
3 ways to create focus (part 2)

In part 1 of this blog we delved into some of the reasons you may be struggling to focus right now and looked at the 100 day sprint technique as a solution and overall fast-track to achievement.

Now, we’re going to take a look at some other ways to create more focus and how to identify the tasks that will have the biggest impact on your productivity, and therefore outcomes. I’m also going to share some great tips to combat boredom and overwhelm.  

Using the 80/20 rule to identify the most important things

The Pareto Principle (commonly known as the 80/20 rule) is a great place to start when identifying what needs your focus most.

If you’re unfamiliar with this rule, or just need a refresher, the 80/20 rule asserts that 80% of your result will be dictated by 20% of your input. And so, identifying the 20% of tasks that will lead to the greatest achievements helps you sustain focus and prioritize what’s most valuable in terms of your goal (and therefore the most productive use of your time).

Now, that’s all well and good, but how do I determine what the most important tasks are? – I hear you ask.

Using 4 metrics to measure the worth of each to-do

Identifying your most important to-dos may take some time, but it’ll save time in the long run and jump-start your focus and productivity as well as reinforce your enthusiasm.

By now, you should already be familiar with what’s on your to-do list, so let’s look at those tasks in greater detail and reprioritize them.

1. Impact/value of activity

First off, you’ll want to assess the impact and value of each specific activity. How will it support your overall goal? If any task on your to-do list will have little to no impact, deprioritize it. Prioritize tasks that will get you results.

2. Time required

Now you’ve identified your most valuable tasks, have a look at each and estimate how much time each will take. You’ll then want to prioritize the to-dos that take the least time.

3. Difficulty

Now look each to-do and assess its difficulty or complexity. Does it need to be broken down into sub-tasks? Prioritize the simplest activities.

4. Cost

This category will mean different things to different people. So just jump in with your gut feeling. How much will it cost you to complete the activity? You’ll want to put anything of “zero” cost at the top.

Now you have your priorities set. If a task is high-impact, requires little time, is simple enough, and costs nothing – that’s number one on your to-do list.

I haven’t forgotten that I promised you some tips on how to handle boredom and overwhelm… So here goes.

3 tips on what to do when a task is really boring

  • Eat the Frog.
    • What’s your frog? I’d define your “frog” as that thing you are not doing. That thing you keep putting on your list but you avoid. Eat it. Get it over and done. Is it a confusing frog? Nail down one clear and do-able frog leg, then. Eat that. Your reward can be doing the little stuff. The reactive “atta-boy or atta-girl” stuff. The emails where people are saying, “wow you are so helpful and responsive!” Believe me, you can still be helpful and responsive. And you will be accountable and kind to YOU by eating the frog. Even if it’s only the frogleg.
  • Take smaller bites.
    • One way to combat those super boring things is to set your timer. This makes it fun-ner (I am all about fun) and also it’s a game (my ad/hd folks, especially, LOVE games and contests). Woo hoo! So…do this…set a timer for 10 minutes and for only those 10 minutes, focus on that task. Or if you’ve broken the to-do down into sub-tasks, just take one at a time. Usually, once we get into things, we continue with them and you’ll have it over and done with before you know it. It’s mind blowing how we avoid and procrastinate, and, when we actually “do” it…it takes a much shorter time! Stop when you said you were going to so you believe yourself the next time. And….supertip…if something is 2 min or less, just do it! Don’t put it on the list at all…
  • Give yourself a pat on the back.
    • Regular rewards work wonders and help maintain your focus. Whatever your reward may be (it could be a walk in the crisp Fall air, or 10 minute YouTube break), make sure you feel good after having completed something you find dull.

All of the above can really help when you’re feeling overwhelmed. Having an action plan with clear priorities and milestones will enable you to approach your goal with confidence.

Remind yourself daily of what you want to achieve and why. Visualize what things will be like when you’ve met your goal. And remember, you only need to focus on one task at a time and you’ll naturally reach your goal. 

Maintaining focus and sustaining productivity can be really tough, but these tips will really help. If you want more help with productivity, I’m excited to tell you I have a new class starting mid-September. Keep your eyes peeled for more information, coming soon.

In the meantime, nail down that 100 day sprint-goal and take the productivity quiz to see how ready you are!


3 ways to create focus (part 1)

Maintaining focus on your goals and ambitions can be really tough. Life is distracting. Yet, focus is critical for productivity. This information is not new. Right? And, information is not transformation. And information, plus assessing where you are right now, is step one.

Let’s explore ways you can actually implement focus techniques. We often know what we NEED to do, it’s just the DOING it that we struggle with. (which can then lead to those voices saying “we are not good enough…”)

So let’s not let those voices in the door.

Whether or not you’re a parent, it’s ‘end of summer – back to school’ now, which can really derail your life and business. It’s a period of transition. Transition takes energy. When we choose (consciously or subconsciously) to give our energy to something, we are not giving it to something else. So, if you are up-leveling your productivity in biz or in life…then you need to deal with the School Conundrum….well, it can be derailing.

But it does not have to be this way.

With endings come opportunities for new beginnings, and new beginnings are exciting and motivating. We can use this to our advantage.

Labor Day marks the end of Summertime and with it brings approximately 100 remaining days of business before the Holiday Season takes hold. This is a great time to embark on an achievement sprint.

Is the concept of the ‘100 Day Sprint’ unfamiliar? Check out this guy.

Here’s the deal.

  • You rested over the summer (right? If not, do it now. This fall’s gonna be a doozey. You cannot afford to skip this.)
  • Your prospects rested.
  • Business generally slows.
  • Decisions get made in September when the weather shifts.

Whether or not you have a business, September creates that refreshing energy to fast track results. And having a deadline makes the Time Horizon shorter. I know you procrastinate. We all do. 100 days, people. Let’s do this.

SO: take a look at your “100 day sprint goal” and take a moment to appreciate how far you’ve come in spite of COVID and world upheaval. Even if you feel behind, you’ve made a conscious decision to commit, so good for you! Acknowledge that and appreciate yourself.


  • List your intermediate milestones on route to the goal you’ve set out to accomplish.
  • Break each milestone down into achievable tasks, each with a deadline.
  • Make a plan to track and measure the milestones, this will keep you motivated.

And, do make a contingency plan or leave a bit of wiggle room, just in case. Remember to include rest days as well, as R&R is super important for productivity.

Now, you may be left feeling overwhelmed with how much there is left to do. That’s normal. Don’t fret. You’re creating a plan, and with it will come motivation and excitement. Let that excitement flood your system for a moment rather than drown in the overwhelm.

Breaking things down into achievable tasks with definitive milestones allows you to take one day at a time, one task at a time. And don’t forget to work in short blasts and listen to your own energy levels. If you’re having a particularly productive day, there’s nothing stopping you getting a little ahead of yourself. Just make sure you don’t take on too much because this will cause burnout and stop you in your tracks.

In the second part of this blog we’ll look at 3 more awesome ways you can create focus and combat boredom and overwhelm.


3 Mantras to Keep a Focused Mind (part 2)

In part one of this blog, we touched on some underlying issues that contribute to a lack of focus. You even had the opportunity to check out what your own cake is looking like. Missed it?

No worries! The Success Cake Evaluation is right- HERE!

So now we’re going to explore HOW we can keep a focused mind,

First, let’s look at 3 Mantras. (For those of you unfamiliar with this term, it’s like a little “jingle” that is simple and meant to stick in your head as it gets repeated over and over.)

NOTE: Scroll to the bottom for my super-special tips for AD/HD people…you know who you are!

Mantra One –

Focus like a fiend (at least part of the time)

One of the reasons you may struggle to maintain focus is that there’s simply too much going on around you or you have more than one project on the go. Trying to multitask is often counterproductive and you end up getting very little done or get fed up and become easily distracted.

Pick one task and focus like a fiend. Research shows that focusing for a while then taking a short break improves our focus when it’s needed. Anything between 40 and 90-minute blasts appears to be optimal so set your timer and focus on the task in hand. When your time is up, take a 10–20-minute break, rinse and repeat.

Mantra Two –

Recreation and rest help focus best

It’s all too easy to keep forcing ourselves to try to focus for prolonged periods and be ‘on’ all the time, however, research shows that a little R&R helps our focus and productivity massively.  

As mentioned above, our breaks are just as important as our time spent focusing. Our ‘off’ time allows us to relax or have fun and acts as a reset button to our brains, enabling us to focus better when we pick back up.

Recreation and rest are just as important as focus and productivity and finding the balance allow each to complement the other.

Mantra Three –

Move, eat, sleep

We touched on these areas in part one of this blog and there’s a lot to be said for taking care of your physical health.

–      Move – Make sure you’re getting enough exercise, not only does it release endorphins which help elevate your mood and therefore motivation, but it actually gives you more energy and helps ward off that afternoon slump.

–      Eat – Make sure you’re eating plenty of fresh fruit and veg, this is the fuel your body and mind need to operate effectively. And stay hydrated, plenty of water will prevent headaches and keep you more alert.

–      Sleep – Make sure you’re getting enough sleep every night. Research varies on the optimum amount, but all agree that snoozing your alarm is a bad idea.

How much is enough?

This will, of course, vary from person to person and it’s up to you to find your rhythm. Whether you’re working an 8-hour day in an office or you work alone at home, just becoming aware of these elements that affect your concentration will help improve your focus.

Wait, I have AD/HD. It’s not that easy!


Here’s some “extras” made just for you!’

  1. A clear desk is not a “nice to have.” With AD/HD the mind gets cluttered in a cluttered space. Take a few minutes to move what you’re not working on, so it does not distract you.
  2. Make a list. A short one. The shorter the better.
  3. Write to yourself. For example, if you need to write a proposal, and this is something where you find yourself derailing at times, write “this is not the time to clean the office. You can do that tomorrow.”
  4. Enlist support. Ask a friend, spouse, coach, accountability buddy to check in on you at certain times to see how you’re doing. AD/HD people do better in community…not alone!

Finally,  remember to take your Success Cake Evaluation – HERE so that you can make the cake of your dreams, starting NOW!


3 Mantras to Keep a Focused Mind (part 1)

Do you believe that a few more tricks and tips will help you be more productive?

Well…all the information in the world does not help if you can’t execute. Execution requires focus. While the concept is simple, the reality is not so simple. If you are like most people, you:

– Sometimes (or often) find it hard to focus;

– Wish “just do it” worked. But, it doesn’t. So, you are reading this blog! Awesome.

We all find it hard to focus at times, and as individuals, we all have different reasons for this. That being said, there are several areas you need to take into consideration when thinking about your own reasons for struggling to focus. Before we get into the nitty-gritty “how to” of focusing like a fiend, let’s look at the Cake!

When we look at the Productivity Success Cake, we see that Power Focus is actually on layer 3, Productivity. And, what I know is that the other layers need to be “shored up” before the productivity pieces can be fully utilized to their highest and best.

The base layer- Health:

Our brain’s inability to focus can be caused by physical health factors, such as not getting enough sleep, not eating right, lack of exercise, and not taking your medication. And, our mental and spiritual health are also critical-path items (this is the “meditation” slice).

The second layer- Environment:

Our environment also has an impact on our ability to focus. I recommend that you take into consideration your physical space, your personal goals, your support network, and your sense of purpose in the world (see Environment Layer). Is your environment peaceful and distraction-free? Do you have clear personal goals and the time to work towards them? Do you have a support network so that you are heard completely, and validated? That support circle can also help to hold you accountable. Maybe it includes a coach!

For those of us with AD/HD, focus can be a real hurdle. If you find it hard to concentrate on mundane tasks, become distracted easily, or have difficulty completing tasks or projects, I’ll have some great tips for you in my next blog.

Want to see how YOU rate in YOUR productivity? Ditch the overwhelm and see how your cake looks! You can take the Success Cake Evaluation –  HERE

This tool will help you see productivity in a whole new way. It’s not all about “how to beat procrastination” after all. You will learn more about how ALL the layers in your life affect your productivity. Then YOU get to choose what to focus on to create the cake of your dreams!

In my next blog, we’ll be exploring how to improve focus with some simple techniques.


Secrets to Getting Things Done

In my last blog we discussed breaking through the stop/start pattern and ways to stick to your plan. In this post, we’ll be looking at this more deeply and structuring your plan on getting things done.

More often than not, a lack of plan will have a hugely negative impact on achieving our goals. How do you know where you’re going if you don’t have a map?

This plan in itself can be overwhelming if you’ve not tackled this before, but no need to worry, I’ve broken it down into sections for you below.

Step 1: Brain Dump.

Set some time aside and sit somewhere peaceful with a pen and a notepad or sketchbook and write down everything. Your goals, what you need to do, ideas you may have. Everything. Get it all out onto paper. Remember this is just for you so it doesn’t matter what it looks like (although I know a lot of people who like to make their brain dumps visually appealing by using different colored pens etc.).

Step 2: Organize the information

Create categories (such as ‘Personal’, ‘Family, ‘Work’) organize each thing into these lists. Try to be as specific as you can. You may add more at this time as well as find that one task crosses over into more than one category, I suggest highlighting these particular tasks as you’ll want to prioritize them.

Step 3: Calendar it

Whether this be on a physical or electronic calendar, make a guess as to how much time each task will take and put it into a slot. DO NOT PACK TOO MUCH IN. LEAVE WHITE SPACE. If you are not used to doing this, the propensity is to underestimate how long a thing will take and also to not allow for the unexpected. This results in NOT putting anything into our calendar and is a giant pitfall.

Step 4: Review regularly

Things change so you may have to change your plans. I would recommend a weekly review so you can tweak as necessary. Your business and/or life may warrant other decisions so a regular review will help you stay on top of the continuity and progress. This review also allows you to take stock of your progress, tick things off your list and see how far you’ve come.

Final Bonus: Combatting Fear

Fear is the number one thing that holds us back. We all experience fear in one shape or form, and it prevents us from really achieving what we want to. Sometimes we don’t even notice it is fear that’s the culprit, but distraction, procrastination, and self-sabotage are all forms of fear manifestation.

The very best antidote to fear is to face it!

Recognize the fear when it manifests and admit to yourself this is a form of fear. Then take action. One small action to overcome. If you’re distracted or procrastinating, take a small break to reset then do one thing from your list that will help you on your journey. You’ll be grateful you did.

Don’t look back. Before you know it, you’ll be ‘doing’ it!


Breaking the Start/Stop pattern you have had for years

  • Do you find you are always starting and never finishing?
  • Do you love the spark of an idea when it’s fresh and new, but loathe moving a project all the way through to completion?

You are not alone. In fact, a friend of mine just today told me that she is a “ignitor” or “spark” – not an implementor. She had a great idea to raise chickens. Who maintains the coop? Her husband. This friend has gone through a few career changes also and is in the midst of a beautiful change right at the moment.

So, what can be done?

First, love yourself as you are. Know that this is your strength. You are an idea person. The world needs you! So many people out there are “blah blah blah.” They go to work each day and power through life, barely looking up. They are so disconnected with themselves that new ideas don’t have chance. And you are NOT that person!

Why do we berate ourselves?

Society has a very strict agenda. You must do well in school, get your degrees (undergraduate then graduate, preferably) then go out and get a job. If you are an idea person, if you have a vision bigger than you know what to do with (or many, often all at the same time) – you feel odd, wrong, you don’t fit in…and The Traditional Path does not reward you. Time and time again we are told we “just need to…” and we fail. If this sounds familiar, I have got you!

Getting Back on “Track”

First, agree with your makeup. You are a superstar, ignitor, illuminator, and big idea person. You are an artist, a visionary, and you come up with “crazy ideas” all the time. What might happen if you allowed yourself to embrace these gifts??

Second, do create routines. Routines are not schedules. Routines create freedom. You have a routine whether you know it or not. Hitting snooze 3x and running is a routine. It is most likely not your outwardly desired one, yet, it is. What do you WANT the routine to look like? Play with it, keep it close (yes write it down!) and be okay with tweaking it. Do a routine in the morning and the night. It’s a game changer.

Third, outsource and externalize. You aren’t going to keep everything on track “in your brain”. In my next blog we will go through steps as to how to catch the butterflies and allow the beauty at the same time.

If you know you have AD/HD, this probably makes tons of sense to you. If not, you might notice something that sounds promising. Either way, if you procrastinate, get off track, or consider it “normal” to finish 80% of a project, stick with me as we are going to nail down some of the squirrels and smile all the way to progress!

In my next blog we will discuss the secret to getting things done – and the number one thing that holds us back!