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Perspectives Podcasts: We’re talking Turkey! 5 tips to make it all more manageable

If you are like many of us…those “holidays” tend to sneak up on you. So, you feel GUILTY because you WANT TO ENJOY the holiday, but, all the rushing around tends to Stress You Out, Get In the Way of Work, and then…the relatives? What are we doing this for, anyway?

Do you ever feel like you just want to bail out? Listen to our podcast to bring back the sanity. 11.6.2012 Five Tips

AD/HD Get Organized More time in my day prioritize productivity in the workplace Time strategies

You have a million things to do…so how do you pick what is first?

Do you ever wake up with a to-do list already swirling around in your head?

Do you come to work and feel paralyzed because….you know there is a ton to do but you end up just responding to whatever email is on the top?

Are you in shock that this week is….November? And that the local library is ADVERTISING THE HOLIDAY CLOSINGS on the door already?!

Listen to this podcast for some helpful advise about how to make sense of it all…all day, every day, but especially as the holidays approach. Sue West and I have named it “Perspectives Podcasts.” Enjoy…and feel free to leave comments or feedback. We’d love to hear from you.

10.23.2012 Lucrative Strategies at work and at home

AD/HD Get Organized More time in my day productivity in the workplace

Have you received your first invitation to “shop for the holidays?”

The other day, an email invitation from my local Chamber of Commerce reminded me that I might want to come to an art sale- for some Holiday Shopping.

What happens to YOU when you receive a note like this on or about October 12?

When you think of those upcoming holidays, right after Halloween, what do you do? Panic? Hide? Look the other way? Cringe?

When panic sets in, the pre-frontal cortex of our brain – the “rational thinking” part- shuts down. One way to open it back up is to write a list.

My colleague Sue West has some ideas to take lists out of the “chore” category and circle back to “I am in control and I am going to make this fun!” Enjoy podcast number 4 from your two favorite organizers, Carol Williams and Sue West.

10.5.2012 breaking it down

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Are you ready for the ‘final four’ months of 2012?

This is it.

With fall knocking on our doorstep, we “grab the last days of summer” while we can. Suddenly it’s 50 degrees when we wake.  Then, humidity comes back, soothing us like a warm, cozy jacket. But we know it won’t last. Alas, the “lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer” are gone, or, just about gone.

Now is the time to speed up. Fall sports. School.  College.  Everyone is back from summer vacation.

Before I began EpS, I worked for many years as a landscape architect. Most of the population assumed that summer was “our busy time” and the fall brought in relief. Actually, it was the opposite. Many of our clients were tied to higher education. Right about now, the phone started ringing. Inevitably, big deadlines were set around the holidays in December.  Even homeowners liked to see that “last project” done before the weather turned.

How do your “final four” months of the year look? Are you ready? Are your systems in place? Are you on track with your financial plan and year-end goals? It’s not too late. Start with testing yourself against these 8 points, to round out the eighth month of the year:

  1. How are your “books” looking? Have they suffered from a lack of summer income? What do you need to do NOW so that your 2012 will be a “happy place” come year end? Check out these 3 tips:
  2. Have you lost touch with any clients over the summer? Now is the perfect time to reconnect. Try a personal, handwritten card. You will stand out.
  3. How are your files looking? Are you behind? Assuming you have a busy autumn/last quarter in store, this often-overlooked area of life becomes critical. Carve out 30 minutes a day to pull your filing systems back together before it becomes unmanageable and something gets lost through the cracks.
  4. Is your computer “old?” Will you need to replace your desktop, laptop, ipad, iphone, blackberry soon? Now is the time to set aside a little capital for that year-end purchase.
  5. How effective is your computer backup system? Just 7 days without a backup can cost you thousands of dollars in headaches and lost information. I strongly suggest “cloud” backup software such as: or
  6. How will you reconnect with all those contacts you are making at the Business After Hours? Who did you say you’d talk to “in a few months?” If you don’t have a CRM (Customer Relations Management Software) it’s time to develop a system that works for you. If you use Microsoft Outlook on a regular basis, try this one:
  7. How are your “home systems” working? Do you have to leave earlier in the morning these days? Is everyone getting out the door with ease, or is it a struggle? Do you have a system for cleaning, laundry, shopping, and meals? Try  You, your student, and your family will soar with her simple principles.
  8. Most importantly, take a little time each day for yourself. This might entail going for a short walk at lunchtime when you think you don’t have time, or it could be just closing your eyes in the car for 5 minutes before you pick up your child from childcare. Remember, when we cheat ourselves, we cannot be at our best for our clients, families, and friends. You are the most important person in your life. Treat yourself with love and respect.

Here’s to a productive, happy, and healthy balance of 2012!

Get Organized More time in my day prioritize productivity in the workplace

Sweet Summer: How does it change your life? – Staying Organized and Productive when the Thermometer reaches 90 degrees

Summer brings a change in routine for us all. For some, it’s a “lazy hazy” time. Some of us might be spending the summer with our children and/or taking extended family vacations. For others, we are very busy at work during this time of year as we have seasonal/contracting professions. Some CPA clients I have are quite busy in summer performing audits.

Regardless of how summer affects you, it’s important to take stock. Some steps to getting organized and get yourself set up for the second half of the year that you might consider:

  1. Know where you are right now.
  2. Identify where you want to go. Right now, it’s about six weeks or so until the children in our lives will be “back to school”: another transition time. For college students, it’s probably more like 4 weeks away.
  3. Check in with yourself regularly. Weekly is a good start.
  4. Follow up. What did you find in your check-in? What should you be doing more of? Less of?
  5. Adjust your expectations, if that’s needed. Usually, it is.
  6. Start again at number one!

I remember as a child that we went “back to school shopping” each year at the very beginning of August. That is when Sears & Roebuck had their annual sale and it was time for my sister and I to get outfitted for the inevitable. As a child, school still seemed very far away. It seemed odd to be shopping for closed toe shoes and corduroy pants when it was 90 degrees out. But before we knew it, the cool breezes were blowing and we were walking to the bus during the next “school year”. Little did I know, my mom and the stores had taken stock, identified their goals, and were setting us up for success!

As an adult and a parent, I realize now how life is truly like a roll of toilet paper. The closer to the end we get, the faster it goes! If you don’t want “too tight of a schedule” think of your life as a series of routines with important milestones identified. You CAN be flexible while achieving your goals.

AD/HD Get Organized More time in my day productivity in the workplace

Detangle your life with 5 easy spritzes

Is too much going on? You are not alone! Try these ideas to relieve the craziness:

  1. Take mini moments to assess: Step back when you feel yourself get flustered, angry, or losing control. Ask, what’s all this about?
  2. Clear off your desk when you are done working. When you order your stuff, you order your mind.
  3. Put yourself first. Pay attention to how many obligations you accept. Saying “no” to one thing can create a “yes” somewhere else.
  4. Set big goals and live with intention. If you hear yourself saying, “I’d love to, but…” resolve to turn that thinking around. If not you, who?
  5. Worry weakens, so live in faith. When you worry, you create fear. Fear is crippling. Conversely, faith is enabling. When your boat is on fire, trust that the greater sea will put out that fire and carry you to greater heights. What have you got to lose?