How to completely change decision overwhelm once and for all

 You want it all, yet, you are not doing any of it. 

Are you finding yourself *overwhelmed* at times? 

Decision Overwhelm is real. You may WANT change, and, you may be avoiding it. It may all feel like “too much” at times.

In this article, we will get started, and tomorrow – Monday, October 2nd- we’re going to be diving much further into this at Wisdom Warriors and having an open discussion. One thing we will do for MONDAY is to introduce you to a powerful decision making “tool” so you will want to attend. Now, we will address some “background noise” – which is often what we are TELLING OURSELVES. This is powerful stuff!  

Before I go into that topic – what are we telling ourselves- I will share with you a recent DECISION I made.

It would be really easy for me to go into “decision overwhelm” about this.  My young adult son had an accident, and he really needed me. So I decided to reorganize my life and my work and my family (which was a big decision) in order to fly across the country for five days and help him out. It’s important to keep moving in your decisions, and do the thing that feels right to you and your heart, and it is aligned with your values and move the rest of your life around accordingly. 

Now I’ll share a story. Ask yourself, what big “thing” do I want – and what decision will I make?

Recently, I had a powerful conversation with a person who was referred to me for coaching.  This person kept saying over and over again that she’s just “not organized”. She is DEFINING HERSELF as this. This creates an overwhelm, which does not allow small steps. 

To completely change the overwhelm once and for all…. is to do it not all at once, but rather, in steps. MANTRAS can help. Perhaps you have tried that, and it’s not worked for you. I have a tip. Try NOT saying: “my new mantra is I’m organized, so I’m going to just say I’m completely organized and everything’s going to be perfect”. That doesn’t really work, because your brain knows it’s a big fat lie. 

Try saying “I am in the process of becoming better organized.” Your brain then processes this and considers “Well, maybe I could handle that”. So do that. Make a T chart.  On the upper left, write “don’t like” and on the upper right hand corner write “want instead.” This will help you BREAK DOWN what you want so that it is not a Big Hairy Audacious Goal “only.” It will be a list of do-able items.

There is so much power with do-able change.

In summary,

  1. Use a mantra that helps trick your brain into thinking bigger…”I’m in the process of….(your desired outcome.)
  2. Pick one small step so that it’s not “all or nothing.”
  3. Make a chart of what you want – so that you become clear on your Desires by considering what you Don’t want. Use this for number 2
  4. Come to Wisdom Warriors on Monday 10/2 so that you receive the bonus tool and make decisions so much easier. 

You are on your way to ending decision overwhelm, once and for all!