How to never lose your keys again! (and other life changing, yet simple solutions)

In my last blog, we looked at ways to “remember to remember.”  In this blog, we’ll look at how to gain that seemingly elusive peace, while maintaining productivity.

Stop overcommitting with ease

First, I invite you to step back and “widen your lens” on life.  This is about practical life – the duties, the obligations and the must-do’s that we all tick off daily.  While we all juggle so many balls in the air, from business, to family, to social obligations, the first step to inner productivity peace is to revisit those priorities and assess whether they all are must-do-now’s or whether some of them can be assigned a second place on the list.  This prioritization may spur you to lift some tasks off your list.  It’s important to learn to say no, politely, yet firmly to anything that does not fit in with you and your plans.

Remember “the thing” without turning around in your driveway

In our “busy, busy, busy” lives, how often have you been derailed because you’ve forgotten an item, forgotten a meeting or simply forgotten to check?  It’s so easy to do when running life at full pelt.  To combat this, factor in a few minutes de-brief at the end of one day in preparation for the next. Visualize the next day – what do you need to have with you for each task on your to-do? I, personally, cannot overestimate the power of a good reminder note.  It doesn’t matter whether you invest in an online organizer, a planner or a good old-fashioned sticky note on the refrigerator door– how about a checklist on the inside of the front door, so you can’t miss it on your way out? Use whatever works for you.

The keys to peace, productivity, and true happiness

If your life could do with a little help on the organization front, then why not try these quick tips? 

  • Try writing everything down – sounds simple and it is.  It’s much more difficult to forget when everything is written down in one place. 
  • Second, is to attack the most dreaded task first.  No procrastination allowed! Get that “big” task off your list and imagine the sense of achievement you’ll feel.  Perhaps list all your to-dos and just start at the top.  There’s nothing quite like checking them off as you go. 
  • Minimize distractions by turning your phone to silent or switching it off until the task is complete. 
  • Lastly, try the ultimate time-saver – batching your tasks.  By reviewing your list, you may see commonality between tasks and, by combining them, you may find you save some precious time. 

If that’s the case, why not use that time to give yourself a little reward?  Maybe a few minutes enjoying a coffee in a coffee shop, or enjoying time outdoors?  You deserve it!