From procrastination to productivity: Unleash your inner Wisdom Warrior

Discover practical strategies to break free from procrastination and thrive

Do you find yourself procrastinating? 

Is this something that you would like to change? 

Most people that I speak with, the answer to both of those things is, yes, I do procrastinate and I would like to change that. 

Here is a simple exercise that probably you hadn’t thought about. Very simple, and I love simplicity because when things are simple, then they get done. 

  1. Pull out a piece of paper and follow along with me. If not now, save this video and come back to it. The first thing to do with your piece of paper is make a T chart. We’re going to be taking a look at our energy.

Our energy is directly related to our time and how we choose to spend it, which is directly related to procrastinating or not procrastinating.

  1. On the top of the whiteboard (page), write the word “energy”. On the left side of your T chart, put a plus. Those are things that give you energy on this side. On the right, put a minus. Those are the things that take away your energy. When you think of these things, do not confine yourself to “work” things. 

If you are a solopreneur like myself, you may be thinking of things like, “oh God, I hate sales.” That might drain you of energy. How we do anything is how we do everything. 

So if your mother drains you of energy, write her down. If your sister drains you of energy, write her down.  You don’t judge. 

Now, what gives you energy? Maybe when you can just watch a movie and relax, that gives you energy. What else? Running? Sleeping late?  There’s no judgment to any of this, and you write it all down.

  1. Next, circle one thing that takes away your energy and get really specific about it. For example, let’s just say your mother takes away your energy. Well, what about your mother that takes away your energy? Consider this story. Maybe when  you go to visit her for Sunday dinner, you feel like a little kid again. You feel yourself getting into some old patterns that make you feel “less than” and you don’t like it. And you go to sleep with kind of a pit in your stomach. 

There’s power in writing this down. That’s the step of Acceptance before a Solution. Acth out for the pitfall of NOT writing “it” down because you do not have a SOLUTION. 

Say you visit mom on Sunday, and you wake up Monday morning and you aren’t yourself, BUT you still want to see your mom. Now you can consider solutions. Perhaps you find a day to go out for lunch. That way, you’re not at her house anymore. We don’t have those memories. We don’t have those old patterns as much that would creep up. 

When going out for lunch, it’s a finite amount of time. It’s on neutral ground, and you still have the rest of the workday.  You’ll have more energy potentially over the weekend. 

By Sunday night or Monday morning, you go to plan your week, you HAVE MORE ENERGY! There’s time management for you. You hopefully have filled your weekend with energy filling activities and doing that. Guess what will give you that more energy? All of these things will help you love yourself more. 

February 14 was Valentine’s Day…the day we remember how much love affects our lives.

I received a beautiful message this morning from a dear friend of mine saying how much she valued me and my unconditional acceptance of her wherever she was in her journey. I realized that that’s my superpower. What is YOURS?

As I think through some of my more special clients, it’s when we get so deep in our relationship where they can begin to unconditionally love themselves. I have a deep belief in them. I have a deep belief in you. It’s just that only some of you are meant to be in my circle. Will you be next?

In conclusion, when you want to stop procrastinating as much, slow down and take a look at what’s happening in your energy field, what’s giving you energy, what’s taking away your energy, and work on each one very slowly. There are many more steps and further, deep inquiry in this process. And this is a really, really great beginning!

Don’t forget that the first Monday of March Wisdom Warriors, we are going to be talking about procrastination and how to eliminate it. We have a different topic every month.  Come for yourself and be surprised and delighted with our amazing free community. 

You will be able to lean on one another and when you want to take the next step, I hope to have room for you in my programs. So as you’re doing this, ask yourself, am I ready for a revelation? Am I done messing around? If you are, please talk to me, because on the other side, it’s amazing and I’d love for you to be with me, and I’d love for you to be with you for a change. Thank you. We’ll see you on March 4th.