How to have a better and more productive year

With a global pandemic in play, this year has meant that many of us have had to reinvent our ways of working. When the world came to a standstill, we had to find a way to keep things ticking, so it hasn’t been an easy 20 months for many of us (lots of ups and downs, hope and continued sadness). So, with the holidays on the horizon, how do we handle the holiday blues? What can we reflect on from 2021 and take into 2022? How can we have a better, more productive year?

Let’s face it, there’s been a lot of “figuring things out”… and our patience and reserves are thin… so this new year, let’s focus on taking what we’ve learned to create a better, more productive year for 2022.

  • Take the holiday break to disconnect – one thing I love about the early winter holidays is that generally most people are offline, spending time with family and loved ones – and this means you should be too! Take the time to fill your cups, catch up with people you haven’t seen in a long time, and treat yourself well.
  • Plan to mindfully plan the New Year– after a break away, many of us can feel the urge to leap into the new year and tackle everything hands on. Rather than “ready, fire, aim”… take 90 minutes on the first MONDAY of the year (for some of us this is actually a holiday!) to AIM first.

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  • Have a plan – but not in the way you might be thinking. This workshop goes beyond “let’s get your calendar out.” We aim high, go deep, uncover what the TRUE reason is behind the inertia, and pop open new possibilities in a way that will shock, amaze, inspire and motivate you.
  • BEFORE JANUARY 3: Take time to reflect on the past year. – We will not be meeting for the Whole Day. If we were, we would ABSOLUTELY begin with allowing the time and reflection needed to properly usher in the new year. So be sure to do this…soon.

I love spending time looking back on all the achievements from the year. With such busy lives, and the pull to be constantly “on the go”, it is likely that you’ve not even taken a moment this year to look at where you are, what you have achieved or the people you’ve met. Our minds are wired to focus on the “did not go as well” so focusing on your wins and collecting them all becomes a true game changer when  planning the year ahead.

  • Trade Resolutions for Real Change – we’ve all been there, wanting to self-improve and change many things – all the things- going into the New Year. And, as you know, that just **does not work**. Our brains are not wired for Full Reset. Our calendars will not “magically empty” so that all these things have room to become part of the New You, even if we DID have a Full Reset Button. You can do something, right now, though. In addition to making a list of all your accomplishments thus far, pick one or two things that you would like to achieve, put a timeline against them and make a start before the year is up!

Remember, you are great. You are strong and everything you do, will move you towards a better version of yourself. Take this time to relax, replenish and refill your cups because as Nibo Quebein said “Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go. They merely determine where you start.”