AD/HD Get Organized More time in my day prioritize productivity in the workplace Time strategies

Chugging through the December Holidays

Many professionals seek my advice for “time management.” During this time of year, if we are truly managing ourselves around our “whole” life (work and, ahem, home), we integrate “the holidays.”  Trouble typically follows if and when we do NOT incorporate the holidays….the “I’ll just ignore it” strategy (F L O P).

Sue West and I have six tips for you this time. We go through them step by step, so that the overwhelming feeling you may have now is reduced to a manageable “breaking down” of this last part of the year.

So- don’t have a breakdown…start breaking it down by listening here. Feel free to Like and Share!11.28.2012 CHUG thru your holidays

AD/HD Get Organized productivity in the workplace Time strategies

Perspectives Podcasts: We’re talking Turkey! 5 tips to make it all more manageable

If you are like many of us…those “holidays” tend to sneak up on you. So, you feel GUILTY because you WANT TO ENJOY the holiday, but, all the rushing around tends to Stress You Out, Get In the Way of Work, and then…the relatives? What are we doing this for, anyway?

Do you ever feel like you just want to bail out? Listen to our podcast to bring back the sanity. 11.6.2012 Five Tips

AD/HD Get Organized More time in my day prioritize productivity in the workplace Time strategies

You have a million things to do…so how do you pick what is first?

Do you ever wake up with a to-do list already swirling around in your head?

Do you come to work and feel paralyzed because….you know there is a ton to do but you end up just responding to whatever email is on the top?

Are you in shock that this week is….November? And that the local library is ADVERTISING THE HOLIDAY CLOSINGS on the door already?!

Listen to this podcast for some helpful advise about how to make sense of it all…all day, every day, but especially as the holidays approach. Sue West and I have named it “Perspectives Podcasts.” Enjoy…and feel free to leave comments or feedback. We’d love to hear from you.

10.23.2012 Lucrative Strategies at work and at home

AD/HD Get Organized More time in my day productivity in the workplace

Have you received your first invitation to “shop for the holidays?”

The other day, an email invitation from my local Chamber of Commerce reminded me that I might want to come to an art sale- for some Holiday Shopping.

What happens to YOU when you receive a note like this on or about October 12?

When you think of those upcoming holidays, right after Halloween, what do you do? Panic? Hide? Look the other way? Cringe?

When panic sets in, the pre-frontal cortex of our brain – the “rational thinking” part- shuts down. One way to open it back up is to write a list.

My colleague Sue West has some ideas to take lists out of the “chore” category and circle back to “I am in control and I am going to make this fun!” Enjoy podcast number 4 from your two favorite organizers, Carol Williams and Sue West.

10.5.2012 breaking it down

AD/HD Get Organized Time strategies

Look no further for true student and family success

Has “back to school” got you blowing around in circles? Have those early viruses got you reeling, right in the middle of soccer season? Are all your evenings taken up with open  houses and soccer?

For some calming words and practical advice you can use right away, listen to the podcast below.

This week, Sue West, AD/HD specialist and life transitions coach, and I, proudly present an interview with our esteemed colleague Susan Cowan Morse. Susan specializes in working with students struggling in school, magically bringing their innate strengths forward and teaching strategies to compensate for any weaknesses. Parents, students, and teachers adore her, and rightly so.

Please take 8 minutes or less to listen to this informative interview- for some of her golden ideas.

susan and carol podcast

Get Organized More time in my day Time strategies

Mid September….Are the winds of fall knocking you over yet?

This week, Monday and Tuesday blew in “fresh” breezes. As much as I wanted to embrace them, I found myself freezing and muttering under my breath. Conversely, the “indian summer” these last couple of days penetrates my soul and allows me to prepare for fall, before another temperature dip comes this weekend.

For me, fall represents change. My children’s soccer has taken over my life, when I am not extremely busy with presentations and clients. It’s a good thing I am organized! For those of us looking for a few more great tips – practical and kid-centric- look no further. For our mid-September podcast, Sue West and I bring on a fellow organizer- Sandy Rhee. She specializes in Student Organizing- a perfect theme for September. Listen and Enjoy!

SANDY RHEE 9.10.2012