Slightly unusual strategies to get the most done in the least time
Picture this, it’s Monday morning, you’re looking at your to-do list and it’s as long as the river Nile itself. You need to get it all done and you KNOW that as the world starts to wake up, there’s only going to be things added to your never-ending lists. You drop your head in your hands in desperation. Carol….what do I do? I’m glad you asked. Here are some tips to take back your day and your life. Throw out your list. Right. Throw it away and feel into that
Learn to easily remedy a trait that is not serving you
Do you have a trait or traits that aren’t serving you? How can this be remedied? We all have them, there’s no doubt but what can you do to remedy this? Is it a simple fix or is a new habit needed to wipe out the existing trait? A trait is a characteristic that influences how we think, feel and act. It’s part of who we are. It gives us personality but what should you do when this trait is stopping you from reaching your goals, getting you stuck in
Why being a “diamond covered in dirt” is not bad for you
As humans, we have grown to be very harsh on ourselves caused by high expectations as to what we are meant to be achieving or thriving towards. It’s easy to get “lost” in the crowds, to be a diamond covered in dirt but what if this wasn’t as bad for us as we think? Are the days of “fitting in” over? Well, let’s look at a few strengths of being neurodiverse. When identifying as neurodivergent, you think differently to the rest of those around you. Let’s face it, it hasn’t
Practice “yes” or “no”. Oddly, more people are happy in the end
Saying NO is often not so easy. Engrained deep down somewhere is the fear of rejection, the fear of someone else saying no to us. Somehow, with the busy lives we lead, many times we find ourselves saying yes, when really we should be saying no. We overstretch ourselves, tire ourselves, burn ourselves out and this could all be remediated by simply saying no. Discernment is critical. So why do we feel so uncomfortable about saying the two-letter word? Saying “no” may feel “aggressive” but it doesn’t necessarily make you
How your mindset has you stuck in other people’s expectations and what to do about it
Learn the number one way to de-stuckify yourself from the chain of expectation. Living up to other people’s expectation begins in the very early stages of our development. From the moment we are born, our parents or carers establish rules on how we should behave, the schooling system implements educational standards and as we grow older and get our first job, expectations are put on us by our employers. And just like that, we can find ourselves always trying to live up to the expectation of others. But when it
3 ways to make sure your New Years’ planning efforts are not wasted
‘‘Failures are finger posts on the road to achievement’ -C.S. Lewis So many are afraid to fail. Fear, conscious or (most likely) subconscious, sits at the root of almost all progress forward or upward. Our biology, both mind and body, wants to keep us safe. So, we play it safe. And safe is the worst possible mind to be in when you’re planning for Good Things To Happen in the New Year. For now….let’s talk about “failures” – head on. The old…“why should I bother? Look at the last
The path to a successful and unscattered 2022 is easier than you think
New Year, New You! It’s a fun thought. And…what if the CURRENT you, the “warrior” (Wisdom Warrior, perhaps?!) who has “fought” through these last twenty months and come out the other side, is more than able to make 2022 better and brighter than the ones before….it without the pressure of that dreaded ‘mental makeover’ some people talk about? Let’s give this a shot in 3 easy steps! 1. Pause. Breathe. Reflect: one of the biggest mistakes we tend to make when looking to the future is forgetting to really acknowledge
How to have a better and more productive year
With a global pandemic in play, this year has meant that many of us have had to reinvent our ways of working. When the world came to a standstill, we had to find a way to keep things ticking, so it hasn’t been an easy 20 months for many of us (lots of ups and downs, hope and continued sadness). So, with the holidays on the horizon, how do we handle the holiday blues? What can we reflect on from 2021 and take into 2022? How can we have a
Holiday blues: perspective and hope
Life moves quickly and life is intense. Living our life to the fullest is what I encourage people to do. However, this does not mean “fill your life.” When we find ourselves filling every gap of time we can with something, we are left feeling tired and in true need of a vacation. Add to that the uncertainties of the past year, and if you are taking in the notion of “uncertainty” you will need a break more than ever. But the reality is that January can sometimes be hard
The most unexpected place to find organization and order when you are neurodivergent
Being neurodivergent often means that organization and order can be more difficult than for others. However, this doesn’t mean that it’s not possible to have all your ducks in a row and be organized. Ever heard someone say, it might not look organized to you, but I know where everything is?. We are constantly watching how other people organize their lives, whether this be on social media with the lady who folds clothes into drawers Marie Kondo style-e or people packing their shopping at supermarket checkouts and this can lead