What to do if you can’t force yourself to do a task without seeing the “bigger picture” completely
How many times have you caught yourself saying “I can’t do “this” task right now, without knowing how it fits into the bigger picture” or “I just need a plan”? Procrastination seems justified at that moment. Why would you wish to “waste” time if “It does not matter?” Ask yourself this: Is this really the need for the circumstances to be perfect; for all the pieces of the jigsaw to be in place, before we can move on and complete the task? Or, is it something else…is there a tool
Morning Success = Lasting Success
It’s amazing to think that one small tweak in your routine can change the outlook of your day. We’ve all heard that if we “wake up earlier, we’ll be more productive” and that can be true. There’s something relieving in starting your day before everyone else and amazing how much more you can achieve in those rare, precious minutes of quiet before the household stirs. But, setting the alarm thirty minutes earlier is only the beginning of the story. If you’re going to sacrifice thirty minutes of precious rest time,
Why it can be difficult to sleep with AD/HD and what to do about it
In our last blog, we looked at 3 ways in which you could be compromising your sleep and simple steps to get back onto the path of restful sleep. In this blog, we are focusing on why sleep can be especially difficult with AD/HD and what you can do about it. When you have a mind like a Ferrari with bicycle brakes, the “normal” advice may or may not work for you. I think that all “AD/HD tips” can be used for “anyone” but the reverse is not always true.
3 things to do to stop compromising your sleep
What does a good night’s sleep look like to you? Is it seven or eight hours, maybe more? But a “good sleep” is about much more than the hours of shut eye you achieve on a nightly basis. It also means the right kind of sleep. Sleep affects our ability to function; our ability to use language, sustain attention, our comprehension of written and spoken word, so if we lose out on that secret sauce, then it stands to reason that we may compromise our performance, our mood and our
What to give up if you wish to be perfect.
In the last blog, we delved into various negative aspects of perfectionism, looking at how needing to be perfect at everything could impact life and lead to burnout. I invited you to look at what is really happening versus what you are imagining should happen. When you do that, it’s really powerful. In this blog, we will focus on how to live with the “flaws” that we all have and how those “flaws” can actually be a blessing in disguise. We’ll also go through an exercise to release some aspects
How to recognize if you are a perfectionist even if you believe you are “just doing a good job.”
On the way to creating the life you want and the business you would love when you have AD/HD is this little roadblock called “perfectionism.” How’s that working for you? Have you ever considered that the world which exists inside your head is a perfect world? A world where the Midas effect is a real thing, because everything you touch turns to sparkly success? How amazing that world is. Except, it’s not reality. Here’s what can happen. You don’t meet your lofty standards. Over and over. Your self-talk goes pretty
How to minimize, overcome and even capitalize on interruptions
In our last blog, we turned the idea of interruptions on its head. In this blog, we’ll look at ways in which you can learn to manage interruptions and how to maximize your time, which is what you have come to expect in reading this. Hands down, the most common interruption is our phone. Not phone calls. That was so 1995. Who calls anymore, anyhow? It’s texts, notifications, banners. Yup. And when the phone is not interrupting us, we are interrupting ourselves. “Compulsive use of mobile phones and computers is
Interruptions: Why your understanding of interruptions is wrong
So many people think of interruptions as a bad thing. And, they mostly are. They tear away your ability to be productive. But, what if you capitalized on them instead? There’s lots to say about how Not To Be Interrupted. And mostly, it’s good advice. Heck, I give it. AND have you ever thought about how interruptions are the spice in the bland chicken? When we release our stranglehold on trying to control everything, life gets easier. When life gets easier, we think more clearly. When we think more clearly,
When “just do it” doesn’t get it done
In our last blog post, we looked at how procrastination can be a positive thing, or at least turned to the positive. But, how about when your procrastination goes deeper? What then? The reptilian brain At the root of why procrastination happens, lies the oldest part of our brain, the reptilian or lizard brain. This is the part of our brain that controls the “fight or flight” tendency and procrastination is the flight response to the stress caused by the task. Once this occurs, your brain will come up with
Procrastination: The Anti-Procrastination Checklist! Actions to take NOW to Get Things Done, FAST!
We all, at some point in our lives, procrastinate over something. That telephone call we’ve been dreading making, the “difficult” conversation with our boss, maybe that “talk” with our teen kids… we really wouldn’t be human if we didn’t try to avoid anything which we find a bit uncomfortable. We hear a lot about the negative connotations of procrastination, but have you considered the positive side, too? (hint…is it procrastination, or percolation?) I am known as the GOgirl…and as a Productivity Coach….well, I “do” well. I am learning an important