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3…2…1…GO! Get Organized for Back to School

Have you been to Staples lately?

I was at Staples on Sunday night. I don’t think I saw one business person. Everyone was in the back to school isle! If you are like many people, when you need tips and advice due to an upcoming event that you feel is stressful, you need it, and you need it NOW.

Wait no more. Look no further. Sue West, Life Transitions Coach, and myself have teamed up to get your school year started with style and ease. Success can’t help but follow!

Click on the link below to listen:

Back to Schoool Transitions 8.21.12

More to come later this month- with a special guest.

We wish you much success!

-Carol Williams and Sue West:

Email us at

or visit our websites: (Carol); (Sue)

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What happened to Endless Summer?

I am a parent of two school-aged children, and many of my friends fall into this category as well. Lately, I keep hearing about how “there is only really one weekend left until the weekend before school!” “We have to get away!”

Get away.GO!

Next week, when you get back, I’ll be unleashing the results of my latest collaboration- a podcast series with a very fun, inspirational, and knowledgeable professional organizer/coach, Sue West. Sue and I have the same title but different backgrounds. We both strive to teach, empower, and coach our clients.

So why would we team up for this? Simply, we are “better together”. The collaborative process brings out ideas far greater than ourselves. We are excited to start the series with…you guessed it…getting organized around Back To School. We have two “takes” on the same “topic.” We know that getting back to school can be stressful for both parent and child, and we will be providing tips you can use to ease the transition and set yourself up for success.

So get ready to listen, learn, and be inspired!


Carol (left) and Sue (right)

Carol Williams of EpS
Sue West
Get Organized More time in my day prioritize productivity in the workplace

Sweet Summer: How does it change your life? – Staying Organized and Productive when the Thermometer reaches 90 degrees

Summer brings a change in routine for us all. For some, it’s a “lazy hazy” time. Some of us might be spending the summer with our children and/or taking extended family vacations. For others, we are very busy at work during this time of year as we have seasonal/contracting professions. Some CPA clients I have are quite busy in summer performing audits.

Regardless of how summer affects you, it’s important to take stock. Some steps to getting organized and get yourself set up for the second half of the year that you might consider:

  1. Know where you are right now.
  2. Identify where you want to go. Right now, it’s about six weeks or so until the children in our lives will be “back to school”: another transition time. For college students, it’s probably more like 4 weeks away.
  3. Check in with yourself regularly. Weekly is a good start.
  4. Follow up. What did you find in your check-in? What should you be doing more of? Less of?
  5. Adjust your expectations, if that’s needed. Usually, it is.
  6. Start again at number one!

I remember as a child that we went “back to school shopping” each year at the very beginning of August. That is when Sears & Roebuck had their annual sale and it was time for my sister and I to get outfitted for the inevitable. As a child, school still seemed very far away. It seemed odd to be shopping for closed toe shoes and corduroy pants when it was 90 degrees out. But before we knew it, the cool breezes were blowing and we were walking to the bus during the next “school year”. Little did I know, my mom and the stores had taken stock, identified their goals, and were setting us up for success!

As an adult and a parent, I realize now how life is truly like a roll of toilet paper. The closer to the end we get, the faster it goes! If you don’t want “too tight of a schedule” think of your life as a series of routines with important milestones identified. You CAN be flexible while achieving your goals.

AD/HD Get Organized More time in my day productivity in the workplace

Detangle your life with 5 easy spritzes

Is too much going on? You are not alone! Try these ideas to relieve the craziness:

  1. Take mini moments to assess: Step back when you feel yourself get flustered, angry, or losing control. Ask, what’s all this about?
  2. Clear off your desk when you are done working. When you order your stuff, you order your mind.
  3. Put yourself first. Pay attention to how many obligations you accept. Saying “no” to one thing can create a “yes” somewhere else.
  4. Set big goals and live with intention. If you hear yourself saying, “I’d love to, but…” resolve to turn that thinking around. If not you, who?
  5. Worry weakens, so live in faith. When you worry, you create fear. Fear is crippling. Conversely, faith is enabling. When your boat is on fire, trust that the greater sea will put out that fire and carry you to greater heights. What have you got to lose?
email systems Get Organized More time in my day prioritize productivity in the workplace Time strategies

How do I fit in another task?

More than a To-Do List: Finding the Truly Important

Recently I had the pleasure of finding more time for a busy manager in a local city. His issues were:

  • Too much email;
  • Task Management- desire to wear his “many hats” better;
  • Consistent follow-though;
  • Desire for strategies to make better use of his assistant.

Together, we talked about his specific situation. Where were pieces of his life falling through the cracks? Since he works in sales and marketing, it is critical that he follow up in a timely and consistent manner with his customers and potential customers. Sometimes this would happen, and sometimes it would not. Although his company seemed to be doing well, I was wondering how much better it might be doing if he were able to bridge this gap.

We worked together for a few sessions, over Skype and in person. Right away- in the first session- we addressed email overload and developed strategies that would specifically work for him to overcome his specific needs. Then, we dug a little deeper. Asking questions that cause a person to really step back begins to bring “holistic productivity” into view.

Sometimes, it’s not about fitting another task between the cracks. It’s not about crossing another item off the to-do list. It’s about creating your life in such a way that the most important things are not only done, but done well. My client commented that it’s been some time since he’d “really” focused on doing something exceptionally. With his many commitments, he had become more focused on crossing things off the list.

Great leaders and great thinkers move far beyond a to-do list. Productivity for the sake of getting more done is okay, but does it make your heart sing? When you encounter the place where your true desires meet the everyday, you have found your sweet spot.

Productivity can be your portal to life change, if you dare to walk through.

AD/HD Get Organized GO system More time in my day productivity in the workplace

Ask the GO Girl: An interview by Dan Evans, master business coach

Recently, Mr. Dan Evans (DE), marketing strategist extraordinaire, featured me in an interview for his blog. Read on to find the “inner workings” of the GO Girl!

DE: Your title is “Productivity Strategist”. Can you tell me a little about what that entails?

CW: I provide personalized strategies for my clients to help them become more focused, organized and productive. I do this through a course called the GO (Get Organized) System, through One To One Organizing, small group work sessions, and facilitation/coaching. The strategies I teach reflect the client’s unique goals and objectives.

DE: Do you work with corporate clients and groups of employees?

CW: I focus on assisting individuals and small groups. I can and have performed efficiency/productivity assessments at small companies and branch offices (about 5 people). To date, I have not worked with large companies. However, I am set up to do this as a certified GO System trainer.
DE: So, the GO system can be for one person or a large group? Is there a maximum number for a group to ensure maximum effectiveness?

CW: The ideal GO class consists of 10 to 30 people. I have taught classes of “one” person but it definitely works better with several students. My favorite part of teaching this class is the interpersonal sharing between members. In that way, 6 to 15 people make a nice group. To answer your question, there is no “maximum number” of attendees.
DE: What were some of your previous jobs and responsibilities?

CW: Prior to 2009 I spent my entire professional life as a landscape architect. From 1999 to 2009 I was project manager and second in command to the Principal-In-Charge of the company I worked for at that time. I worked with many related disciplines (architects, engineers, etc.) to achieve the desired goal of the client. I presented in front of public boards and sought future opportunities for the company. I’ve worked for local and national government agencies as well.
DE: How did this prepare you for what you do now?

CW: It prepared me for being flexible, keeping processes moving ahead, staying on time and on budget, motivating others, and public speaking/relations.
DE: What do you find most gratifying about your work?

CW: I love to touch a client in a deep and meaningful way; to give the gift of Peaceful Productivity; to watch the chaos that ensues us all begin to melt away. I love to be part of a transformative process where the person shines once again and rises to the very top.
DE: How can you tell when the transformation has taken place?

CW: “The transformation” takes place when the client releases what’s holding him or her back and replaces these old habits with new strategies that serve them better. Some examples are: getting that raise, applying for and being chosen for that new job, taking better care of themselves (physically and/or emotionally), or  having the courage to say NO to some prospects in order to say YES to those that fit the new vision.
DE: Are there one or two underlying things that hold most people back from being more productive, or does it vary widely per individual?

CW: It definitely varies, but a large part of the problem lies in our culture. We are Doers. In doing, we hardly let ourselves Be. In Being, the gold that lies deep in ourselves emerges. There is a reason why all the great philosophers hit the desert, the woods, the pond. We need time to think. And our CrazyBusy world frowns on that.
DE: I imagine that some clients respond very quickly to your interaction, and that some require more time to learn and practice good habits and new skills.

CW:  By the time a person decides he or she is ready to work with me, that person is committed. Sometimes it takes years to be ready. I met with a woman two weeks ago that I had been communicating with for about 18 months. Finally she wanted me to do an initial three hour session with her. We could not schedule it fast enough.
DE: Do most of your clients have common issues that lead them to you, or do they possess a wide variety of issues and characteristics that make them unique?

CW: My ideal client is a design professional labeled with Attention Deficit Disorder. My background in design is a natural fit for this profession, and those with ADD respond very well to the productivity strategies I teach. Common issues are: Too much email, too many calendars, too many hats/balls to juggle, hating paperwork, being late.
DE: Have you found that adults with ADD respond well to your training? Do they require alternate methodology?CW: Great question. My favorite clients have ADD or AD/HD. These are the movers and shakers of the world; the “out of the box” thinkers. Every person is unique, so I do not have “my training”. Rather, it’s a collaborative process whereby we create a vision together, then set up and/or tweak existing systems to achieve that vision. But it does not end there. Then, the “real work” starts: habit building. To better answer your question, many ADD’ers are “visual”. They respond well to color, like to “spread out” and have the “out of sight, out of mind” mentality. We work together to set up files, for example, that can be easily found by both the client and others in the office who may want or need such a file. Also, it’s important that the space around a person with ADD is clear. Clutter distracts.
DE: Have you ever fired a client?

CW: Yes. When I first started my business, I gained a client who was an older woman who really just wanted a friend and a cleaning woman. When she asked me to drive her to the beach, I knew it was time to part ways.