email systems EpS Events file systems Get Organized GO system More time in my day prioritize productivity in the workplace project systems Time strategies

It’s GO time in Concord with “the GO girl”

If you’ve been waiting for “right time, right price” to Boost Your Productivity, you’ll want to register for the GO (Get Organized) class that runs on Friday 5/4 in Concord, NH.  Register through the EpS website here. LAST DAY TO REGISTER IS THIS WEDNESDAY MAY 2nd. Two slots are available at the time of this writing.
In 1/2 day, you’ll find ways to save 5 to 11 weeks of time per year!

Some comments from recent students:
“I can’t thank you enough for being the catalyst and causing the scales to drop from my eyes”
from a banker in the Lake Sunapee Region

“I have become much more cognizant of starting many projects without completion. I am far more efficient now.”
from a teacher in NH

“I loved your class yesterday. Felt I left your office with renewed energy, and a pocket full of ideas to easy those busy days in my life as a REALTOR.”
from (you guessed it) a realtor in the Lake Sunapee Region

EpS Events Get Organized

Mark your Calendar for April 28 in Manchester NH

For free tips and advice, along with giveaways of organizing products, come to the Manchester NH library on Saturday 4/28 at 10 am. This event is being put on by NAPO Manchester (a chapter of the National Association of Professional Organizers) and Goodwill NE. More info:

I will be in the audience and have the following tip: First, and foremost, know your OVERALL GOAL. This will help you stay on track with any organizing project.