What are you committed to?
We are in love with our roadblocks, even when we say we are not. The truth about commitment: We love to talk about how we want to lose weight. We love to talk about ‘someday’. “I would like to get around to it, but not right now” or “I’m really busy doing …..” Finally, you may say, “That’s it. I’m going to do this thing. I really want my next one hundred days/the end of the year to look different. I really do. I cannot stand tolerating this negative cash
Why it’s so hard to say no, stay motivated, and get it done
And what to do about it…in these challenging times. Welcome to lesson two out of three of ‘Managing your time as a distracted entrepreneur’. The first lesson helps you take your big idea, dream, or goal and utilize the productivity success cake (a whole e-book!) framework to achieve it. You have seen this lesson. NOW, the second lesson we’re going to talk about diving deeper into what’s behind the Cake Process. NEXT, lesson three is the live lesson on Tuesday September 5th 11am to 1pm EST, and you’re going to
What to do when time blocking does not work
Quick solutions to daunting issues Today I am going to talk about time blocking, but not in the way that you might think I will be talking about it. Instead, I’m talking about it in terms of when you time block a task and yet time after time it doesn’t get done, and what to do instead. There are many possible reasons for this. However, today we are zeroing in on the Environment Layer of the Productivity Success Cake. Here is the link for you to download the Productivity Success
What’s your biggest challenge as an entrepreneur?
Time Management – Sleep “What’s your biggest challenge as an entrepreneur?” This question was asked recently in one of my groups. I was looking at the responses, and what I was noticing was there was a very large percentage of answers having to do with time management, focus, consistency, and believing in ourselves. Some of the responses were…. For this article, I am focusing on time management: sleep because several people brought up SLEEP in their responses. In this series, time management for the distracted entrepreneur, this week we are
How badly do you want to prioritize it all?
What do to when you feel squirrely You know you love a lot of things. You know you have a hard time deciding what to do…how do you prioritize it all? Great news! For the next 4 weeks, starting now, I’m doing a series. It’s Time Management for the Distracted Entrepreneur. Recently, I polled my community (people just like YOU! Maybe YOU, actually!) Here is what you said. You want more Income. You want consistent routines. They want to be able to block your time in such a way that
This is the first thing you should do when you feel inbox overwhelm
How to slow down the continuous demands Today’s problem: the tyranny of the inbox. So many people say their inbox is driving them crazy, how they have too many emails, and that the demands are always coming at them. They are at the mercy of that inbox. Well, I have news for you. You may not like this. Ready? It’s probably NOT your inbox. To address JUST the inbox, there’s lots of programs where you can go to inbox zero and you can have this system and that system and
The Acting Deliberately Checklist! Actions to take NOW to Generate Results FAST!
Want time for FUN without guilt? Read this. Before I get started on today’s topic, please help me help you with a 3 minute, 2 question survey about managing your time as a distracted entrepreneur HERE please and thank you. And now, onto our topic: What is a deliberate checklist? It’s an effective way for you to take actions now to generate the results you desire quickly…without as much effort. Where did this topic come from? Well, I was speaking to a client this week who said to me,“I would
Why having fun is not bad for you
The counterintuitive way to get more done Happy summertime! It’s interesting – FUN has been coming up a lot lately. I received an email from somebody asking, ‘Should business be fun?’ This company takes six figure people and brings them into the seven figure realm…and they were asking the FUN question. There are loads of reasons why fun is so poorly considered, and they generally come from our upbringing. You might hear, in your head: “You must work hard and it must be difficult.” “You must sit for that
Why time management in the summer is not bad for you
Be true to yourself: juggle yet enjoy After a week off on a beautiful full-on summer vacation, I am ready to talk to you today about why time management in the summer is not bad for you. You may be feeling as I feel sometimes – an overwhelm regarding summer. Why is this? Well, summer can produce a lot of new emotions that result in what I’ll call ‘squishy time’. Time where you want to allow a lot of time to relax, a lot of time to do projects, a
Counterintuitive thoughts that will change overthinking and dancing with overwhelm
Let’s get back to Whelm! It’s summer of 2023 and…we’re back! There’s essentially no (that I can see) leftover pandemic-shut-down things that affect us. Hooray! We have a lot of pent up desire to do a lot of things, and especially to have a lot of fun. I want that for you: to have a lot of fun! I want you to enjoy your summer, enjoy your life, and to do the things that really matter to you – and to be the person that you really want to be.