Balance Goal Setting Organization Positive Thinking Wellness

Why your understanding of balance is wrong

What does life-balance mean to you?  Not necessarily the theory, but in practical terms?  Is it committing to, and maintaining that New Year’s fitness routine alongside running a house, a job, the family, or is it something more?

You see, “balance” means different things to each of us. There is no right or wrong answer, no one way of achieving it and, sometimes, we get so engrossed in the concept of balance that actually achieving it becomes a no-go. We beat ourselves up because we perceive that the scales of life are just not balancing out and this sets us on that oh-so-familiar hamster wheel of discontent.

So, firstly, let’s take a look at 4 top tips for managing a balanced lifestyle.

1. Look After You

Are you the person to whom everyone turns in a crisis?  Are you the family’s “Go-To” during their times of need? If yes, then that’s an awful lot of extra emotional “weight” being lumped on your shoulders.  I’m not suggesting that you tell everyone to go find someone else to shoulder the burden, no.  But, in order to maintain any sort of balance, we have to look after number one first.  Your body needs rest, exercise and healthy food.  Sure, all of that. But, it’s important to take time to focus on your needs and make sure you’re ticking over just fine before you focus on other people.  It’s really okay to do what it takes to protect yourself from any negative energy or emotions coming your way.  After all, how can you help others if you can’t help yourself?

2. Organization is Key

Being organized, and that includes mentally, too, allows your brain the flexibility to cope with any stress or disruption more easily.  Plan that important “time-out” and make room for the things you enjoy.  The key to life balance here is minimizing stress as far as possible.

3. Goals Work

How great does it feel when you can check something off your list as done and dusted?  It doesn’t matter which area of your life, there’s sure to be a goal you can set.  The successful attainment of a goal goes a long way to maintaining a healthy and positive mindset, improving your mood and helping that balance, too.

4. The Right Food = The Best Balance

Yep, it’s a no-brainer, yet the fence that a lot of us fall at.  Ensuring you maintain your “five-a-day” will go a long way to helping that positive mental attitude, helping brain function and, ultimately keeping you on the road to success.

So, there you have it.  Four simple steps to maintaining balance in your life.  By trying to include these four rules into your life, you will reduce stress, improve your general health, boost your energy and probably be an altogether nicer person to be around.  Isn’t that worth a re-balance?

Don’t forget to check back for my next blog, where we will be looking at some real game-changing, counter-intuitive thoughts that will change your notion of balance.


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Confidence Goal Setting Positive Thinking

How to completely change bad habits, once and for all.

In our last blog, we talked about resolutions and how they so often seem to fall by the wayside.  Often, this can be because the resolution necessitates a change in long-held habits.  While it’s not easy to break the habits of a lifetime, it can be done.  Here are three pointers to help you on your way:

  1. The brain science behind habit.

Habits are derived from constant repetition of an action or emotion into our brains. Add in the pleasure derived from that action and before long, you have an almighty craving established. If you want to break the habit, then you need to start with the pattern of behavior, the trigger to that habit. Instead of going onto “Auto-pilot” and doing what you’ve always done, adopt a more mindful approach.  Identify what triggers the behavior in the first place, plan a way to side step these and, in so doing, a way to “push-back” against that “auto-pilot” action.

2. One habit per month is more than enough.

Remember that any change takes time.  Your brain is an oh-so-marvellous thing! It will do its darnedest to resist any change, because, well, it’s just easier that way! Instead of being in a rush to change all those habits at once, concentrate on slow and steady.  One habit-change per month will give you time to focus on changes for good and allow your brain to accept that changes are coming. More importantly, it will become your “new normal!”

3. An ingrained habit becomes part of you.

Remember the saying, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over, but expecting a different result”? well, your habits are so ingrained that, often you don’t even have to think about them, they just happen.

Rather than concentrating on the break, focus on a positive change. By substituting, rather than stopping, we can make small changes that can contribute to overriding the habit and, instead, set us on a different path (one that ties in with those resolutions we made in our previous blog) Pretty soon, our new actions will become ingrained and we won’t even realize it.


In summary, if we adopt a more mindful approach to our everyday thoughts and actions, we are able to understand the triggers that underpin them. Identifying the reasons why we reach for a cigarette or maybe a glass of wine at the end of the day is critical to this process.  Remember that change takes time and any small step in the right direction is a positive move towards our goal. If we are aware of those harmful practices, the habits that keep us from being our true selves, then we are well on the way to a sense of fulfilment and honesty within our lives.  So, here’s to resolutions and the new you just waiting to emerge!

Goal Setting Positive Thinking Wellness

3 ways to make sure your resolutions are not wasted: A gift to yourself

New Year’s Resolutions, don’t you just love ‘em?  Those things we decide we “shoulda, woulda, coulda” achieved and yet only 9.2 % of those who resolve to change something about themselves or their lives will succeed and something like 80% of New Year’s Resolutions will fall by the wayside before February has waved goodbye.

As the end of the year approaches, we take stock of our lives, both personal and professional.  As discussed in my previous blog, we use the holidays to recharge our batteries and reflect on what we have achieved, but more often, those things we feel could or should be better.  We can feel disappointed with a perceived lack of progress, whether that is with our health, relationships or revenue.  We resolve that something MUST change, right?

So, how can we make resolutions that will “stick”?  Positive changes that we can maintain not just through January but forever?  Three ways to ensure your resolutions are achievable and successful, too:

  1. Make them real, be it pie or income.

That pumpkin pie was good, wasn’t it?  But , as the saying goes, “a moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips”  In an effort to atone for the many indulgences of the holiday period, so many of us resolve to lose that extra bit of weight and, to show just how committed we are to the notion, we will throw in a really expensive gym membership for good measure.  How long did that last?  One week, two?

Setting a resolution is no different to setting a business goal – you need to be SMART – make them specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timely.  It’s no good saying “I want to lose three dress sizes in a month” – that’s not going to happen in a healthy way and be impossible to maintain. Similarly, saying, “I’m going to save x thousand dollars a month” might be fine until the car needs work, or the house insurance is due, then you’re back to square one, with feelings of failure thrown in.

Yes, it’s good to aim high, but you also need to be real. Be realistic in your timeline.  Sure, you want results yesterday, but life’s not like that.  You are far more likely to stick with your resolution, instead, if you set small goals along the way and reward yourself for achieving them.

  1. Make it easy using HABITS

Habits are what we do daily, consciously or subconsciously. They can support our goal or detract from it, and it’s important to “use them for good.” Before you do this,. make sure you have the capacity to achieve your goals. Set up mid-point achievements and congratulate yourself for achieving them.  Give yourself a reason for continuing and, instead of always looking to your end goal, maybe take a look back and see how far you’ve come already!

  1. Don’t over extend yourself

As January 1st looms, the exercise of resolving to change for the better, fills us with hope, excitement, empowerment; we just can’t wait to see the “new” us.  We’re going to be fitter, healthier, more successful… and in that heady rush of excitement, it’s easy to forget about all the other demands on our time. For example, if your resolution is to run a marathon and you have never run before, then you’re going to need to put in some training.  What obstacles are in the way of that training?  Can you commit to early morning gym sessions or weekend practice runs?  If not, maybe put that resolution on the back burner until you do have the time.  Don’t set yourself up for failure before you even start, because instead of running a marathon, you’ll find yourself running headlong into diminishing self-esteem. Make sure you can expend both the time and effort to stay committed to your goal. If possible, minimize any distractions that may hijack you on the road to “new you” to give yourself the best chance of succeeding.


In our next blog, we will take a closer look at habits and how you can change them…once and for all.

Time strategies Wellness

How to achieve great results using your inner power

Change is scary. It is. No one likes to stand on the edge, assessing the major drop-off between where we are right now and what direction we are supposed to go next. However, change is good – and it is happening anyway, whether you like it or not.

Now that you’ve worked on growing your inner strength, it’s time to embrace change and use it to get outer results.

What is the one thing in your life that will make you give up everything else? No vague statements like ‘I want to do something meaningful’ or ‘I want to make a difference’. Drill down until you clarify what life (or professional) goals are really important for you – where do you want to be in 5 years’ time? Are these any loose ends you want to cut? Is there anything you’ve always dreamed of doing but never had the courage to really try?

If you don’t know where to start, maybe you can try to implement these six core actions.

  1. Define your path to get results

Make a specific, measurable, realistic, and time-bound list of everything you want to achieve, either in your personal or professional life. Keep it short, ideally 5-6 things that are the most important for you. Set small goals each day in order to achieve them. If you break things down and work towards them little by little you will not allow yourself to think “it’s too much, I can’t do it”.

  1. Protect your boundaries

Once you know what you want, you have to be strong enough to protect your boundaries, respect your priorities, and make sure you understand what compromises you may need to accept to succeed and grow.

  1. Commit yourself 110%

Commit yourself to achieve the results you want without doubt or reservation. This doesn’t mean that you should continue on your course blindly, crashing into the rocks without modifying your course.  Work hard and give everything you have, but at the same time remain flexible and avoid overly attaching to one particular vision or outcome. Don’t hide your head in the sand. Instead, work to fill the gaps in your knowledge and ability.

  1. Master powerful communication

You know the “why” behind what you are doing, so now create a captivating story. Speak about your visions and accomplishments in an engaging way that excites people to help and work alongside you without putting them off.

  1. Nurture empowered relationships

No person is an island. You can’t achieve your goals alone, so invest time and energy in building two-way beneficial relationships, solid bonds and energizing partnerships that will last over time. If you build your relationships on trust, honesty and integrity, it is more likely that you will develop an empowering, engaged community that paves the way for success.

Get Organized More time in my day prioritize Time strategies workflow systems

Kickstart 2018: Discover what is holding you back, why, and how to avoid getting stuck “again.”

First, some questions:

  • Who’s in charge, anyway? Is it you, or is it life?
  • Are you a planner, or, are you a “go with the flow” kind of person? Why?

i) If you are a planner, what do you fear might happen without a plan? Why do things have to go “your” way? “So what” if they don’t?

ii) If you “go with the flow,” what scares you about making a plan? Is your plan too rigid? Do you fear disappointing others or perhaps not having enough room to be spontaneous?

The answer is … a little of both.

I know both kinds of people. I am definitely more in the Planner box. I love plans. I probably love plans more than is healthy for me. Why am I saying that? I’m saying that because over-planning can lead to over-scheduling. Over-scheduling can lead to stress and chaos, and ultimately, burnout. Burnout is not fun!

Conversely, there is that person who lives like he is blowing in the breeze. His ship sails wherever the wind blows, and he finds comfort there. But he looks back, and wonders what happened to his life. He’s not sure what is next, or even how to decide. He fears that he might make the wrong decision, so few decisions are made. His whole life, his desk, his home, his basement, etc., has too much stuff and is cluttered; representing such indecision.

Or maybe, you are somewhere in the middle. You decide something, go along the path for a bit, typically “full boar,” then get bored, when you then pick something new and exciting. Until, that is, this new thing gets old and then gets left behind for the next new thing. This cycle typically leads to a lot of investment with little return, and ultimately, frustration and burnout.

No matter which description fits best, we can all benefit from a little planning along with a healthy dose of accepting what life throws our way.

Let’s Kickstart 2018! I’ve developed some steps as food for thought on our Dec. 11, 2017 Lunchtime Love call.

Step One: Imagine it is December 2018. Write a letter to yourself about what you have accomplished. What fears have you overcome? What have you addressed that you have been putting off? How are you feeling and why?

  • Tip: Don’t overdo this exercise. Sometimes we tend to over-inflate what is possible and come up really short. This “overshooting” can be damaging to the psyche and is cause for the planning to cease. So, reach for the stars, with your feet firmly planted on the ground.

Step Two: What is the most important thing, the thing that will provide the most impact, is the easiest to do, will not cost a lot of time or money, that you can do in the next week or so to move toward your December 2018 goal? That’s right, I am asking you to start NOW. Right now, in November/December 2107. You do NOT need to “wait” until January to lay the groundwork for your 2018 year-end success.

  • Tip: This can be really simple. For example, if you want to keep better track of your finances, and your desk is a pile of unopened mail, just take 15 minutes and sort the mail. You do not need to get it super tidy. Just put it into broad categories and piles. It’s a step. Steps provide momentum and momentum builds on itself.

Progress follows …

AD/HD file systems Get Organized More time in my day prioritize procrastination Productivity productivity in the workplace project systems Time strategies

An Easy Way to be your Best Self

Most people I run into say they’d like to be more productive. So, I offer a magic pill for $9.95. I’m kidding, of course.

…Do you ever beat yourself up for not being perfectly productive 100% of the time?

The first step (really) in the ABCs of Productivity is to Accept your reality. This means you must accept yourself. To accept yourself, you must understand yourself. Here’s a snippet entitled “Understand Thyself” from a recent workshop: CLICK HERE

Once you do two things, (1) accept yourself and (2) understand yourself, the stage is set. You are getting closer to being “100% productive.”

In this article, we’ll review the four steps to take you through this self-discovery process. By taking the time to complete this process, you’ll be rewarded with a renewed self-understanding, setting the stage for personal and professional growth and productivity. For you readers who are ready to start achieving, please Contact Me and set up a complimentary Discovery call to eliminate those productivity gremlins for good.

Ready? Let’s get started right now with step one, which is a 4-part question:

Step One: Ask yourself, when are you at your best? (note: This is something most of us never consider. Yet, when considered and followed, a BIG DIFFERENCE can be seen.)

– What time of day do you have the most energy?
– How much rest and/or sleep would you have had?
– What foods would you have eaten (or avoided)?
– What would your family relationships look like?
This may seem simple, and not really related to productivity or achieving more. You may have been looking for that magic pill. It may surprise you to learn that while STRATEGIES are important, knowing where you are at a baseline is critical.

Step two: How are my current work systems doing? What is working great, and what could use some upgrading? Systems to consider: calendar, correspondence, task management, file management, priority management, long range planning.

Step Three: Dare to detail your TRUE desires (know thyself)! With this exercise, you have permission to think big, be brave, and be bold. If you don’t stretch you may never grow. So go ahead and ask yourself…if I am REALLY TRUE to myself….
– What does my work look like?
– What is my life like?
– What qualities do my clients have?
– How do I feel?

Step Four: What do you think might be preventing you from achieving the desires you just outlined above?

Bonus Step: Do something- anything- no matter how small- today. What one tiny step can you take to achieve your true desire? For example, if you think you might want to someday get your Master’s at the local college can you spend 15 minutes at lunch perusing the fall offerings?

I hope this article helps you understand yourself.

To get the most benefit, and fill it in yourself. Refer to it daily, just for 5 minutes. Remember, what you do every day shapes our future. Success, then, is a habit. Remember, your coach and accountability person are just a call or email away!