
Balancing structure and spontaneity

Strategies for sustainable success: explore tactics to boost productivity and enhance well-being

Do you ever find yourself torn between the desire for consistency and the fear of boredom? If this resonates with you, then you’re in the right place.

Many individuals in my community express this dilemma. They understand that their lack of consistency leads to feelings of disarray. Yet, they also enjoy the variety of switching between activities to stave off boredom. If this sounds familiar, stick around because I’ve got three strategies to help shift your perspective on this common challenge.

Before diving into these tactics, let’s clarify what I mean by consistency and why it matters. When I talk about consistency, I’m not advocating for rigid schedules or strict routines that feel suffocating. Instead, it’s about committing to what truly matters to you and following through. This level of consistency is crucial because it not only builds trust with others but also fosters self-confidence. Without it, self-doubt can creep in, leading to self-sabotage. This is especially pertinent for creative and sometimes scattered entrepreneurs striving to make their mark in the world.

I know you want to decide you’re going to do something you really do want to, and then actually really do it. But how do you bridge that?? How do you get there?

Here are 3 tactics. Read through them and reply to me to let me know what you run into then you try them on. That’s where the real work begins!

  1. Energy: Recognize that your energy levels fluctuate throughout the day. Everything is energy. It’s therefore CRITICAL to identify when you’re at your peak—whether it’s during the morning, midday, or evening—and create your day rhythm to respect and honor your energy…not the other way around.. For instance, , you might find that your creativity flows best in the morning. So STOP saying YES to meetings in the morning. Your genius depends on it.
  2. Alignment: Be honest with yourself about what you genuinely want to pursue. MOST PEOPLE MISS THIS COMPLETELY. It’s easy to commit to activities that sound good in theory but don’t align with your true desires. This is the moment to STOP. Do not gloss over this, or worse, beat yourself up. Take a good amount of time to reflect on whether your actions align with your aspirations. For example, if you’ve been telling yourself that you’ll start a new exercise routine every Sunday after church but find yourself consistently skipping it in favor of a nap, it’s be time to reassess your priorities. Bigger than that is your Purpose. If you don’t know why you’re doing what you are doing, you will NOT be consistent. You will find the next shiny thing so you can feel better. It’s time to take a step back. Come to the Great Work-Shop on May 7 so you can dial in!
  3. Boredom: Dive deeper into the concept of boredom. Instead of dismissing it as a fleeting feeling, consider what underlying emotions might be at play. Boredom is often a mask for fear—fear of failure, fear of commitment, or fear of monotony. By addressing these underlying fears, you can uncover new opportunities for growth and creativity. For instance, if you find yourself constantly jumping from one project to another out of fear that sticking to one thing will lead to boredom, it’s worth examining whether this fear is holding you back from achieving success. We often will secretly fear success. Fear is sneaky and she “knows” you. She masquerades as “I want this so much!” and you never look at the fact that it’s YOUR actions that create your result.

Remember, it’s not about adhering to a rigid schedule or micromanaging every minute of your day. Instead, focus on establishing patterns of deliberate practice and intentional rest. Just as athletes alternate between training and recovery, find a balance between focused effort and rejuvenation in your own pursuits. Productivity and Rest are yin and yang. One without the other is no bueno. One with the other, combined with clear purpose and great habits and a coach and community….well that’s where you are UNSTOPPABLE and it feels effortless.


It’s one thing to know the tactics. It’s another thing altogether to do the work to get you there. Life has a way of distracting the bejesus out of us.

That’s why I offer workshops 3 times a year. When you know, you know. Just imagine…rest and purpose and productivity, habits and community. What are you waiting for anyhow?

You know. Well then let’s do this. “Your Bold Breakthrough” on May 7th. REGISTRATION IS OPEN! INFO/REGISTER HERE TO SAVE YOUR SPOT.

See you there, and until then, stay inspired!


Carol Williams
The Beacon of Light Center, LLC

p.s. Did you miss the Overcoming Obstacles Map to Success from last week? DOWNLOAD THE FREE MINI COURSE HERE

p.p.s. Don’t forget, my friend, Karen Robinson, is hosting a complimentary Healing Coaching Intensive focusing on Addictions & Risky Behaviors Post Trauma on Thursday, April 25, 2024, from 7:00-8:00 PM eastern. A transformative event to face your unhealthy behaviors and reclaim control of your future. Find out more here.


Time liberation: Unveiling practical steps to stop saying ‘I don’t have time’

From overwhelm to empowerment: Insights to revolutionize your relationship with time

Today, let’s dive into a common challenge many of us face: the tendency to say, “I don’t have time.” Have you ever caught yourself in that loop? It’s like a tug-of-war within ourselves. Before we dive into the strategies, I will share a little anecdote from a recent Wisdom Warriors session that perfectly aligns with today’s topic.

During our last *complimentary* group coaching, a participant expressed her desire to break free from the “no time” trap. It struck a chord with me because it highlighted a deeper yearning within her to shed her old skin and step into her true self. It was as if her presence was a divine gift, reminding us all of the importance of reclaiming our time and our essence. So, let’s explore three tangible strategies to help you reclaim your time and align with your true self.

Strategy 1: Create First

In our Wisdom Warriors session, I shared a personal practice I’ve adopted recently: dedicating the first 10 minutes of my day to something creative. For me, it’s coloring. This simple act infuses my morning with joy and sets a positive tone for the day ahead. As I’ve discovered, integrating moments of rest and creativity into our routine isn’t a hindrance to productivity; it’s a catalyst for it.

Strategy 2: Limit Your Work Hours

Ever heard of the four-hour workday concept? It might sound unconventional, but it’s backed by research and the habits of many successful individuals throughout history. By paying attention to our energy levels and limiting our work to four focused hours a day, we can maximize productivity while reclaiming precious time for rest and rejuvenation.

Strategy 3: Redefine Yourself and Live Into It

At the core of reclaiming our time is the process of redefining ourselves. It’s a journey that takes time and self-reflection, but the rewards are immeasurable. If you’re intrigued by the idea of embracing change and stepping into your true potential, I invite you to join me for our upcoming workshop, “Your Bold Breakthrough,” on May 7th. It’s an opportunity to break free from the No Time Trap and finally do  your Great Work without sacrificing what is most important!

As we navigate our journey towards reclaiming our time, remember to be kind to yourself and take things one step at a time. And for those who are ready to dive deeper into this transformative process, you can apply for early access to the most amazing program I offer HERE.

It’s a chance to unlock your full potential and transcend to new heights. Will you answer the call? Hit reply if you want more information…I have loads for you

Until next time, keep shining bright and reclaiming your time. See you soon!


Are you working way too hard? The secret to DOING it vs just KNOWING WHAT YOU NEED TO DO is easier than you think

Embracing your quirks: finding strength in your uniqueness

Let’s dive into a common concern I often hear from members of our community: “I know what to do, I just need to do it.” It’s an intriguing statement that highlights the internal struggle many of us face. The solution, I believe, lies in addressing both the practical and emotional aspects of this dilemma. In this article, we’ll explore the emotional side, while our upcoming Wisdom Warriors session on April 1st will focus more on practical steps to overcome obstacles and reflect on the past quarter.

As we embrace the arrival of spring on the calendar, it’s an opportune moment to tackle any emotional barriers holding us back. Over the years, I’ve dedicated myself to understanding and navigating these inner landscapes, continually uncovering insights to share with you. Let me start by sharing something personal: I consider myself a magical being and proudly embrace my “quirks” as the “Green Goddess.” Embracing your uniqueness, especially as an entrepreneur, can be incredibly empowering.

Recently, I faced a decision about business cards, a seemingly mundane task. Despite earlier advice to forgo them, circumstances led me to reconsider. What I received was not just a card- but a message: “Unleash the Magic.” It reminded me of my mission to help others unlock their potential, reinforcing the importance of self-love and acceptance.

So, what’s your immediate need today? As solopreneurs, prioritizing our well-being is essential, even (and especially!) amidst the demands of daily life. Remember, you’re not a bad person for putting yourself first. Each of us is on a unique journey, and honoring ourselves is the first step towards achieving our goals/doing our Great Work.

Consider the case of a community member struggling with deep-seated self-doubt and a craving for external validation. While acknowledgment from others is gratifying, true fulfillment comes from within. By nurturing self-love and authenticity, we can radiate positivity and inspire meaningful change in the world.

So, I invite you to reflect on what lies beneath the surface. Embrace your innermost thoughts with kindness and understanding. This journey of self-discovery is a profound one, paving the way for genuine transformation and impact.

Join me on April 1st for an enriching Wisdom Warriors session, where we’ll delve deeper into these topics. It’s not just another webinar—it’s an opportunity for genuine connection and growth.

Together, let’s ignite the spark within and illuminate the world around us.

See you then!


Consistency is key: Catapulting your success this spring and beyond

Achieve your goals with daily consistency practices

As your Green Goddess, I’m here to guide you towards realizing your dreams in every aspect of your life, especially when it comes to your Great Work. 

Big thanks to everyone who participated in the survey about the hurdles they face when envisioning their great work and what they truly desire. Didn’t fill it out yet? PLEASE DO THIS ASAP!

Today, I want to delve into the topic of consistency. Let’s explore how you can supercharge your consistency not just this spring, but well into the future.

As I record this, it’s Tuesday, the 19th, and tonight, at 11:06 PM Eastern Time, we welcome the vernal equinox, ushering in the season of spring. It’s a time for planting seeds, nurturing growth, and embracing new beginnings. On May 7th, I’ll be hosting an empowering workshop – mark your calendars for this transformative event.

For now, let’s focus on the present. Here are three strategies to skyrocket your consistency long before May 7th arrives, helping you prepare for the journey ahead. As the snow melts in New Hampshire, let’s prepare our soil for growth and abundance.

  1. Firstly, let go of the “I’m fine” facade and confront your reality. If you’re struggling with consistency, acknowledge it without judgment. Instead, approach it with curiosity. Take the time to tune into your body through practices like yoga or mindfulness to gain clarity.
  1. Secondly, prioritize what truly matters to you right from the start of your day. Don’t save your creative endeavors for last. Begin each morning with activities that ignite your creativity, even if it’s just for a brief period. Starting your day on a creative note sets a positive tone for the hours ahead.
  1. Lastly, establish a regular practice of revisiting your larger goals. Whether it’s weekly or monthly, take time to reflect on your aspirations. Avoid the pitfall of setting goals once a year and forgetting about them. Consistently reconnecting with your goals keeps them at the forefront of your mind.

These three approaches will propel your consistency forward, ensuring steady progress in the coming months. Keep an eye out for details on the upcoming bold breakthrough workshop – it’s an opportunity you won’t want to miss. And don’t forget about our free Wisdom Warriors event on April 1st, focusing on accountability and planning for quarter two.

I believe in you,


PS: when you’re ready to dive deeper and take decisive action, I’m here to support you every step of the way. Let’s transform that scattered feeling into unwavering consistency and focused determination. LET’S TALK!


From Exhaustion to Empowerment: Discovering your Great Work

Be like Courageous Carol on her 15th year business anniversary: navigating your path to greatness

Do you ever feel like life’s just a treadmill, running endlessly with no end in sight? You’re not alone. Recently, I had a conversation with someone who resonated deeply with this feeling. Let me paint you a picture of her: she’s the backbone of her family, putting in long hours—sometimes up to 50 a week—she’s resilient, with over three decades of experience under her belt. But here’s the kicker: she’s exhausted. She’s yearning for a break, a chance to pause and reevaluate, to discover what truly ignites her soul.

So today, let’s talk about ‘great work’. What does it even mean, and why is it so crucial? Great Work isn’t just about checking boxes or following a predetermined path to success. It’s about making a conscious decision to break free from the cycle of exhaustion and dissatisfaction. It’s about listening to the whispers of your heart and soul, despite the cacophony of doubts and external pressures.

The first step? Making that decision.

It’s about saying ‘enough’ to the endless grind and ‘yes’ to the possibility of something more. But here’s the thing: you don’t have to have all the answers right away. It’s okay not to know exactly where you’re headed. What matters is taking that leap of faith, trusting that the path will reveal itself in due time.

Next comes discernment. This is where the real magic happens. It’s about tuning into your inner voice, filtering out the noise, and discerning what truly matters to you. It takes courage—a lot of it—to drown out the voices of doubt and fear and embrace your unique calling.

But here’s the truth: your great work isn’t just a lofty dream or a distant fantasy. It’s the essence of who you are, waiting to be unleashed upon the world. It’s about finding that perfect intersection of passion, purpose, and impact.

I remember when I took that leap of faith myself, back in 2009. Fifteen years ago…almost to the day!!! Happy anniversary, me! It wasn’t easy, and it certainly wasn’t without its challenges. But looking back now, I wouldn’t change a thing. Because every step, every stumble, led me closer to my ‘great work’.

So if you’re feeling stuck, if you’re yearning for something more, I urge you to take that first step. Embrace the uncertainty, lean into the discomfort, and trust that the universe has your back. And remember, you’re not alone on this journey. Reach out, seek support, and surround yourself with people who believe in your potential.

In summary, your ‘Great Work’ isn’t just a destination—it’s a journey. It’s about embracing the unknown, trusting the process, and ultimately, stepping into your power. So what are you waiting for? The world is waiting for you to shine your light. Take that first step, and let’s embark on this adventure together.

To your inner knowing,


p.s. Help me help YOU! 2 min survey HERE. THANK YOU SO MUCH!


Mastering time management: banish “not enough time in the day” for good

From Chaos to Control to Mastery

Let’s banish the notion of “not enough time in the day” once and for all. 

It may sound too good to be true, however, it’s entirely within your control to make it happen. Really. Lately, I’ve been gathering insights from my community, and two recurring themes have emerged: 

  • the feeling of not having enough time; 
  • and the question “what daily actions should I be taking for maximum impact?” 

With over 15 years of experience in jettisoning people from overwhelmed to dancing with delight in time management, both professionally and as a project manager, I feel like I can truly say what works. So here goes!

What I’ve observed is that mastering time management is both an art and a science, a blend of tactics, strategy, and mindset. It’s about taking ownership of your time and being willing to experiment, learn, and forgive yourself along the way. While I can’t promise a five-minute video will change everything overnight, I can offer some nuggets of wisdom to help you along your journey.

A top performing client of mine said this about organizing the day (NUMBER ONE NUGGET!): “it’s simple, but it’s not easy!” This practice I’m about to describe has totally disrupted his formerly frantic and scattered workday. He now dedicates a few moments at the beginning of each day to get organized. THE GOOD NEWS: While I have proprietary forms for my dedicated clients, YOU DON’T NEED THEM to simply begin. 

  1. Write down the top priority that absolutely must get done, no matter what. 
  2. Identify the top three tasks that will have the most significant impact on your goals. While you may not accomplish all three every day, having a clear focus can guide your efforts.
  3. Now, here’s where things get counterintuitive: make room for white space in your schedule. Many of us fall into the trap of overfilling our calendars with tasks, leading to overwhelm, multitasking, and decreased effectiveness. White space allows for breathing room, creativity, and flexibility in handling the unexpected. It’s not just about taking breaks; it’s about allowing for the unknown and being intentional about how you respond.

In summary, remember: you are the master of your time. 

While there may only be 24 hours in a day, you have the power to decide how to allocate them. Whether it’s setting boundaries, prioritizing self-care, or making choices aligned with your values, the choice is yours. So, as you go about your day, remember that you are in charge, and your time is yours to command. Until next time, take care and stay intentional with your time.