you fail, just try again, and again, and again. Reflect on what you learned with each “failure”.
  3. Delete One Thing. When you feeling overwhelmed, spill out all your to-do’s on a list. After this, remove 80% of those to-do’s. Why 80%? Because, according to the Pareto Principle (the 80/20 principle), 20% of your work helps you achieve 80% of your results. However, those who are seriously overloaded may think this rule does NOT apply to them. So, as a step in the right direction, delete just one item. Quickly scan your list, and find one thing that is not absolutely critical. Delete it. If you can keep going, please do. You will find that deleting the items that do not “sing” to you will become easier with practice.

In summary, practice makes permanent. Or, at least it makes a line in the sand that you will tend to follow again and again. Routines, as boring as they may seem, will set our minds free to be our creative selves. When we treat ourselves right by saying No, or Not Now to the events, people, and tasks that don’t serve us, we open ourselves up to fully focusing on the tasks which do serve us. When we get outdoors, our psyche is awakened and different pieces of our brain are enlivened. When we delete that one thing from the list, we come closer to actually completing the list, which leads to satisfaction and motivation. That motivation leads to a sense of control.

After 21 days, you may start to feel less harried. You will likely be running in fewer directions. A sense of calm and peace, that you perhaps forgot was there at one time, will begin to return. In turn, your goals will start to become realized. This will not happen overnight, but I promise, it will happen.

Let me know what habit you try on for 21 days. I’d love to hear from you.

Get Organized More time in my day prioritize procrastination productivity in the workplace

6 Tips to get the Most Done in the Least Amount of Time

We all hear about doing “more with less” or “more with the same.” We continue to reinvent ourselves to keep up, grow, or succeed. We are told to grow, change, or die.

How do we get the most done, in the least amount of time, completing the tasks that will make the most significant difference?

$ix Tips for $uccess in 2013

  1. KNOW your passion and purpose. The most successful businesspeople are those whose vision is closely aligned with reality. What are our BIG goals? Are you VERY CLEAR about them? Here are two examples situations and what you might do about each:
    1. Do you want to increase company revenue by 30% this year? Do you have a plan to do that? How will you measure your success? Now is the time to put those metrics into place. If you cannot do this internally, seek help from SCORE or hire a private business coach or consultant – immediately.
    2. Have you been in your job for a number of years, say 10 to 15 or 20? Has more and more work been piled up on you? Do you now work 12 hours daily when you formerly completed the required tasks in 8 hours? Do you feel fortunate to “just have a job?” Are you feeling burned out? Do you- really- want a new job or a more balanced life, but you dismiss these items? Now is the time to pay attention to these feelings and take action. You have more control than you think. Shift your mindset from that of “victim” to one of “what choices do I have” and you will start to see immediate improvement. Then follow the tips that follow for even more success!
    3. 2. Plan the work, and work the plan.
      1. “Bookend” your days, weeks, months, quarters, and years. What holds the books on a shelf, straight and true? Bookends! By bookending, I am referring to checking in with yourself at the beginning and ending of each day. Allow at least 15 minutes at the beginning and then at the end of the day for this. What are my priorities today? What has come in? Do the new items that come in align with my priorities? If not, what is in my control, or out of my control? At the end of the day, review your day and think though your priorities for the following day. This simple exercise will relieve stress and increase your sense of control- and you will slowly begin to do what matters most to you. Repeat this for the beginning and end of your week, your month, your quarter, and your year. It’s addicting, and it works.
      2. 3. Map it.
        1. For many, a strict schedule is a recipe for disaster. If every minute of every day is perfectly planned, no margin for flexibility is allowed. Simply put, work life is not static. Many businesspeople resist scheduling, citing this as the reason. They are right. The answer? Time mapping. To create a time map, take out your “thick crayon”. Think in terms of “blocks of time” or “rhythm of a typical day” versus minute by minute scheduling. Think in terms of color. Color if that works better for you. If you are a creative or visual type- liking to “lay out” your work, try color.
        2. First, ask yourself “what time of day do I have the most energy?” For many people, this is the morning. Let’s assume this is the case for you. For one morning, block out, in color, time for your most important (but not “urgent”) task. This is likely a task that will take you toward your “big goal” (see tip one). Treat this colored block like you would any important client. It is, in fact, as important as your most important client.
        3. Try coloring in only one block for the first 3 weeks. Then try two blocks for the second 3 weeks. After that, you can begin thinking in “rhythm”. When someone asks you about meeting, and you know the mornings are your creative time, you can ask them if they have any afternoons available. You will begin to feel more “in control”, get more of your important tasks done, and have more energy at the end of every day.
        4. 4. Truly accept that there are really only 24 hours in every day: consciously decide how to use them. Once you accept that time itself is fixed, that is, you cannot “manage time” but can only manage yourself around your time, you realize that the choice is yours.  Are you happy with your 60 hour work week? Or, would you like to see 40 hours again? Try these suggestions:

i. Eliminate: work only on the projects that will have the largest, most powerful impact on your work. Work on those items that align most closely with your “big goals.”

ii. Delegate: Be sure that when delegating, you select the right person, be clear, confirm understanding of the task, and identify a check in date and time.

iii. Abbreviate: Did you know that multitasking actually decreases your productivity by about 20%? When you slowly bring back focus, to work on one task at a time, your productivity will skyrocket. Reducing multitasking by only 20% can yield 6 weeks of time per year.

  1. Embrace technology, but don’t ignore the basics. I love my gadgets. Really. But, gadgets alone do not help you with your productivity at work. Why? We can get so caught up in “the system” that we lose track of time, priorities, etc., and we fall right back into overwhelm. That said, some of my favorite technological gadgets follow:
    1. The i-devices: All of them. I love iphone, ipad, ipod touch, icloud, siri. They “just work” (at least most times)! Although many “to do” programs and apps are out there, and more appear daily, “reminders” on the i-devices works perfectly. Siri, the voice recognition software, will take commands to “remind you” to call a person at 2 pm, remember your item when you leave work (yes, it knows where you are when you allow this option), etc. It can act as a personal assistant of sorts.
    2. Google Calendar: The cloud-based calendar, share-able with the world and integrates with others’ google calendars.
    3. Dropbox: Cloud-based storage, particularly useful when working remotely and/or with committees. Options to make folders shared, private, public.
AD/HD Get Organized More time in my day prioritize Time strategies

What’s all this talk of New Year’s Goals? My tree is still up!

Do you suffer from “holiday hangover?”

Did this work week slap you in the face?

It’s OK….listen to this week’s podcast and de-tangle, refresh, rejuvenate! Holiday Hangover – Try Our Tips

AD/HD Get Organized More time in my day prioritize productivity in the workplace Time strategies

What? This is the last full week before Christmas?

Last week I was talking to a client and I pointed out that this week is the last full work week before Christmas. At this point, we need to pare down and prioritize. But how? Listen on- 5 to 8 minutes for peace and serenity to return. 12.13.2012 FINAL 4 HOLIDAY TIPS

AD/HD Get Organized More time in my day prioritize productivity in the workplace Time strategies

Chugging through the December Holidays

Many professionals seek my advice for “time management.” During this time of year, if we are truly managing ourselves around our “whole” life (work and, ahem, home), we integrate “the holidays.”  Trouble typically follows if and when we do NOT incorporate the holidays….the “I’ll just ignore it” strategy (F L O P).

Sue West and I have six tips for you this time. We go through them step by step, so that the overwhelming feeling you may have now is reduced to a manageable “breaking down” of this last part of the year.

So- don’t have a breakdown…start breaking it down by listening here. Feel free to Like and Share!11.28.2012 CHUG thru your holidays