The Most Unexpected Place to find the End of Status Quo
I’m a big fan of January and the renewed energy, focus, and motivation that seems to accompany it. People often prefer to start new ventures at the beginning of a week, or month, so it makes sense that people LOVE to focus on their goals and start as they mean to go on when January comes around. New year, new me, right? How’s it going now? So now that January is more than ½ way through, I want to know – how’s it all going for you? Have you maintained
YES – I want to Simplify my Life in 2021- I cannot allow the Swirl of the World to define me
After Mastering Your Mindset (see last blog), the next step is…to take a step! When my clients start to Streamline and Vision, their minds go big and grandiose really quickly. It’s either that, or we are barely getting off the starting line. And there’s a lot of middle ground to cover. To create the right steps for you, start here. Define the end result. (Hint, go big, then consider “what can I change in 90 days?) You want the “end result” to be a stretch, yet manageable). After you have
Are you working way too hard? The secret to Simplifying your Life in 2021 is easier than you think.
You try hard. You follow the steps. Sort of. Mostly, you procrastinate. If only you could do it, like everyone else. You know how. So, what’s wrong with you? As it turns out, there is quite likely nothing “wrong” with you. What could be hurting you, however, is your “mindset.” What do I mean? You might believe that you just need to work harder and you will get ahead. You might believe that you are in charge of your aging parent(s) and this means you cannot succeed in your own
Why structuring your days and weeks is NOT bad for you
If you resist structure because you want to remain ‘more open’ and flexible, you’re not alone. Resistance takes energy. You only have so much energy. So the first thing to do is change your language. It’s not STRUCTURE or a SCHEDULE or DISCIPLINE (YUCK!!!) It’s Routine. Routine will set you free. As an entrepreneur, you love flexibility. It’s likely that this is a big reason why you chose this life to start with, yes? To have freedom and flexibility. Want a day off? Take it. No “boss” to ask. Want
How to develop a rhythm and still allow for the unexpected
In my first blog this month we looked at routine and structure and how incorporating the two into your life gives you much more freedom. And this is true, but as with many things, it’s often easier said than done. Creating new habits and getting them to stick can be hard and requires “discipline.” Now, I am not a big fan of this word, Discipline. However, many like it. For example, my son has a note on his mirror “Discipline or Regret.” Wow. So I think it works for some,
Do you really need Time Management? It’s a farse.
“I know what I need to do; I Just Need More Discipline” Right? NO. Raise your hand if you love discipline (crickets). Nobody likes discipline. OK maybe control-hungry, authoritarian micromanagers. Otherwise, what do we want? We want to feel like we matter. Our opinions matter. Our work matters. We are valued. So do stuff that matters. How is it that, even then, it’s not so easy? Great question. The Time Dilemma- here’s what’s really happnin’: THE FARSE REVEALED We often think we can achieve more in one day than is
3 Critical Questions every entrepreneur with AD/HD must ask themselves on a regular basis for continued success…
We all want success, of course we do, it’s natural to want to create this for ourselves and those around us. But how do we keep on track? How do we make sure the path ahead is clear and we continue to make progress on our journey? Everyone will have their own unique method to stay on course but there are some questions you will need to ask yourself frequently, in order to stay on track. So, here they are. The 3 Critical Questions you need to frequently ask yourself:
How to start when you don’t know where to start
In my last blog we talked about how to stop worrying and start doing – and we covered some techniques to remove the paralysis caused by overwhelm and fear, an aspect that is all too real for some of us. In this blog, we’re going to break it down a bit further because sometimes, we just don’t know where to begin. Often, getting started is the hardest part. Once we have a clear idea of what we need to do and how we’re going to do it, we can begin
How to stop worrying and start doing
For those of us who struggle with procrastination, learning how to stop worrying, and start doing seems like the holy grail. Most of us have busy lives, whether that’s running a business or running a home – or often both! There are usually things that we naturally tackle, like getting the kids ready for school for example, or checking our emails, but sometimes the other tasks we know we have to do just pile up and become like a mountain we must climb. When you have so much to do
3 ways to create focus (part 2)
In part 1 of this blog we delved into some of the reasons you may be struggling to focus right now and looked at the 100 day sprint technique as a solution and overall fast-track to achievement. Now, we’re going to take a look at some other ways to create more focus and how to identify the tasks that will have the biggest impact on your productivity, and therefore outcomes. I’m also going to share some great tips to combat boredom and overwhelm. Using the 80/20 rule to identify