
Fulfillment through Wellness = Productivity

A big THANK YOU to Christy Nault, Wellness Director Of Easter Seals New Hampshire, for inviting me to be Closing Motivational Keynote for the annual Wellness Champion Retreat. I learned so much! For example, did you know:

  • Just a handful or two of cashews can make you feel as happy as a dose of Prozac?
  • A “new” exercise sensation…”POUND” allows participants to use drumsticks and up their heartbeat effortlessly, under the guise of rocking to the beat?
  • You can really only be “so” productive when you are missing out on one of the 12 Dimensions of Wellness!

Wellness is the new paradigm these days…it’s not simply about “not showing symptoms of illness.” While I’m not a wellness expert, what I know is that when I work with busy executives, wellness tends to rise to the top of the “what really matters” meter regarding time and priorities. It’s WHY a person will decide, quite often, to rise to their next level and work with me. All the productivity tricks in the world, falling on unfertile ground, will not yield the fruit (results) we seek.

What about you? Are you tired? Irritable? Working too many hours? Burned out? Headed for burnout? Do a body scan, see a wellness practitioner, or contact me to get on the path to productivity!

