3 Ways To Make Sure Your Energy Is Not Wasted
In the last blog, we looked at ways to control our energy levels and how to discover what in our life affects them on a day to day basis. But, what about those times when our levels are at a high? How can we keep from wasting those precious feelings? 3 ways to keep your energy at the max: Be selective. Good intentions are one thing, but if you spread that energy too thin, there will only be one loser. We all know someone, who, when we come
Counterintuitive Thoughts That Will Change Your Energy Level
There’s no getting away from it, modern life is busy. Fact. We run around, barely registering the days of the week, the weeks of the month, endlessly trying to check off everything on our to-do list. Our smartphone constantly reminds us of those dates we must keep; the kids’ end of term play, that medical appointment, updates from family and friends, and our inbox? Chock-full of information, invitations, expectations… Busy, busy, busy, right? But, what happens to our energy levels? How do we keep those at 100%, allowing us to
This is the first thing to do when you feel invisible.
This is the first thing to do when you feel invisible. In the last blog, we discussed 5 ways you may be self sabotaging yourself and how to “get out there” and what happens when you don’t. Maybe you are still feeling invisible, and not sure how to be noticed, and afraid of what might happen if you are noticed. Go ahead. Be the person you are afraid to be. That’s the first thing to do. Ready? Becoming our true selves creates mutual respect, admiration and honesty within our lives.
Do you back away from the limelight?
Do you back away from the limelight? 5 ways this is hurting you, and what you can do about it. You don’t need to be a celebrity to have a fear of being visible. I work with many entrepreneurs. Oddly enough, so many of them fear “getting out there.” Life challenges us and asks us to step up on a daily basis. As an entrepreneur, when we hide, our profits die. So, what’s the hiding about? And how can we jump over this hurdle, into the land of profits and
The sublime art of slowing down
Last week we discussed the benefits of a summer vacation. But what about when you don’t want to work AT ALL in summer? What about when you have children and you are trying to also run a company? Scroll to the bottom to address this tricky issue. First, let’s address the real benefits of slowing down. Why does this work so well when we are addressing productivity? Slowing down gives space to our subconscious, letting our intuition come to conclusions in a less logical way. Letting our creativity flow is
Be strategic this summer, but not in the way you might be thinking
Summer. Beach and a book. Or is it? I live in the Northeast. It’s “bad sledding” time right about now (you think I am kidding? Seriously, we had snow a lot in April….) This article focuses on Strategic Summer. What’s that? Well, here’s what I find. When we are working and it’s 80 degrees and gorgeous out, we want to be outside. We are dreaming about vacations. We are NOT being productive. Counter this with being on vacation, phone and laptop in tow. Are we really on vacation? Ummm, nope.
It’s a kind of magic – How to free yourself from the time trap and make time expand
Oh, if only we had a Time Magic Wand. Wouldn’t it be nice to call our personal Fairy Godmother (or father) every time we can’t accomplish something on time? In my previous post, I wrote about the chronic lack of time we all seem to complain about. I invited you to shift the perspective from time in terms of quantity – HOW MUCH more time we need – to time in terms of quality – what we can actually DO in the time we already HAVE. In this fast-pacing world,
The Time Trap – why are we all captured in the idea of not having enough time?
“Tick, tock, tick tock, merrily sings the clock” … says an old nursery rhyme about time. Time – oh, such a popular topic of conversation. We are all so much concerned about time, or the lack of it… Together with money, time seems to be what we all complain to never have enough of. Do any of these sound familiar? “There is never enough time in my day.” “At the end of my day there are more to-do’s on my list than I started with” “I wish I had time
How to achieve great results using your inner power
Change is scary. It is. No one likes to stand on the edge, assessing the major drop-off between where we are right now and what direction we are supposed to go next. However, change is good – and it is happening anyway, whether you like it or not. Now that you’ve worked on growing your inner strength, it’s time to embrace change and use it to get outer results. What is the one thing in your life that will make you give up everything else? No vague statements like ‘I
Yes, we can! 5 ways to grow our inner strength.
Many people concentrate most of their time on their outer growth. They work hard to be recognized for their achievements. They progress in their career and reach a status thinking that they will finally feel fulfilled and achieve a sense of accomplishment. Sometimes they call this happiness. The problem is that life is full of issues – stress, losses, vulnerabilities, pain. Some are out there in the world, such as financial concerns, relationship problems, losing a job. Others are physical like injuries or illnesses. And some others reside in our