AD/HD Get Organized More time in my day prioritize productivity in the workplace Time strategies

What? This is the last full week before Christmas?

Last week I was talking to a client and I pointed out that this week is the last full work week before Christmas. At this point, we need to pare down and prioritize. But how? Listen on- 5 to 8 minutes for peace and serenity to return. 12.13.2012 FINAL 4 HOLIDAY TIPS

Get Organized More time in my day prioritize productivity in the workplace Time strategies

Why New Years Resolutions Don’t Work…and what you can do about it

The secret to real change in 2013: Getting organized by outsmarting your brain

Soon,, many people will be busy resolving to make 2013 the best year ever. Some, however, think that New Year’s Resolutions are a lot of hot air. Most of the time, they are right.

Human beings often live on the island of Good Intention. We mean to lose weight, eat better, become better parents, take that trip, and keep in touch with dear friends. What happens? Life gets in the way.

For example, you resolve to eat right and exercise on January 1. This will be my year, you say. Then, the kids get sick and you need to take time off from work. You can’t get to the gym to exercise 5 times a week now, as you had resolved to do. And you are not able to get to the grocery store to buy all those organic leafy greens, so you resort to the frozen pizza and potato chips lurking in your coffers for a quick snack.  A few days go by, and when the child’s fever lifts you look around and say, why bother? This is not going to work. I am not cut out to be a lean, mean machine.

human brain

Following through and establishing new habits can be extremely difficult tasks. As humans, we are biologically trained to live in homeostasis. That is, our bodies are, biologically, resistant to change.  It’s actually in our makeup.

The good news: neuroplasticity. Through the science of neuroplasticity, we can train our brains to accept change.

Are you ready? Follow these 7 easy steps for real change in 2013:

  1. Focus on one aspect of your life you would like to change. Example: you want to become known in your field as an expert; a thought leader. This is a powerful goal, and must be broken down into manageable steps.
  2. Map out your steps. For example, thought leaders are on top of their industry related reading. But, you have piles of periodicals around your home and office that you simply cannot find the time to read. You need to carve out time for this.
  3. Implement step one. In this example, you need more time for the reading. Take a good look at your day. Can you wake up 30 minutes earlier than you do now?
  4. Analyze your progress. After two weeks, is your new habit starting to take root?
  5. Adjust as required. If yes, you are getting more reading done, but, at this rate it will take 2.5 years to “catch up”, then it’s time to adjust. A speed reading course, perhaps?
  6. Analyze your progress. Once you complete the speed reading course, are you feeling more in control of your reading? Are you starting to feel more like the thought leader you envisioned?
  7. Rinse and repeat. Every two weeks, analyze and adjust. All projects start with a vision, then a current assessment, and finally an action plan. Once the action plan is accomplished, it’s time to compare your results to your original vision (a current assessment). Does your vision need to be tweaked? If you keep repeating this cycle of vision, current assessment, action plan…you will reach your goal.
AD/HD Get Organized More time in my day prioritize productivity in the workplace Time strategies

Chugging through the December Holidays

Many professionals seek my advice for “time management.” During this time of year, if we are truly managing ourselves around our “whole” life (work and, ahem, home), we integrate “the holidays.”  Trouble typically follows if and when we do NOT incorporate the holidays….the “I’ll just ignore it” strategy (F L O P).

Sue West and I have six tips for you this time. We go through them step by step, so that the overwhelming feeling you may have now is reduced to a manageable “breaking down” of this last part of the year.

So- don’t have a breakdown…start breaking it down by listening here. Feel free to Like and Share!11.28.2012 CHUG thru your holidays

AD/HD Get Organized More time in my day prioritize productivity in the workplace Time strategies

You have a million things to do…so how do you pick what is first?

Do you ever wake up with a to-do list already swirling around in your head?

Do you come to work and feel paralyzed because….you know there is a ton to do but you end up just responding to whatever email is on the top?

Are you in shock that this week is….November? And that the local library is ADVERTISING THE HOLIDAY CLOSINGS on the door already?!

Listen to this podcast for some helpful advise about how to make sense of it all…all day, every day, but especially as the holidays approach. Sue West and I have named it “Perspectives Podcasts.” Enjoy…and feel free to leave comments or feedback. We’d love to hear from you.

10.23.2012 Lucrative Strategies at work and at home

AD/HD Get Organized More time in my day productivity in the workplace

Have you received your first invitation to “shop for the holidays?”

The other day, an email invitation from my local Chamber of Commerce reminded me that I might want to come to an art sale- for some Holiday Shopping.

What happens to YOU when you receive a note like this on or about October 12?

When you think of those upcoming holidays, right after Halloween, what do you do? Panic? Hide? Look the other way? Cringe?

When panic sets in, the pre-frontal cortex of our brain – the “rational thinking” part- shuts down. One way to open it back up is to write a list.

My colleague Sue West has some ideas to take lists out of the “chore” category and circle back to “I am in control and I am going to make this fun!” Enjoy podcast number 4 from your two favorite organizers, Carol Williams and Sue West.

10.5.2012 breaking it down

Get Organized More time in my day Time strategies

Mid September….Are the winds of fall knocking you over yet?

This week, Monday and Tuesday blew in “fresh” breezes. As much as I wanted to embrace them, I found myself freezing and muttering under my breath. Conversely, the “indian summer” these last couple of days penetrates my soul and allows me to prepare for fall, before another temperature dip comes this weekend.

For me, fall represents change. My children’s soccer has taken over my life, when I am not extremely busy with presentations and clients. It’s a good thing I am organized! For those of us looking for a few more great tips – practical and kid-centric- look no further. For our mid-September podcast, Sue West and I bring on a fellow organizer- Sandy Rhee. She specializes in Student Organizing- a perfect theme for September. Listen and Enjoy!

SANDY RHEE 9.10.2012