Something I never thought I’d do:  Learning from a horsefly

Shocking horsefly lessons: Structure, order, and planning!

Have you ever considered the signs around you to help inform what you might want to do in the future? I never did. I thought that was a bunch of hooey. But a friend of mine, who I’ve known for 15 years, introduced me to the idea of animal totems.

For a long time, I was resistant. Slowly, I learned that everything is connected. When you want to be more productive in your business, in your life, when you want to align yourself with your money, your abundance, your ability to stay organized, to have that mission, to live out that mission in the world, keep reading.

I am delving deeper into my spiritual side, and as I do, I get all the wiser. Today, after I sat in quiet reflection and pulled a card, I almost put it back. The card was about how animals help us. I live with animals, and they tell us things. Initially, I thought I needed a new card until I decided to see what happens.

I’m not a big animal person, so I picked the Horsefly because they’re out now—it’s June. They find their way into my hair and annoy me. But amazing things happened when I read about the Horsefly, and it relates to the kinds of things I teach, which is exactly the message I wanted to share and exactly the message that I needed.

The Horsefly is all about resilience. It’s about staying vigilant and carrying on, going for what it wants. There are various interpretations worldwide—Chinese, Native American, and an African interpretation, which I like. The African tribal horsefly symbols and meanings within African folklore symbolize the need for structure, order, and planning in life.

Isn’t that how you know me? I think so. The Horsefly’s regimented routine of feeding on blood reminds us to find ritual and routine. Preparation brings future success. I’m a big preparer. For example, tonight I’m going to a concert. I began thinking about what I need to pack, what to get on the way for food, etc., ahead of time in the morning. That’s part of my routine.

The Horsefly plans ahead to survive challenging seasons. We must likewise lay the foundation to actualize our dreams. As your Green Goddess dream coach I’m here to actualize your dreams with you. The first thing is to have that routine in the morning. The second is to plan a little bit every day, every week, and every month. We’ll be doing more of that together this fall in the next cohort.

Investing in the future often requires sacrificing present comforts and desires. Now, I gotta tell you, I am not into that. I don’t like to sacrifice my comforts one little bit. The Horsefly delays gratification for sustenance. We must work diligently now to reap later rewards. I can tend to go without for a long time and then feel undeserving. However, it’s smart to say, “If I want to go on that trip, I need to put aside money every week or month,” which means choosing not to go out to eat now for that future goal.

In African tribal mythology, the Horsefly exemplifies the wisdom of living an ordered, purposeful life aligned to higher goals. I never would’ve thought of that from a Horsefly.

So, happy solstice & happy summer! I cannot wait to serve you this summer.

I have one spot available at the end of July for a mid-year review. If you haven’t taken advantage of it, now is a great time. Email me at and we will set it up!

Enjoy your summer, take time off, be who you are, but don’t forget to think ahead. Plan a few things so that your future aligns with your vision.

May all your lights shine in the darkness. Plan like the annoying Horsefly, but please, don’t be annoying. Get that beautiful message. I cannot wait to serve you. Don’t forget to contact me to make time this summer to check in with yourself and me, so you get set up for the fall and the rest of the year. And I promise, I won’t bite. Haha!