How successful entrepreneurs start their day

No excuse to get up early and get moving? Think again.

It’s 5:00 AM. The alarm is blaring, and you’re probably thinking, “To be a successful entrepreneur, I have to be up at the crack of dawn, right?” We’re often told that success requires waking up early, grinding non-stop, and doing all the things just right. But today, I’m here to tell you that while hard work is important, the time you wake up isn’t the key to success.

Yes, there are days when you’ll need to hustle, and some of those days might start at 5:00 AM. But let’s talk about what really matters: doing what’s good for you, and setting the tone for your day with intention.

My journey from a 5AM riser

Believe it or not, I used to be a 5 AM person. Crazy, right? I almost forgot about it until my sister reminded me this past weekend with an old email from 2006—before I even became an entrepreneur. Back then, I had young children and a full-time job, so 5:00 AM was the only time I had to myself. And you know what? I loved it.

But here’s the thing—if you love getting up early and it works for you, then great! Keep doing it. But if you’re dragging yourself out of bed, thinking, “What’s wrong with me? Why can’t I just get up earlier?”—this message is for you.

It’s not about the time, it’s about the focus

The truth is, it’s not about what time you get up, but what you do with your time that matters. Whether you wake up at 5:00AM or 8:00AM, the most important thing is to start your day with focus and intention.

I’ve talked a lot about morning routines in the past few weeks, so I won’t dive into that too much today. But I do want to emphasize the importance of focusing on the right things throughout your day. And guess what? I’ve got an entire podcast episode attached to this blog that dives deep into the importance of focus and how to cultivate it, especially if you’re a spiritual entrepreneur who often feels all over the place.

Filling your tank in six essential categories

Your morning routine should be designed to fill your tank in six key areas, and these categories should be addressed throughout your week—even if not all in one day. Here they are:

  1. Emotional: Do something that uplifts your spirit and brings you joy.
  2. Practical: Handle the day-to-day tasks that keep your life running smoothly.
  3. Physical: Move your body in a way that feels good and energizes you.
  4. Mental: Engage your mind with something that stimulates or challenges you.
  5. Social: Connect with others, even if it’s just a quick chat with a friend.
  6. Spiritual: Spend time in quiet reflection, meditation, or whatever feeds your soul.

Think of your routine as a recipe—you can start with the basics and then add your own spices as you see fit.

Rest is essential too

And let’s not forget the importance of rest. If you’re not getting enough sleep, no amount of morning routine magic is going to help. Rest is real, and it’s crucial for your overall well-being. Don’t beat yourself up if you’re not a morning person—it’s okay to honor your natural rhythm, especially if you’re neurodiverse or have other unique challenges.

Let’s start a conversation

So, what time do you wake up? What time would you like to wake up? Hit reply and let me know! Remember, it’s not about the hour on the clock, but how you spend your hours that counts. I’d love to hear from you, and together, we can figure out the best routine for you. Until next time, take care, and don’t forget to rest! AND STOP “DOING IT ALL!” See the podcast in the “PS” below for more!

You are magic,


PS: Last week I was delighted to join Julie Foucht on her podcast #ArtOfFeminineBusiness  

We discussed The Big Entrepreneurial Mistake of Doing it All. Julie and I had a blast discussing: 

– The power of focus: It’s the key to transformation

– The importance of prioritization: A game-changer in business and life

– Evaluating your relationships: Understanding why you might feel stuck

– Taking ownership: Developing habits and behaviors to get unstuck

– Decision-making as a growth strategy

Listen in at .

Then leave a comment on iTunes and let me know what your favorite moment was!!