Cutting through the election BS: Prioritizing what truly matters in a distracted world

Strategies for maintaining your focus and energy on what truly matters to you

Today, I’m diving into something a bit controversial—something I usually avoid. But I promised to address all the concerns brought forth by those who responded to my recent survey, so here we are. Let’s talk about the “election BS.”

Now, before we get too deep, let me remind you of the two questions from the survey. If you haven’t taken it yet, feel free to find an old post or just send me your answers—I’d love to hear from you.

The Survey Questions:

  1. What exactly is getting in the way of making time? Whether it’s for self-care, effective marketing, fun, or any other priority, what’s stopping you from doing what you truly want to do?
  2. If you could wave a magic wand and have that problem disappear, what bold action would you take? This is about you—how would you change yourself or your actions, not the world?

And here is the survey if you have not taken it! 2 min!

One response really stood out: “The election BS.” This response didn’t directly answer the second question, but it made clear that this person felt the election-related chaos was interfering with their ability to focus on what matters most. And that’s a valid concern.

Managing External Distractions:

If you’re feeling like outside circumstances—whether it’s elections, politics, the news, or even family dynamics—are affecting your ability to spend time on what truly matters, you’re not alone. It’s all too easy to get swept away by the noise.

For me, the solution has been to tune out. I don’t listen to the news. Sure, I still find out what’s going on—I’m not living under a rock. But by not constantly consuming news, I’ve found it much easier to keep my head clear and focus on my mission. 

When you stop paying attention to everything and everyone else, and instead listen to the quiet of your own mind, heart, and soul, something amazing happens. Your nervous system calms down, and you’re in a much better place to do your Great Work. We cannot answer our Calling if we cannot HEAR the voice!

The Impact of Inner Peace:

When you’re in the right place mentally and emotionally, you’re not only more capable of doing your Great Work, but you’re also a happier person. And happy people naturally spread positivity. They smile at their neighbors, they’re generous at events, and they contribute goodness to the world.

Everything we do affects someone else. If you want to make a difference—whether in the world, in politics, or in your own life—it starts with inner peace. I’m not saying don’t be an activist or don’t care about the world’s issues. I’m saying there’s a balance between being too externally focused and being apathetic.

Personally, I lean towards being more insular because I have Great Work to do. I can’t afford to get swept away by the turmoil of politics. I still vote, and I stand up for what I believe in, and I do it in a way that preserves my energy and peace of mind.

Reflection and Action:

Ask yourself:

  1. What can I control?
  2. What’s my energy level?
  3. What really matters?

These questions can help you navigate the noise and stay focused on what truly matters. And one last tip: check in with yourself—are these external distractions just an excuse to avoid what really matters? Are they a way to stay distracted instead of dialing in on your goals/mission/calling?

I’d love to have a conversation with you about this. We’re all here to make a difference in some way, and my mission is to help you with yours. Please reach out to me—comment below, send me a message. The world needs you, and most importantly, you need you.

Peace out. Bye.