Blog Archives

New MINDset, New Results

In our last blog, we looked at the self-limiting beliefs that might be holding you back.  Now, we’re going to take a closer look at how a new mindset can give you the results you deserve! 1. Why the HOW is actually a small part of the Success Formula Recently, I ran into an issue with a client. She was “doing all the right things.” So, why was she not getting results? As it turns out, she had not really embodied the success she said that she wanted. She was

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Hidden fear of success: How to completely change “fear of success” once and for all, even if you don’t think you fear it

Does it ever feel like everyone else is achieving success, while you …? Well, you’ve heard the expression, “Always the bridesmaid, never the bride…”, right? You try and try but you just never quite seem to reach your goal.  Why is that? What could be holding you back? Sometimes the fear of success is a ninja assassin of your hopes and dreams – it creeps up on you, without you even realizing it’s there. It ruthlessly introduces its three secret weapons; anxiety, limiting beliefs and the unconscious mind…and just waits

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Streamlining tasks more effectively: Are you working way too hard?

In our last blog, we looked at how easy it is to streamline your way to more fulfilling life. However, don’t make the mistake of spending so much time seemingly streamlining your life, when what you’re actually doing is wasting more time… The secret to streamlining tasks can be easier than you think. Here’s how: Step by Step. Those jobs you hate and that you regard as chores are likely the ones that suck the time (and joy) out of your day.  Instead of procrastinating and leaving them to another

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Why Task Management is not bad for you

Imagine a day where every single aspect is planned. Every task mapped out to the second.  Every moment maxed out, and spontaneity? Well, that’s just a dirty word! Of course, a life like this would be no life at all.  Isn’t it the off-the-cuff, reactionary moments that make life so pleasurable? But, how about a life where there was more time for spontaneity, for enjoyable and unplanned activities? The key to these is in making space for them and the solution to that lies in streamlining those areas of your

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3 Steps to Clear the Clutter

In our last blog, we looked at how to set about making the switch from chaotic to de-cluttered and in this second blog, we’re going to take those ideas one step further. We are all products of our environment. The first point to understand is that the environments we create for ourselves reflect our physical, mental, as well as emotional selves.  As our lives become more muddled, so we become less energetic and less efficient.  Have you ever felt like you should clean the house/tidy the back yard or attack

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From Scattered To Serene – How to change the habits of a lifetime

Some people are chronically disorganized.  For them, life pretty much resembles the college dorm of years gone, except now, instead of laundry littering the floor, dirty plates and study books, it’s their kids’ “stuff”, work papers and, oh wait…the laundry is still there. Please know that “neat” does NOT equal “organized.” But there is definitely some cross-over. There comes a time when disorganization will catch up with you. In business, that late payment because you lost the payment slip could have disastrous effects.  That missed meeting could have been a

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How to say NO clearly and comfortably

In our last blog post, we talked about the reasons why you should say NO sometimes and how that little word can help you gain clarity in your own goals. In this post, we’re going to look at key ways that you can say no and mean no, but do it kindly, too. 1. No excuses. It’s often the prevarication around the word NO that causes all the problems.  Because we feel uncomfortable in refusing a request, we often feel we need to provide excuses or beat around the bush,

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3 ways to make sure your “No” is not hurting you

Picture the scenario: You’re at the office water cooler, when a colleague breezes by and adopts that puppy-dog expression, which signals they want something.  As it turns out, “something” has come up and they can no longer do the presentation at the department meeting on Friday.  Would you mind taking over? You have no background on the task.  You are snowed under with your own work and yet, instead of refusing, you hear a voice say “Sure! Happy to help”… Sound familiar? It’s happened to us all.  That conviction that

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Counter-intuitive thoughts that will change your notion of balance

In our last blog, we looked at 4 simple ways to improve your life-balance, that were easily incorporated into reallife. We learned that there isn’t a one size fits all definition of life balance and now, we’re going to delve deeper into your individual notion of balance. 1. What Balance Really Means What does balance mean to you?  If you defined this for yourself, then asked anyone else the same question, there might be areas of commonality, but the answers would generally be very different, reflecting your different ages, life-stages

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Why your understanding of balance is wrong

What does life-balance mean to you?  Not necessarily the theory, but in practical terms?  Is it committing to, and maintaining that New Year’s fitness routine alongside running a house, a job, the family, or is it something more? You see, “balance” means different things to each of us. There is no right or wrong answer, no one way of achieving it and, sometimes, we get so engrossed in the concept of balance that actually achieving it becomes a no-go. We beat ourselves up because we perceive that the scales of

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