Blog Archives

This is the first thing you should do when you feel stupid

When things don’t go as planned, we can resist the very thing that may be the most helpful. A debrief, otherwise known as hindsight analysis can be absolute GOLD in the Failure Process. However, more often than not, people resist this routine. Fear of feeling stupid can lurk behind this omission. The key to combatting guilt is to understand that it’s not possible to control everything around us. Often, things will happen that can leave us feeling “stupid”, guilty or with a sense of shame hanging over us but what

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Are we ever really done? 3 secrets of high achievers

We all have goals in life, both big and small, but how many of us set and consciously work on achieving those goals? We admire those who set goals for themselves and meet them, not only do they do it once, they tend to do it over and over again! This could be YOU, if that’s something you really want and you’re willing to work at it. No one said it would be easy, but they didn’t say it was impossible either. What is it that you really want? What

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Are we Ever Really DONE? How to maintain a “continuous improvement” mentality when you feel you have already worked hard

Working hard is needed; some days are better than others, though. As an entrepreneur, we have HIGHS some days and LOWS other days. Sometimes we get into a RUT. Question: How do all “those” people make it look so easy? Answer: Hard work, consistency, and self-care. Hard work: Don’t be afraid of hard work. A “lucky break” happens when you are prepared (AKA work really hard at being ready) and opportunity knocks. Consistency: I just spoke with an entrepreneur who is also a mom of small kids. She has a

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3 ways to make sure your focus is not wasted

In a life where we are constantly trying to focus on a hundred and one things at a time, finding time to actually focus on one thing can be nearly impossible. So how do you make sure you don’t waste time and stay focused when you need it most? How can you regain time, become more productive and feel happier with the outcome and achievements of each day? Create mental space for you to focus by eliminating distractors. Most certainly you will need to work on some sort of technological

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5 weird but effective tricks for finding “balance” in your life

We talk about the work-life balance. So, why is it so hard to come by? How do we get to a point where we feel we are working to live and not living to work? You can read every post out there about optimizing your time, creating a life full of variety, and living life to its true potential but still find yourself in a place where you haven’t found balance, it’s frustrating right? So, what can you do? Reorganize your schedule with YOU as the priority! After a lifetime

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“I’ll do that when things slow down” – a great way to trick yourself into believing you are not in charge.

There just isn’t enough time in the day to get everything done, to finish your to-do list, to reply to all those emails and sort all the admin for the week ahead. Wait, what? Right. The key here is “everything.” Sure, you can become More Efficient. We will actually dive into that momentarily. In the meantime, just know this. EVERYTHING will NOT get done. Alleluia. Once your mind is at ease, knowing that you now have to CHOOSE, your blood pressure drops. You are the Architect of your time, your

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TIME: The Real Truth behind making MORE of it

You want to make it big. You want to make more. You want to be more, to do more but what does that actually mean? What is the truth behind making MORE of it? Whether it’s your business, a project, or some super fun idea…this is for you. Here’s the scenario. You have a big dream or vision. Hopefully you have done a little research so that you can see if it has potential to take off (if not, go do this…like…NOW.) But you’ve got so caught up in the

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How your mindset has you stuck in clutter and what to do about it

Secrets to get past the clean and declutter overwhelm We’re all home. Even those in offices….they may or may not be “really” going back…people are quitting their jobs left and right if they cannot have the flexibility they now know they need and want. Cool. Who wants to go to an office? Well one nice thing about leaving (the house) is that when you return you see things differently. You SEE the clutter. Being home, trying to do (does this sound familiar?) WAY too many meals and dishes is

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Uncover the secret to true, decluttered happiness

Our open space leads to an open and clear mind. It seems obvious that productivity and organization can go hand in hand, but when life is feeling like a never-ending rollercoaster, how do you get organized and declutter your mind to make each day as productive as possible? The Brain Dump – the first step to decluttering your mind and your life is by dumping everything that is on your mind, onto a piece of paper, a white board, onto notes on your phone – whatever system works for you.

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What about when your spouse/partner is not supportive of The New and Improved you?

You’ve made a plan in your head, you’re clear on how you are going to move forwards, your milestones and your goals. Who better to share these ideas and plans with than your partner or spouse? The person who is closest to you, right? Only to discover that they are not supportive of the new and improved you. Ouch! A real sting for the system, that sinking feeling deep in the pit of your stomach. So, what now? Figure out what is really going on. Your first and most instinctive

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