
Why do entrepreneurs fear vacation? What can be done about it?

According to Inc. Magazine, there are 3 main things entrepreneurs fear about taking a vacation. Do any of these resonate with you?

  • fear of being replaced
  • facing what we “left behind” (like our family)!
  • getting off the treadmill

Fear: it can be both a motivator and a cause for procrastination. Fear can have a mysterious hold on us. In this case, let’s go through the fears listed above, and demystify them.

Fear of Being Replaced: What is this one all about? I know that as an employee, I feared being replaced while being out on maternity leave, which is a real concern. But will a week really make a difference? If so, perhaps you should assess your value to your market and your unique offering.

Facing what we left Behind: This one is telling. If we leave behind our family then fear reconnecting with them, it seems that other issues must be addressed. For example, what expectations does your family have of you, and you of your family since you are an entrepreneur? It can be a lonely life sometimes, and not every family can ride the wave of an entrepreneur’s life.

Getting off the treadmill: Here we are talking about re-assessing. Vacation generally means we have time away from our “regular” lives, where we find a new perspective. It can be refreshing and rejuvenating (which is the whole purpose, really). But when we are forced to stop doing what we do every day, it can also be a little scary. Lean into this fear, entrepreneur, and stay nimble!

Overall, the science says vacation is a good thing. More unplugging leads to a creative mind. The creative mind is one thing that can’t be outsourced. So, when you fear being replaced…it’s all the more reason to get away! Happy trails!


Summertime…and the livin’ is easy….3 steps to living peacefully; conflict-free

Or is it? Does your life change in summer? Mine sure does. With two very active children, our schedules are impacted by this change in routine. I have a teenager now, who does not drive…so….we have THAT plus “various” camps, plus vacations, long weekends, time at the beach, visitors…it seems so hard to actually WORK sometimes! Am I the only one?

Let’s start here- we’ll start in this article and keep this conversation going on our August call…

  • What are your expectations for the summer (overall)?
  • What are your work goals? Your personal goals?
  • How do you plan and prepare for the fall and winter, which will be here SO soon? What might get in the way of a smooth transition to the autumn season?

So much of the clutter in our minds begin with a lack of clear exceptions. And, while the solution to this may seem simple, when we are in the clutter of unclear expectations or conflicting goals, the solution can fade so far into the background that it becomes un-seeable.

Step One to setting up your Successful Summer (or what’s left of it) is to be really clear about what it looks like. For example, I once had an Organizing Client (when I did residential organizing) who hired me to help her organize her home. It was summer and she kept finding reasons to delay or cancel our sessions so she might go to the beach. She was not committed to working at her goal, obviously. She needed coaching around goals and expectations and help in envisioning the life she wanted. One step in this solution might be to say “I will go to the beach 3 times this month and have 3 sessions with my Organizer” or whatever. Placing sideboards around your “guilty temptations” allows you peace of mind.

The power of Step Two is lodged within identifying your goals. Do not underestimate the importance of articulating this step from your gut. Too often we “say” we have this goal or that goal but those goals DO NOT GET ACTED UPON. Sound familiar? If so, it’s time to check in with your VALUES. We act, always, in accordance with our value system (at least in the longer run). So, while the woman in the example above ‘wanted’ an organized home, and even hired a person to help, she could not actually stick with it because her true value was to enjoy life while she could. (She had medical issues and the sunshine really helped her mental and physical health.) Perhaps you have your own business, and your value is to spend leisurely summertime time with your children. That’s great! Knowing that it’s time for step three.

Step Three: Now that you know what you want, you know your values and goals, it’s time to articulate what it looks like. If you normally work 40 hours a week, and you’d like to work 30 in summer, what does that look like? How will you get the most important things done in your business with 10 hours less per week multiplied by 8 to 10 weeks? It’s possible, for sure. But it takes some planning. And maybe what that means, this year, is that you settle for 35 hours (5 less hours) so that your bottom line does not suffer. Then, you calendar in some year-end business planning time for NEXT summer. Right? Woo hoo!

Bonus Step: What can you jettison RIGHT NOW so you can enjoy more time in the sun? Ready? Find three things- I KNOW you can find one hour a day…go!

Enjoy, relax, and be productively happy,


How to Say “No” and… …get more done…get promoted…be respected…allow the OTHER person to feel good…

Sound impossible? It’s not. We’ll do a deep dive into this topic on 6/5 but for now, let’s get started. Here are some of the questions and/or feelings you may have:

  • I have so much to do, and so little time. I want to be more efficient!
  • I want to balance my work life and my home life.
  • My boss keeps asking me to switch projects and/or stay late. I want to be valuable but I am starting to get a bad taste in my mouth. How do I stand up for myself and not get in trouble?

With these 3 examples and more, you can turn your work life around so that you are:

  • getting more done in less time
  • eating dinner with your family again (without your phone)
  • earning respect from others; even your (difficult) boss.

Start here on the Road To Respect and Fulfillment


ASK YOURSELF a very powerful question: When am I at my best? When do I get the most done? For most people, this happens either VERY early in the morning, mid-day about 10 am to 12 noon, or for some….late at night. Let’s focus on that mid-day timeframe since it falls during the work day.


NEXT QUESTION: What one project, that if I worked two hours on it, would get me my biggest return for my time with respect to my/ my organization’s long-term goals?


NOW: Guard that time and that project. Start brainstorming ways to say “no” to “typical interruptions” such as inter-office meetings. Block yourself out as Busy at least one time during the week during that time frame; more is better. (hint: you’ll get so much done in this block that you will keep doing it).


How? How do you “say no” so easily? Some ideas for you:

  • “I’d love to, but I have another commitment at that time. Could we do x or x time?”
  • If it’s your boss, and you are working on a big priority that s/he supports, you could mention that, and underscore that importance (along with the high-productivity time frame it is within.) You might ask him/her which one he/she feels is most important and remind the boss that this will delay the first project accordingly.


Remember, most people want to hear how you can support THEM. So when you stand on their side of the fence and try seeing their point of view, they’ll typically respond more favorably.


Vulnerability in Business: Why “airing out our personal garden” opens us up to our greatness

They say that when you in business, every day must appear as if you are in Disney World. It’s a magical place of dreams.

I think that’s only partially true. While there is no doubt that customers are drawn to the “seemingly perfect and impossible,” they are also quite weary of it. All of us human beings are imperfect. Society breeds pressure to pretend. And while the vision of everyone walking the streets “bare chested with their problems in view” is a laughable idea, I submit that moving closer to vulnerability moves us closer to the dreamy perfection we wish we could attain.

The other night, I was at a Business After Hours Event. I was speaking to a fellow business associate, who I know only casually, about the feeling of overwhelm that another businessperson felt in her job. The reaction I received was surprising and revealing.

Here was the reaction: This is not okay. It is not okay to be overwhelmed, and, it’s certainly not okay to be talking about overwhelm in a business environment. 

I had to do some backpedaling at that point. There was no presentation given about this feeling. This feeling was disclosed to me in a very safe, one to one, business environment. And while we need to be strong and carry on, our vulnerability creates connections with others. Nobody is created in the plastic perfectness that is Disney. Opening up our imperfections is the first step to greatness. To become a true leader and grow professionally and personally we must hold true to the “A” in the ABC’s of Productivity, “Accept Your Reality.” What does this mean to you? What is that nagging feeling unappreciated at work? Not heard; invisible? Do you worry that if you speak up you may not be respected for being too “weak?”

Think for a moment about a leader you admire. Does this person have any servant qualities? Does he or she laugh at herself? Does he or she share mistakes made and lessons learned? The leaders I can think of in this realm are: Jesus Christ, Barack Obama, Thomas Jefferson, Mother Teresa, and my mentor coaches, Melinda Cohen and Kate Steinberger.

Strong and vibrant companies and organizations are made of committed, fulfilled, and strong individuals. When each person, each cog on the gear is willing to take a good look at how he/she might use their strengths for the good of the team, and transparently share the places in which he/she is less strong, they open up to learning and growing. The team binds together in a more cohesive manner. Productivity increases. Happiness results. Profits grow.

Conversely, when we ignore the warning signs of overwhelm, burnout, antiquated systems, etc., we run the risk of crashing and burning. I had a client, a business owner, who ignored this for too long and the company went bankrupt. Luckily, the owners of this company were able to downsize and re-tool their business, and come back stronger than ever. Along the way, though, it meant becoming transparent and vulnerable. It was scary to be “weak.” The rewards, however, continue to surpass their wildest dreams.

What will you be open to this spring? It’s time to air out so that new growth can take hold and flourish.


How Flow and Time Management Can Help You Get More Done

When you have a good system in place that takes care of routine tasks, while helping you to manage major tasks related to work, personal goals, etc. will leave you feeling relaxed and on top of things.

Do you have a timing management system in place? Have you considered you may need to implement one?

When deciding on a timing management system ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do I have much to do?
  • How do I move through my day?

Time Management (outside-in approach) vs Timing Management (inside-out approach)

Time management, the outside-in approach is the push-to-make-more happen approach. It’s about clock time, shortage of time, lack of peace. It can be very frustrating. Time management isn’t about getting more time but choosing where we spend each bit of time.

Managing your time means to consider both how much time do I have and where should my time go. Be aware of where bits of your time might and do go.

Timing management – is about psychological time with the right activity, individual, event and at the best moment for us. The basis of timing management is relationship with ourselves. The intention for timing management is to move to a state of increased flow that will allow inspiration. We seek to bring in Reactive brain and Rational brain into harmony together. The intention of timing management is to move to a state of increased flow and allow inspiration. (Credit: Mark Forester)

  • What feels ready to be done?
  • How good do I feel?
  • What am I ready to begin?

When we know, what tasks are to be completed we can then decide when to do each one.

Where and how do I start

A good place to start is by blocking off time that you spend doing regular discretionary things i.e. sleeping, eating, watching tv, etc.… Once you’ve done that then you can fit your routine tasks around those. When you know you only have a few hours of otherwise discretionary time you can focus on the remaining important tasks.



We can do that: MORE and BETTER. But first, I challenge you, ask yourself WHY. Then ask WHY you want that WHY.

Your first WHY answer might be something like, “…So that I can manage my time better and be more effective at work.” The “why behind the why” is more like, “I am losing credibility with my colleagues because I am generally running late and don’t always have what I need for meetings. I think I am going to get passed over for that promotion, and in fact, I am not sure how much longer it may be that I’m employed here. That scares me because my family counts on me for this income, and I’ll feel like a failure unless I can prove that I can excel here.”

Do you see how different the first “why” is from the second “why?” The second “why” taps into our feelings. Human beings are more motivated by fear of failure than by the promise of self-improvement. True story. One of my clients actually had to go bankrupt before she was ready to do More and Better. At that point, she ceased caring what the “world thought of her”- and went full speed ahead to Being More, Being Better, Being Brilliant.

If you have been meaning to attend one of my events and have not made the time to do so, there’s an opportunity around the corner, and you don’t even have to leave the office. On October 5th at 1 pm Eastern, I’m doing a webinar (see sign up info in the margin). Here’s a video (9 minutes long) to explain it a big. Fast forward to minute 2 for the “meat” of the program, so you may determine if it’s a good fit for you (if your WHY is strong enough, I mean)!


Here’s a tip to get you started before Oct 5th: For meetings, follow the EpS rule:

E = Eliminate the meeting when it’s not needed;

P = Prepare. Everyone needs the agenda at least 24 hours in advance. Set expectations.

S = Stick to the Agenda. 1.) HAVE an agenda; 2.) Use Robert’s Rules to run the meeting; 3.) Begin and end right on time.

Do more, do better, and do it for the reasons that are heartfelt and meaningful to you. Tell me, what ONE thing will you do differently this week now? Go ahead, just shoot me a quick email about it: I’d love to hear how this positions your week.