Accountability Goal Setting Mastermind Groups Organization Planning Positive Thinking Time strategies

What are you committed to?

We are in love with our roadblocks, even when we say we are not.

The truth about commitment:

We love to talk about how we want to lose weight. We love to talk about ‘someday’. “I would like to get around to it, but not right now” or “I’m really busy doing …..” 

Finally, you may say, “That’s it. I’m going to do this thing. I really want my next one hundred days/the end of the year to look different. I really do. I cannot stand tolerating this negative cash flow. I cannot stand tolerating the organizational state of my office. I cannot stand tolerating negative people in my life that I just can’t seem to stop being with, and I can’t figure it out.  I go into those negative spirals. Something must be done!” 

If that’s you, you may be saying “Okay, I know Carol’s offering a program that can really whip me into shape. I know it’d be SO good for me. I’d get the result I say I want. I know it’s starting soon. I think I want to do it. Then you ask yourself, “WAIT, what happens if I say yes? Oh my gosh. Well, first of all, I’ll have to commit to it. Well, I can’t commit too much. What if something comes up? Then I’ll fail, like all those other times. I’m about an 8 out of 10, and that’s pretty committed.  I don’t give 10’s. That’s safe.” 

That’s where you’re wrong. Until you commit 100%, you are, my friend, doomed.

Here’s what happens:

  • In that 8 out of 10 commitment – that -2 will not allow you to succeed.
  • In a  9 out of 10 commitment, that -1 will not allow you to succeed.
  • Even in a 9.5 out of 10 commitment, that 0.5 will go in sneakily and *pull you down in ways that you’re not even conscious of*!

We are RULED by our subconscious. Our subconscious wants to keep us SAFE and that means not Doing Something New. Even if it’s Proven.

So- to say ‘yes’ to something new, maybe that’s Discover Your Greatness, which starts Tuesday Sept 12th, you need to TRICK your subconscious while she is not looking.  To do this, 

  1. take a deep breath
  2. imagine yourself Dec 31 with a clean office and financial abundance
  3. imagine lots of good people around you; no more negative nellies. A fun atmosphere and getting things done effortlessly with loads of support.

Then, RUN. 

You can join this cohort until midnight Eastern on Sunday (that’s assuming there are seats left!). 

Anyway, let’s go into “Okay, that’s it. I’m going to do it. I’m going to plunk my money down and I’m going to say yes to ME!”. 

Watch out for this pitfall: Don’t make the mistake of wanting something NEW- yet wanting NOTHING to change. 

It’s kind of like when you go on a healthy eating plan and you think “Well, wait a minute, I get to just have my candy bars every day. Oh wait, I don’t get to have my candy bars every day. I don’t want that healthy eating plan. I just want to lose the weight”. 

It’s the same thing with this opportunity. Yes, you’re going to have to do things differently, and I promise it will be fun and it works. 

A sneak peek of what is in store for those lucky enough to get in on time:

One of the key tenets of Discover Your Greatness… the proprietary DESIRE TEMPLATE forms.  – You set yourself up at the beginning of your workday for a Day of Success. You can also do it the night before. You can do it digitally, or print it.   

The first question is: ‘What is your purpose?’ It’s really important to know what your purpose is because if you don’t know why you’re doing it, guess what y’all, you won’t do it. The procrastination starts before you even begin the list! So we eliminate that problem right away.

The next item on the template is … ‘One thing I must do today, no matter what’.  Now -notice I didn’t say “What are the 25 things you want to do today?” You want to dial it down. Does this mean you won’t get any more than one thing done? No. You will get more than one thing done, I promise you. 

However, you will get that one thing done plus a lot more -because this is what gets you started and keeps you focused, which are two of the biggest problems. Procrastination is one of the biggest issues. Then of course, I know you’re going to have a little carry over from yesterday as that’s usually how it goes. 

The final questions on the template…

Identify your most important things: two of them. 

We then ask: what might get in the way? Hint:  get really specific. 

Finally, what will you do to fireproof it? In other words, put measures in place to be sure you don’t fall short of your intention/plan. 

Once you fill it out, you can print it, and save/send to me. I comment on this and watch your progress and help you along, both live and through my private client portal. 

And that’s just the beginning. It’s just *one* of the game changing resources you will use in the group.

There’s also an end of day form,, which is also very important where we debrief what we went on. You learn TONS with this form. 

Over time, by doing this, miracles happen – because the tiniest little change, little by little, bit by bit, piece by piece, layer by layer in the Productivity Success Cake, immense change happens. 

In Discover Your Greatness, we’ve got 14 weeks together. The nice part about that is it’s not like six months, it’s not like 12 months. It’s not like $20,000, it’s like $2,000. It’s not that much money and what you can get in the end, it’s crazy-good.

Game changing goodness. For example, 

people have:

  • Double or tripled their income 
  • Finally started the business that they’ve been trying to start for 14 years
  • One person had a backlog for a year of work, and finally they are not adding to the backlog anymore, and they are showing up differently with their team. This person is showing up as a bigger and better and more confident leader. 

And that’s what happens. The confidence happens, and the hidden fears that hold us back melt away. 

I’m so excited because I’ve got five people already registered and ready to go, and I’ve got three more openings at the time of writing this. On Tuesday September 12, we’re going to be getting started, and I can’t wait to see if you’re going to be one of those people to march forward together in unison toward Dec 31.

Oh, one more thing!

Did I tell you about the prizes? I also have prizes and giveaways because as we do this work together, we have fun. When you have fun, you get it done. Do you want to have some fun and get it done and finally do the darn thing that you said you were going to be doing for years that you just refuse to do? Well, don’t let this be the thing that scares you to death, so that you keep defining yourself as somebody who does it all themselves all the time. Because you know what? That doesn’t work. If it worked, you would’ve done it by now. You know that.I cannot wait to see who fills those final three seats and says yes to discovering their greatness.

Confidence Growth Mastermind Groups

3 Ways To Catapult Your Success In 2019

In our last blog, we looked at the power of leveraging more than one mind in your business success.  Now, following on from that, let’s discuss ways to put that success into turbo drive in 2019.

  1. The power of hyperfocus.

Big picture thinking is usually where we start with any new idea.  The mind maps, the brain-storming sessions, the “getting it all down on paper” phase is great.  It allows all our thought processes, our ideas to come together; a visual representation of what’s been milling around in our brains.  But, what then?  How does this translate into the steps needed to succeed?

The answer is hyperfocus.  This is the ability to focus on one thing, to the exclusion of all else for an extended period.  Use your time to focus on one point at a time, without distraction, and then move on to the next.  By working in this way, you can avoid distraction and maximise productivity, which in turn leads to a focused to-do list of tasks that you can work to, rather than a vague idea.

  1. Be selective about how you spend your time.

The interesting thing about being productive is that it is about becoming selective in what you do, not trying to do everything.  The truth is, the more work we must do, the more “frazzled” our brain becomes and we end up working on counter-productive tasks, simply because they are in front of us.

It’s okay to say “no” to certain opportunities, for example. Don’t go down the route of stacking more demands on your already laden plate.

Remember from our October blog, we discussed how free time is vital time? That free time, time to dream, time to rest, recharge, reenergize and regain perspective is vital.

We see productivity as getting more done, which to most of us, translates as spending more time and effort on tasks.  In fact, it is just the opposite.  In order to achieve more, we need to focus on less.  Spend our time on the goals that matter, and work in a way that brings maximum value to our time.

  1. Leverage your Mastermind Group

How much time do you spend marketing your business? It’s possibly the biggest time-suck of all.  Keeping up to date with social media, with networking, with lead generation; it all takes time.

But this is where your Mastermind Group is invaluable. Your group peers all have their own personal networks, just waiting for you to explore! You know the saying, “If you don’t ask, you don’t get”? Well, ask for referrals, ask to be recommended to potential leads, really leverage that group – an be prepared to reciprocate.

So, in conclusion, although you may be self-employed, that doesn’t mean you have to be isolated.  How good would it feel to have a group of compatriots there who have got your back and who, you, in turn could support? A win-win situation for all participants.  New friendships, new collaborations, new encouragement. What’s not to love?

Accountability Growth Mastermind Groups

The power of more than one mind – Leverage your impact in 2019

Is there a honeymoon period when running a business?

You know the deal.  You start your business; you don’t miss the water-cooler politics, the commute, the endless meetings for the sake of it.  The rosy tint on those self-employed glasses leads to a romantic vision of what self-employment means… but, at some stage, reality bites! You miss the camaraderie with colleagues, the feelings of “we’re in this together” and you find yourself overwhelmed with plans, ideas, lists. Not to mention the headache from wearing all those hats.  CEO one minute, office clerk the next.

So, what can you do about it?  Where can you go to bounce around those ideas, while obtaining valuable feedback from like-minded individuals, all the while making valuable progress towards your end-goals?

The answer is a Mastermind Group. A group of individuals striving for a common purpose and supporting each other along the way.  Not convinced?  After all, won’t this all take valuable time?  Time that you could have dedicated to working on your business? Sure, you’re going to have to commit to regular meetings (either in person or “virtual”), you’re going to be held accountable for your actions.  You’re going to have to realize that “it’s not all about you” But, what about the benefits?  Let’s look at how you can leverage your impact with a Mastermind Group:-

  1. Business Idea Support

You’ve got a great business idea, right? Everyone thinks it’s a winner… except the “everyone” in this case is your partner and your mom.  Not exactly objective opinions, then? This is where a Mastermind Group comes into its own.

There is a real synergy of energy, commitment and, dare I say, excitement that emanates from a good Mastermind Group. Members support each other with total honesty, respect and compassion.  After all, the group should be made up of people in a similar position to you, so whilst it may not always be plain-sailing in terms of pitching your ideas, you know that any criticism will be constructive and aimed to challenge, rather than destroy.  We all love being Devil’s Advocate sometimes, don’t we?

Your peers are there to give you feedback, help you brainstorm new possibilities and set up accountability structures to keep you focused and on track.

Use your members to gain a different perspective and iron out any wrinkles before you take your idea to market.

  1. Social Support

Sometimes your self-employed solitary efforts can feel like solitary confinement!

Remember your employed days, when you were surrounded by others and could regularly tap in and out of human interaction? Wouldn’t it be nice to have some compatriots to celebrate your success now? Commiserate with your failures (we all have ‘em!) and to just, well, listen sometimes?

With a Mastermind Group, you’re part of an exclusive community (and, hey, there’s no admission charge!) The feedback you receive can transcend just business issues and extend to your own self.  It can be so liberating to review yourself and get impartial input. Being around those you feel comfortable with stimulates the “happy hormone”.  The result? Better mental and physical health.

  1. Referral Partners

Members of a Mastermind Group all come with their own “tribe” – their own network of contacts.  Over time, as you build your relationships with your peers, they will generally share their contacts with you.  This gives you access to a greatly-extended personal network – no elevator pitch necessary – the recommendation has already been made for you.

In our next blog, we will look at how you can put your success into turbo-drive with focus, productivity and those Mastermind Groups, too.