Declutter Your Way to Success: Streamlining Your Choices for a Focused Life

Learn why clearing the mental clutter can unlock your path to confidence and fulfillment

So many problems in our lives are because we just can’t seem to make decisions. In fact, DECIDE  is the first step on the success path to going from scattered and stuck to focused and confident.

What if you had fewer choices? If you had fewer choices, life would be simpler. 

Think about it. If you’ve got a lot of stuff in your house, it’s spring cleaning time, right?. A lot of people this time of year are decluttering. They’re decluttering their closets. They’re decluttering the garages. They want to get organized. They want to spring out of the winter and into the summer. What if you decluttered your calendar? What if you decluttered your choices in your life?

Please comment below with the one you are going to start….

What one thing will you choose to work on during the rest of this month -in May – to declutter?

A:  your clothing?

B:  your bank account & all your automatic payments?

C: your calendar?

Which one will you declutter? 

Myself, I started with my calendar and the reason I started with my calendar. I had too much going on. I was really good at keeping all the balls in the air. Still am, but you know what? That was exhausting, and if you’ve been following me on my videos, you’ll see I got burned out. 

Now that my calendar is clearer, I have more time. I have more time to BE, more time to REST, more time to THINK, more time to CREATE, more time to NOT BE  frenetic…the list goes on. With more time to be able to actually rest, I don’t get sick, and I don’t yell at my loved ones.

Decluttering isn’t just about simplifying your physical surroundings; it’s about creating space in your life for what truly matters. When you give yourself the gift of fewer choices, you empower yourself to prioritize what brings you joy and fulfillment.

When we actually allow ourselves the choices that we have, we give ourselves what we need, and when we give ourselves what we need, we can give others what we need as well. So again, what will you declutter first? I cannot wait to know. 

Spring into happiness,


PS: The finishing touches are being placed on my next cohort of brave warriors. Come declutter the thoughts and actions that do NOT serve you so that you can simplify your life. 2 spaces left and we begin on June 13. Drop me an email at with the titl ‘I’M INTERESTED” and we will have a chat!