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Did someone say “interruptions”?

early bird speaker
early bird speaker

Recently, I had the true pleasure of presenting one of my signature talks, “4 Ways to Produce More While Staying Sane” to a fine group of Human Resource Professionals at the Granite State HR conference in Manchester, New Hampshire.


Here’s a INTERRUPTION STOPPER snippet from a workshop I gave to the VT Recreation and Parks Department, click here.


One issue that everyone related to – loud and clear- was the apparent disconnect between “saying no” (i.e. not being interrupted) and providing excellent customer service.


When most people “want something”, they want it immediately. Few have the self-discipline to add it to a list or to a schedule, and then wait for the right time. Now, if a person has sliced his finger and blood is gushing uncontrollably, immediate action is the only choice.  Most questions are not blood gushing, hospital-rushing ER questions, but, they are treated this way.


The late Steve Covey called this living in Quadrant One, “Firefighting.” Our instant-messaging, texting, constant-scroll email culture has exacerbated this issue many-fold. This immediacy becomes our normal, and we no longer have the ability to discern immediate needs from everything else.


What’s the issue? Well, there is no issue if you are an ER technician or a firefighter. That’s your job! If, however, you are a MANAGER then this can pull you off track again and again until you find yourself (metaphorically) in Kansas, asking, ”how did this happen?” The answer is…inch by inch.


The good news is that you can take back your work life. This workshop is jam packed with tips and strategies, but here are some to get you started:

  1. Work on one thing at a time.
  2. Establish a daily default priority.
  3. Ask your interrupter, “can I get a headline?”


These all sound so simple. Ask yourself, are you doing all three? If not, why not? Well, because it’s Not Easy! Here’s a little more about each tip:

  1. One thing at a time: The power of focus is not to be underestimated. At this workshop, we did an exercise proving that working on more than one thing at a time reduced participants’ productivity by OVER HALF. Would you like to double your productivity? Try doing one thing at a time. I dare you.
  2. Daily Default Priority: I know you will do more than one thing in a day. You’ll do a lot more. But how often have you had “that project” that you’ve managed to…skirt around again and again? Keep it simple, keep it clear, write it down, do this exercise every morning and every night. Commit to doing that one thing. And you know what? It WILL get done!
  3. “Can I get a headline?”: This is a great response to all those people who ask the dreaded question….”Got a minute?” That minute turns into an hour- or more -when you then need to do the follow-up, right? And what happened to the project on which you were working? When you ask this question, it causes the interrupter to think before throwing information or questions at you. One s/he summarizes, you can then decide, do I ask him or her to return later, or, is this issue more pressing than my current work? There is POWER IN THE PAUSE.


The three tips will get you started back down the path to productivity, taking back control of your workday. Contact me today if you’d like to learn more about how she can infuse motivation, participation, and productivity back into YOU and/or YOUR TEAM. I’d be honored to help boost you to levels you never dreamed possible.


With warm regards,


Your Productivity Coach



Get Organized More time in my day prioritize procrastination Productivity

Dreaming to Doing: The How

For those of you who may have missed my article in the January Greater Concord Chamber of Commerce newsletter, here’s a timely reminder in MARCH for what we may have intended in January!


WHAT is the issue?


New Year’s resolutions don’t work. You know that.  Some statistics:

Resolution maintained through first week 75%
Past two weeks 71%
Past one month 64%
Past six months 46%



But, why? We are intelligent and successful leaders. Why do we have a DISCONNECT between Intention and Action?


Answer: It’s our brains. It’s how we are wired. But, here’s the good news. We can outsmart our brains.




With everything to gain, and much to lose, it’s worth another look at the “right way” to not only plan, but to design a system that enables you and your team to (really) follow though this time. Without consistent and reliable methods for follow-through, your team will lose momentum, become disengaged, and possibly disgruntled. A disengaged team barely scratches the surface of productivity, whereas a highly engaged and motivated team knows no limits.


What if, after many tries of fording an impossible stream, someone built a bridge? Would you ford the stream again? It’s doubtful. What do you have to lose? To gain?

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Want this bridge? Read on.




How do we outsmart our brains, then, to go from “Dreaming” to “Doing”? It’s simple, but it’s not easy. If it were easy, we’d find different statistics.


Simply Successful Steps:


  1. Be certain. Envision your end result, with the caveat that you truly believe you can achieve your goal(s). Half-hearted beliefs are doomed to failure.


  1. Keep it super simple. A big mistake is to plan for more than three goals. One to three is ideal. “Less is more” after all.


  1. Believe through the bumps. There will be bumps, but reminding yourself of successes will breed more successes. Honor and celebrate, and expect the bumps. A deep and meaningful “why” is paramount.


  1. Really remember the reminders. What reminds you of “what you were going to do”? Some use a vision board. Some visualize daily. Create small “if/then” habits (hint: this is a “brain trick.” For example, “IF I open a new browser window THEN I will ask myself what my highest priority of the day is.”)


  1. Consistently. You must commit to a small step, at least every other day. This creates habit and momentum. It’s also known as Deliberate Practice, which is another way to re-train your brain.


  1. Get support. No “man is an island.” Humans are gregarious by nature, and in general, find greater success in personal accountability. Try, a mastermind group, or a coach. Even announcing your goal (personal or professional) on Facebook can help!


Above all, take heart:


According to a 2015 study by the Miriam Hospital in Rhode Island, we can “rebuild our willpower muscle.” Like any muscle however, it must be trained.


Take a Vacation – It’s Very Productive!

This may be a surprise to all of you who know me as a busy bee – but I am on vacation! Yes, even the most productive among us have to find time to sit back and relax. For the next few weeks I’m doing a lot of hiking (and recovering from hiking with a cool drink and a book afterwards…), as well as posting a blog for you all, of course!

Since I’ve got relaxation on the mind, I thought I would try and impart some wisdom on just HOW to relax – and make it count. It’s easy to take a few days off and fritter them away thinking about to-do lists, returning to work, or even packing your vacation time with as much excitement as possible, filling what should be a period of tranquility with unneeded stress. You deserve better! Not only will more effective rest make you happier during your vacation, but it will allow you to feel so much more recharged for work when you “get going” again.

Here are three strategies for getting the most out of your time off:

  1. Know that your vacation is a good thing! There’s no need to feel guilty or restless about giving yourself a break, simply because you aren’t working. The fact is that, while you aren’t being productive per se, you are contributing to your ability to be productive later. The Atlantic, after looking at the science behind restfulness, found that “breaks are better for our brains than overtime.” Vacations radically increase worker productivity by improving mental health and motivation. So trust your relaxing self; you’ll be able to do far more after a few more dips in the pool than a few extra hours grinding away at your desk.

  2. Sleep well! I cannot stress this enough – sleep is critical in recharging every part of your well-being, and you can’t be at your best if your health isn’t at its best. But even when you’re on vacation, it can be hard to squeeze every ounce of restfulness out of a night’s worth of sleep. There are some ways to “hack” your sleep patterns for the most rest possible. Try avoiding “blue light” – the kind often emitted by TV, computer and cell phone screens – for an hour before bed. Scheduling out your sleep pattern can help you take advantage of your full sleep cycle too; use this tool to find your perfect bedtime.

  3. Get away from emails! The advent of email is a great yet tricky thing – it makes communicating easier, but ever-present. When you’re always an email away, it can turn the 40-hour work-week into a 24/7 work-week, leaving little time for actual restfulness. As discussed, that restfulness is precious, and there are ways to keep email from stealing it away. Vacation auto-response is a feature on many email platforms, allowing you to notify those who email you that you’re on vacation. If the person’s message is critical, you can include other contact information in the customized response. It’s OK to be out of touch for a while, and this is a great way to tell others that in a respectful way.

It’s my goal that these tips will allow you to relax and replenish your energy for a great summer ahead. I’m trying them out in preparation for my webinar on July 23rd about “The Power of Evernote” (which you can still sign up for here!). Here’s hoping that you’ll see me more relaxed, recharged, and ready to be productive than ever!