Own Your Groove: A guide to dodging self-sabotage and rocking the holiday season

Don’t be your Own Speedbump!

Hey there, festive soul! While you’re basking in its afterglow of Thanksgiving, let me share a secret with you: the holiday season doesn’t have to be a stress-inducing rollercoaster. In fact, it can be the dance floor of joy and success. Today, I’ve got five killer moves to help you dodge the self-sabotage blues and set the stage for a fantastic holiday season and an even better year ahead. But wait, there’s more—I’ll also spill the beans on a special event you won’t want to miss.

Before we dive in….IF YOU ARE NOT A WISDOM WARRIOR ALREADY, be sure to sign up because a week from Monday there is a ridiculous special treat coming your way….to ease all that stress, weight gain, etc: REGISTER HERE NOW.

And now…onto the groovy steps!

1. Make a Plan: Turn Your Plans into a Dance Routine

I know, making plans can feel like a chore. And you don’t follow it, right? It’s okay. Make one anyway. Big plans, small steps. That is your secret, okay? Here’s the scoop: big plans, small steps. Turn that plan into a dance routine you can’t resist. Let the beats guide you through the holiday hustle.

2. Commit Like a Superstar: Dial Up to 10/10

Commitment isn’t always a walk in the park. Ever said,  “I can’t commit a 10 because look, I’ve failed all these times?” That’s kind of messed up, yet, we all do it. So don’t do that. Instead, just simply say, “You know what? This time I’m going to commit to it, and yeah, I’ve failed a gazillion times. So what?” That helps us dial up the commitment to a 10 out of 10. Forget past setbacks; commit like it’s the first time. Small steps, big dreams—that’s the secret sauce.

3. Don’t Forget About You: Get Closer to 60%

In the whirlwind of family, festivities, and drama, don’t neglect yourself. Even 55% is better than zero. Take small steps toward self-care. Shake off the drama, and open yourself up to the dance moves of happiness.

4. Own It: Say Goodbye to Neglect

It’s time to take charge. Stop neglecting your needs. No more “I’ll do it when…”. Own your life now. Book that massage, take care of yourself, and stop putting things off. The holidays are a great excuse to neglect yourself. It’s the season of giving. HINT: Make it a non negotiable to Give to Yourself First. And that does not mean “oh great I’ll have that extra food I know I’ll regret.” It means “I’m gonna treat my body with respect. I’m gonna treat MY TIME with respect.” That’s self care 🙂

5. Dance to Your Plan: Say Hello to the Rhythm

Throw a self-dance party and bid farewell to self-sabotage. Dance to the rhythm of your plan. Energy flows where attention goes. Shake off the blues and welcome the positive vibes. Even…and especially…when you don’t feel like it. Lay down for a 20 min pity party then say 3 things you are grateful for…and then smile and lift your arms up in the mirror. Give yourself that high 5 in the mirror and laugh at how silly it is.

Then, if you dare, be like Crazy Coach Carol and…DANCE LIKE NOBODY’S WATCHING.

**Special Event Alert: “Habits to Get You Through the Holidays” on December 4th**

Mark your calendars for December 4th, 12 pm to 1 pm Eastern, for a special treat. Join me for a special Wisdom Warriors: “Habits to Get You Through the Holidays” and set yourself up for success next year. It’s a rare chance to snag some free wisdom and make your holidays truly joyous.

Remember, you’re worth putting yourself first. Join me on December 4th, and let’s groove our way into a fabulous holiday season together!

PS:. Check out more tips on my YouTube Channel. Let’s keep the positive vibes flowing!

PPS: Like podcasts instead? This is a fun one if you feel that “hamster wheel” feeling…particularly as a coach LISTEN HERE.