Decluttering Get Organized Productivity productivity in the workplace Time strategies Wellness

How badly do you want to prioritize it all?

What do to when you feel squirrely

You know you love a lot of things.

You know you have a hard time deciding what to do…how do you prioritize it all?

Great news!

For the next 4 weeks, starting now, I’m doing a series. It’s Time Management for the Distracted Entrepreneur.

Recently, I polled my community (people just like YOU! Maybe YOU, actually!) Here is what you said. You want more Income. You want consistent routines. They want to be able to block your time in such a way that yo

u can spend time with your family -and also with their work- in  a way that really feels good to you.

One person said that she wants “a solid foundation”. That sounds phenomenal. It sounds like the Productivity Success Cake! And there it is. Today we will begin with that first layer of your solid foundation: the beginning of your Productivity Success Cake.

Productivity Success Cake, get your copy here

Don’t forget…

Managing your time, time blocking, etc…. is actually on the third layer, your Productivity layer.  YES this is a series on Time Management (layer 3). 

However,  your first layer, the foundation, which is what many people said they wanted: a clear foundation and consistency. That’s the Health Layer.

Another colleague asked her community “what helps you” with any kind of scatter or distraction that you have, whether you have a neurodiversity or you don’t.

Here are the answers people gave to “what helps me with the scatter?”




getting outdoors

lion’s mane supplements

vitamin B12



Cannabis mushrooms

CBD oil

binurial beats 

being sugar free

being vegan

having no Alcohol

focusing on really good sleep. 

***Do you see a pattern here?***

Right. They all live on the bottom: the Health layer. 

So imagine that these are answers from people that either have a neurodiversity or maybe had a traumatic incident, whether it be childhood, partnership, whatever the case may be, that is creating a scatter in their lives. And they are all saying that one of the most powerful things they can do is right here on that Health layer. So I’m going to ask you, what would you like to focus on, on your Health layer? You can do it right in the unScatter Me community.

So if you’re not a part of the UnScatterMe community, please join HERE.  You can jump in say, for example, “hey, this, this week I’m going to be meditating some more.” Or “ I’m going to try that Lion’s Mane.” It’s YOUR community…lean in and be with one another!

In the coming weeks, I’m going to be releasing some new resources. 

Your first one is: Productivity Success Cake.

It’s going to lead up to a really big release the very last week of this month. So pay attention!

However, you don’t need to wait until the end of August. You can start moving ahead right now! It’s Summertime, it’s August, and I don’t know about you, but for me, I have more free time in August,, and I get to think bigger.

 So- do yourself that favor.

If you are in a slower mode, maybe going to the beach, maybe taking more walks, etc. ,do yourself a favor and take advantage of this time.  What better time to take care of your whole cake – and especially that Health layer? It is the first big step to calming the squirrel-scattter.

And that way you will be ready for your Fall. 


Balance Positive Thinking Productivity Time strategies vacation Wellness

Why having fun is not bad for you

The counterintuitive way to get more done

Happy summertime!

It’s interesting – FUN has been coming up a lot lately.  I received an email from somebody  asking, ‘Should business be fun?’   This company takes six figure people and brings them into the seven figure realm…and they were asking the FUN question. There are loads of reasons why fun is so poorly considered, and they generally come from our upbringing. 

You might hear, in your head:

 “You must work hard and it must be difficult.” 

“You must sit for that exam.”

“You must have your nose to the grindstone.”

However, when you sit back and you take a look at the true success, in all the way (not just money and prestige from the outside), what do you see? Do you see a person who is happy inside and out, and you want to be him or her? I doubt it.

For example, look at students in Korea – look at their happiness levels and their success on their terms. Sure- they’re more successful perhaps in their grades in an overall way, but are they happy? What’s their mental health like? Consider then those living in Sweden, where the children are allowed to play  – there’s more flexible schedules and parents have more time to be with them because of the social safety nets that there are. Those folks-  generally speaking- are more happy. I believe that if we’re unhappy, it’s really impossible to be successful, truly successful (depending on your definition of success). 

I define success as being fully aligned with who we are in the world and how we want to show up in the world and we’re able to do, be and have the things that are important to us.

Watch the video

It’s true in our business, and it’s true in our lives. 

The above argument shows that having fun is NOT bad for you. In fact, it will help you get more done. Please absorb these 3 points about fun and getting things done, and why they’re important. Then take some action on at least one of them. Hit reply and tell me what transpired 🙂

  1. FUN is embedded in the 3 pillars of success from my dear friend Susan Cowan: MOTIVATION, CHALLENGE, AND NOVELTY. Fun is so important in all of those, and particularly in motivation. If it is not fun for you, the motivation is going to be almost nil. It’s therefore very important that your task, dream, or desire  is fun for you in some way.
  2. Fun is embedded in our culture. We live in an entertainment culture. People like to play games. Children like to play games; adults like to play games.  There’s “words with friends” that folks play remotely. For people that are scattered, maybe they have AD/HD, games are really important. They raise our dopamine level. Dopamine is a feel good hormone. AD/HD has lower dopamine levels so therefore it’s really important to have that. 
  3. We are in a fun deficit in 2023. 2020 had a low level of fun. 2021 the same thing. In 2022 we started emerging and started to have some fun. But we’ve got two and a half years of fun not happening.  Now, people are back integrating. We’re having a lot of fun. Slowly but surely the cloud of unfun is lifting and we are finally saying “You know what? We get to have fun because you know what we do?” I’s important to have fun because when we have fun, we get it done. 

Yesterday I was on a free webinar regarding a new software I was checking out, and the woman who was giving the webinar, the leader of this new software, said ‘Flowi is fun’. In other words, “the technology (Flowi) that I’m showing you won’t just be another burden.”

So I ask you this, how can you make your life fun? 

I try to do it every single day. That’s why I made my productivity success signature system into a cake – because guess what? When’s the last time you frowned while eating a piece of cake? 

Go and have so much fun. Have your cake and eat it too. 

Go, go dance in the sunshine. 

Pretend you’re a little kid again, at least for five minutes. Raise up your hands and scream and be so happy. 

You’re going to be more of a magnet to the people that you want to have magnetized around you. 

Your stress levels are going to decrease. 

Your health is going to increase.

….. and it’s free. 

It’s free to have fun. People want to be around you. You’re going to get more done. You’re going to enjoy it more. You’re going to be more in alignment. At the end of the day, you’re going to be more successful. 

So don’t forget the fun. 

And hit reply to let me know, how are you going to have fun today? 

Balance Goal Setting Organization Positive Thinking Wellness

Why your understanding of balance is wrong

What does life-balance mean to you?  Not necessarily the theory, but in practical terms?  Is it committing to, and maintaining that New Year’s fitness routine alongside running a house, a job, the family, or is it something more?

You see, “balance” means different things to each of us. There is no right or wrong answer, no one way of achieving it and, sometimes, we get so engrossed in the concept of balance that actually achieving it becomes a no-go. We beat ourselves up because we perceive that the scales of life are just not balancing out and this sets us on that oh-so-familiar hamster wheel of discontent.

So, firstly, let’s take a look at 4 top tips for managing a balanced lifestyle.

1. Look After You

Are you the person to whom everyone turns in a crisis?  Are you the family’s “Go-To” during their times of need? If yes, then that’s an awful lot of extra emotional “weight” being lumped on your shoulders.  I’m not suggesting that you tell everyone to go find someone else to shoulder the burden, no.  But, in order to maintain any sort of balance, we have to look after number one first.  Your body needs rest, exercise and healthy food.  Sure, all of that. But, it’s important to take time to focus on your needs and make sure you’re ticking over just fine before you focus on other people.  It’s really okay to do what it takes to protect yourself from any negative energy or emotions coming your way.  After all, how can you help others if you can’t help yourself?

2. Organization is Key

Being organized, and that includes mentally, too, allows your brain the flexibility to cope with any stress or disruption more easily.  Plan that important “time-out” and make room for the things you enjoy.  The key to life balance here is minimizing stress as far as possible.

3. Goals Work

How great does it feel when you can check something off your list as done and dusted?  It doesn’t matter which area of your life, there’s sure to be a goal you can set.  The successful attainment of a goal goes a long way to maintaining a healthy and positive mindset, improving your mood and helping that balance, too.

4. The Right Food = The Best Balance

Yep, it’s a no-brainer, yet the fence that a lot of us fall at.  Ensuring you maintain your “five-a-day” will go a long way to helping that positive mental attitude, helping brain function and, ultimately keeping you on the road to success.

So, there you have it.  Four simple steps to maintaining balance in your life.  By trying to include these four rules into your life, you will reduce stress, improve your general health, boost your energy and probably be an altogether nicer person to be around.  Isn’t that worth a re-balance?

Don’t forget to check back for my next blog, where we will be looking at some real game-changing, counter-intuitive thoughts that will change your notion of balance.


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Let’s see what might happen if you dare to just “read the blogs” to taking the steps to get you to where you want to go, but perhaps have not dared to…. until now.

I’ll be there! I can’t wait to meet you.

Goal Setting Positive Thinking Wellness

3 ways to make sure your resolutions are not wasted: A gift to yourself

New Year’s Resolutions, don’t you just love ‘em?  Those things we decide we “shoulda, woulda, coulda” achieved and yet only 9.2 % of those who resolve to change something about themselves or their lives will succeed and something like 80% of New Year’s Resolutions will fall by the wayside before February has waved goodbye.

As the end of the year approaches, we take stock of our lives, both personal and professional.  As discussed in my previous blog, we use the holidays to recharge our batteries and reflect on what we have achieved, but more often, those things we feel could or should be better.  We can feel disappointed with a perceived lack of progress, whether that is with our health, relationships or revenue.  We resolve that something MUST change, right?

So, how can we make resolutions that will “stick”?  Positive changes that we can maintain not just through January but forever?  Three ways to ensure your resolutions are achievable and successful, too:

  1. Make them real, be it pie or income.

That pumpkin pie was good, wasn’t it?  But , as the saying goes, “a moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips”  In an effort to atone for the many indulgences of the holiday period, so many of us resolve to lose that extra bit of weight and, to show just how committed we are to the notion, we will throw in a really expensive gym membership for good measure.  How long did that last?  One week, two?

Setting a resolution is no different to setting a business goal – you need to be SMART – make them specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timely.  It’s no good saying “I want to lose three dress sizes in a month” – that’s not going to happen in a healthy way and be impossible to maintain. Similarly, saying, “I’m going to save x thousand dollars a month” might be fine until the car needs work, or the house insurance is due, then you’re back to square one, with feelings of failure thrown in.

Yes, it’s good to aim high, but you also need to be real. Be realistic in your timeline.  Sure, you want results yesterday, but life’s not like that.  You are far more likely to stick with your resolution, instead, if you set small goals along the way and reward yourself for achieving them.

  1. Make it easy using HABITS

Habits are what we do daily, consciously or subconsciously. They can support our goal or detract from it, and it’s important to “use them for good.” Before you do this,. make sure you have the capacity to achieve your goals. Set up mid-point achievements and congratulate yourself for achieving them.  Give yourself a reason for continuing and, instead of always looking to your end goal, maybe take a look back and see how far you’ve come already!

  1. Don’t over extend yourself

As January 1st looms, the exercise of resolving to change for the better, fills us with hope, excitement, empowerment; we just can’t wait to see the “new” us.  We’re going to be fitter, healthier, more successful… and in that heady rush of excitement, it’s easy to forget about all the other demands on our time. For example, if your resolution is to run a marathon and you have never run before, then you’re going to need to put in some training.  What obstacles are in the way of that training?  Can you commit to early morning gym sessions or weekend practice runs?  If not, maybe put that resolution on the back burner until you do have the time.  Don’t set yourself up for failure before you even start, because instead of running a marathon, you’ll find yourself running headlong into diminishing self-esteem. Make sure you can expend both the time and effort to stay committed to your goal. If possible, minimize any distractions that may hijack you on the road to “new you” to give yourself the best chance of succeeding.


In our next blog, we will take a closer look at habits and how you can change them…once and for all.

Positive Thinking Productivity Time strategies Wellness

Holiday time: Avoid these pitfalls for peace AND productivity

Last time we talked about the stress so many of us feel approaching the festive period, aspiring for everything to be so ‘perfect’ whilst often neglecting our own wellbeing, and that of our friends and family, and how its so easy for this wonderful time to feel like a diversion from ‘work’.

Spending time away from the distraction of the phone ringing and emails pinging and instead focusing on planning, prevention, capability improvement and relationship building will lead to a clearer vision and a more fulfilled life, allowing you to enjoy more control and fewer crisis situations.  How valuable would spending some time on self-renewal and tasks that inspire and uplift you be, not only to your work life, but your overall wellbeing? By having your intention top of mind, you avoid wasting that precious time on autopilot and build that self-worth by actually achieving something.

For maximum productivity:

  • Set Boundaries. It’s all about the quality. Quality time off means real time off, not time off cleaning the house from top to bottom, just in case your guests notice that speck of dust, or catching up on the ironing mountain. It’s not about sneaking in work while the kids are playing in the living room (you know who you are.) You might have to be assertive in assigning some “me-time”.  Humans aside, setting boundaries can also involve setting some rules with the gadgets in your life, too. Thanks to technology, we are never far from emails and social media…all the things that link us back to work and, if we’re not careful, sneakily suck us back into the work environment. Allow yourself total radio silence on those work emails and focus on the quality of a few hours peace to focus on family and friends.  While we’re distracting ourselves with modern technology, we aren’t experiencing that all-important quality time. It’s just time!
  • Be off balance, on purpose. Some will say it’s about balance; balance in work and non-work, balance in activity-filled time and total down-time.  I say it’s about knowing what you really want, and really need, and honoring that. It’s about clearly understanding yourself, your priorities, and your body, mind, and spirit. It’s about deciding to be off balance, on purpose. Be where you are when you are there. And have a plan to recall what you want to do when you emerge from being present with your family/yourself, so you don’t “forget” about work related items.

Downtime (time “off”) is as much about caring for your body as it is your mind. And, if you still need some persuading, think of the favor you are doing your boss (who of course might be YOU) by taking time off.  Sound counter-intuitive?  Ask yourself, would your boss rather have an employee who is relaxed, refreshed, recharged and (yep…the “P” word) productive, or one that is exhausted, stressed and drained?  It really is a no-brainer, isn’t it?

I wish you peace, joy, productivity, and of course lots of turkey. Yes, you can have it all.  Just not all at once…

Confidence Get Organized Growth More time in my day Positive Thinking prioritize Time strategies Wellness

3 Ways To Make Sure Your Energy Is Not Wasted

In the last blog, we looked at ways to control our energy levels and how to discover what in our life affects them on a day to day basis.

But, what about those times when our levels are at a high?  How can we keep from wasting those precious feelings?

3 ways to keep your energy at the max:


  1. Be selective. Good intentions are one thing, but if you spread that energy too thin, there will only be one loser.    We all know someone, who, when we come away from a conversation or encounter, makes us feel drained.  Who, when we ask a simple, “How are you?” will give us chapter and verse on every little thing going wrong in their lives.  You know, the “glass half-empty” kinda gal?


These people simply suck us dry of any good vibes and leave us not only carrying our own concerns, but theirs too.  Don’t let them!  Steer a wide berth from these “Emotional Vampires”, these people who are just going to bring you down and say, “Not today, thanks!”


  1. Look at your goals. Funnel your positive, light-shining energy in to what YOU want to achieve.  Your goals.  Not anyone else’s, – yours.  Create a list of what you want to achieve and think big here – don’t limit your dreams and then focus that energy into a plan of action.  Remember, little steps achieve big things and don’t let your energy be depleted by set backs along the way.  You’re in this for the long-haul, remember?


  1. Do what you love. Why are you spending time and emotional energy on those tasks that you HATE? That’s a sure-fire way of depleting your energy tanks.  Instead, identify and recognise those tasks you dislike, or that you spend too long on and either find someone else who loves that kind of thing (and make their day), or eliminate them in some other way.  Can they be broken down into smaller, less onerous tasks, for instance?


Lastly, remember, you’re in control.  These are your energy levels, your resources, the things that make you tick that we’re talking about.  You wouldn’t run a car without fuel, so why would you run your body without investing some care and long-term maintenance on it?

Pay yourself some attention and, I promise, you’ll be reaping the benefits forever after.