
Procrastination to Productivity: A Leader’s Journey

How to turn your goals into achievements

Today I want to discuss one of my favorite topics: procrastination.

I just finished a call with a client who is an exceptional leader. He’s a senior citizen, still actively building his business empire. This smart individual excels in many ways but often procrastinates because he gets bored with routine tasks. He’s in the financial industry, but this pattern of procrastination is common across various fields. I notice it in many of my clients who are highly intelligent, big idea people, yet they procrastinate.

If you identify with this—if you thrive on last-minute thrills and the dopamine rush of last-minute achievements—keep listening. You might enjoy that rush sometimes, but not always.

I asked this client why he wanted to change his procrastination habit. He said he aims to reach a new level in his business, a level unattainable with his current habits. That made sense. The first step is to decide why it is important to you. For instance, I procrastinated about buying my house in 2021, despite wanting to secure it and not lose the opportunity. I realized that the life disruption of moving us both, and going into a small apartment, is not what I wanted so I decided to buy it.

Returning to my client’s story, we pinpointed his goals and their importance. 

That’s step one: identify why your goals matter. For him, it’s about making a significant impact before retiring. For me, it was about providing stability for my son.

Step two involves recognizing what systems are working for you now. My client detailed his effective systems, like his calendar and administrative assistant. 

Step three is integrating the task you’re procrastinating into your current successful systems.

Now…not everyone has a working system.  That’s where my coaching cohorts come in. Participants begin by identifying what they really want and why. Then we break it down, step by step and week by week to reduce or eliminate overwhelm (which is VERY common when we try to change on our own.)

I provide proprietary and customized forms, weekly meetings, and robust support. We tackle challenges together because mutual support makes a difference. 

So if you’re struggling to break free from procrastination on your own, consider joining my cohort starting June 13th. I want to help you overcome procrastination and focus on what truly matters to you, so you can enjoy your life fully.

To do that, please email me at and we can see if it might be the right fit for you.


Overcoming the chaos: A guide for soloists

 If simply reading a book helped, you would not be reading this right now

Here’s a common challenge many solo business owners face: feeling scattered and overwhelmed in both their personal and professional lives. You might find yourself wondering if you should keep going or just give up. Why does everything have to be so hard? Why does it seem like chaos is a permanent state?

A common sentiment I hear is, “I know what to do, so why can’t I just do it?” Let’s address that today because it’s a very real issue.

You might think you don’t need a coach or any external help. Maybe you believe you can just pick up a book, learn what you need, and then apply it. While knowledge is essential, it’s not everything. There are indeed people who can read a book and implement what they’ve learned effortlessly. However, most people can’t, and that’s where the frustration sets in. If you find yourself saying, “I know what I need to do, but I’m just not doing it,” then this message is for you.

Let’s visualize this journey.

Imagine you’re starting here, at the beginning of your learning process. You gain awareness—you understand what you want, how your brain works, and the steps you need to take. This awareness is crucial. You might read a book and think, “I want to follow this path.” However, awareness alone isn’t enough.

Here’s where many people struggle: their performance doesn’t match their awareness. You might have a high level of awareness, but your ability to execute—your performance—lags behind. This gap between awareness and performance can lead to self-doubt, which is a significant barrier to success.

For example, I spoke with someone today who has big dreams of becoming a high-paid keynote speaker and an executive coach. She has the awareness of what she needs to do but struggles with confidence and maintaining momentum. This creates a gap between her aspirations and her current performance.

Another person I talked to is focused on making a significant impact in her relationships and leaving a legacy. She’s learned a lot about her brain and past traumas, which has increased her awareness. However, her performance hasn’t caught up, creating another gap.

Instead of just reading a book and feeling stuck, consider this. A small cohort of amazing individuals who will work together to bridge the gap between awareness and performance is starting soon. We start on June 13th, and I’m limiting it to just four participants. This group will help you gain confidence, identify where you are in your journey, and uncover how your brain might be holding you back. You’ll practice in a safe environment, either in a group or one-on-one with me. In August, you will be running on all cylinders and making great progress. And momentum leads to MORE momentum, so the truly motivated will likely accelerate this in ways I cannot imagine.

As an expert coach, I see and understand different types of brains. We leave blame and shame at the door and focus on uncovering your true self. If you want to join the next Green Goddess cohort this spring or summer, so you’re ready to roll by fall, HIT REPLY NOW. Don’t wake up on Labor Day feeling lost. You can email me at or message me on Facebook or LinkedIn. There are plenty of ways to get in touch.

I can’t wait to meet you and help you achieve your goals, unleash your true potential, and bless the world with your unique gifts. Wake up to the spring of your life, ease into the summer with grace and happiness, and make your mark.


Declutter Your Way to Success: Streamlining Your Choices for a Focused Life

Learn why clearing the mental clutter can unlock your path to confidence and fulfillment

So many problems in our lives are because we just can’t seem to make decisions. In fact, DECIDE  is the first step on the success path to going from scattered and stuck to focused and confident.

What if you had fewer choices? If you had fewer choices, life would be simpler. 

Think about it. If you’ve got a lot of stuff in your house, it’s spring cleaning time, right?. A lot of people this time of year are decluttering. They’re decluttering their closets. They’re decluttering the garages. They want to get organized. They want to spring out of the winter and into the summer. What if you decluttered your calendar? What if you decluttered your choices in your life?

Please comment below with the one you are going to start….

What one thing will you choose to work on during the rest of this month -in May – to declutter?

A:  your clothing?

B:  your bank account & all your automatic payments?

C: your calendar?

Which one will you declutter? 

Myself, I started with my calendar and the reason I started with my calendar. I had too much going on. I was really good at keeping all the balls in the air. Still am, but you know what? That was exhausting, and if you’ve been following me on my videos, you’ll see I got burned out. 

Now that my calendar is clearer, I have more time. I have more time to BE, more time to REST, more time to THINK, more time to CREATE, more time to NOT BE  frenetic…the list goes on. With more time to be able to actually rest, I don’t get sick, and I don’t yell at my loved ones.

Decluttering isn’t just about simplifying your physical surroundings; it’s about creating space in your life for what truly matters. When you give yourself the gift of fewer choices, you empower yourself to prioritize what brings you joy and fulfillment.

When we actually allow ourselves the choices that we have, we give ourselves what we need, and when we give ourselves what we need, we can give others what we need as well. So again, what will you declutter first? I cannot wait to know. 

Spring into happiness,


PS: The finishing touches are being placed on my next cohort of brave warriors. Come declutter the thoughts and actions that do NOT serve you so that you can simplify your life. 2 spaces left and we begin on June 13. Drop me an email at with the titl ‘I’M INTERESTED” and we will have a chat!  


Redefining Success: Embracing Fun, Freedom, and Flexibility

Nurturing Yourself and Your Dreams: A Mother’s Journey to Subjective Success

How do you define success? Many of us believe that non-stop hard work is the key to success, but there’s a vital aspect we often overlook: subjective success. Subjective success encompasses elements like fun, freedom, and flexibility that are just as important as traditional measures of success.

Let’s explore each of these components:

  1. Fun: Often underestimated, fun is essential for sustained success. Working tirelessly without enjoying the process can lead to burnout. Incorporating enjoyment into our daily routines is key to long-term fulfillment. What’s your favorite flavor of fun? Mine is dancing!
  1. Freedom: What does freedom mean to you? Is it having control over your time or the ability to pursue your passions? Understanding our values and desires is crucial for achieving true freedom and fulfillment. Freedom to me means making my own choices and decisions.
  1. Flexibility: Many professionals, like coaches and soloists, prioritize flexibility in their work arrangements. Whether it’s working remotely or creating unconventional lifestyles, flexibility allows us to design lives that align with our values. I like to say “I am the boss of my life and my business.”

It’s time to break free from the mindset of relentless “productivity roller coaster” hustle and embrace a more holistic approach to success. Get that nose out of the grindstone! It’ll never lead to the true happiness you desire. Take the time to reflect on what truly matters to you and prioritize subjective success alongside traditional measures.

Before I close this out, 2 deep questions for you:

  • What is an important lever in your happiness? 
  • How do you measure it?

As we celebrate Mother’s Day, let’s acknowledge the importance of time, freedom, and flexibility for all mothers. Balancing personal and professional responsibilities is challenging at the best of times. It’s also  essential for nurturing our families and ourselves.

Wishing all mothers a wonderful Mother’s Day filled with love, joy, and self-care. See you at the summit (see the PS below)! 🌟

With motherly love and wisdom,


PS: Have you or people you know had trauma? I sure have. Most of us have, even though we don’t know it! Join me at the upcoming trauma summit hosted by Karen Robinson, where I’ll be speaking FRIDAY 11AM EASTERN on steps to get your life back and make a big impact in the world AFTER you heal. SIGN UP HERE

PPS: I have a couple of places open for the Confident And Successful Business Owner Program, but act quickly before the doors close tomorrow: INFO/APPLY HERE


Veteran Productivity Expert Reveals Number 1 Time Management Secret

Navigating burnout and maximizing impact in today’s world

Before you read the article…..don’t lose your opportunity for a Q2 and beyond BOLD BREAKTHROUGH this Tuesday May 7th. Sign up before all the spaces are gone…there are a few left as of this writing.


Leaders often fall into the illusion that non-stop hard work is the key to their success. Here’s the truth: pushing yourself to the brink leads to burnout, not brilliance

THE NUMBER 1 TIME MANAGEMENT SECRET: Time out isn’t just beneficial, it’s essential

When we balance drive with creativity and rest, something extraordinary happens – our impact soars. 

Let me share my own story. 

During the pandemic years of 2020, 2021, and 2022, I experienced exponential success, but in 2023 my father fell ill, and everything changed. I found myself burning out, trying to juggle caring for him, my family, and my clients without a moment to breathe. I needed deliberate rest, and in the first quarter of 2024, I took it. I invested in coaching, read, made connections, and reflected deeply on my mission. Turns out, it wasn’t so different from before, and I’ve distilled three key points to share.

  1. Firstly, productivity and rest aren’t separate – they’re intertwined. It’s about doing the right things for your Great Work and your life, not just filling time with (MORE) tasks. Deliberate Rest isn’t just about napping; it’s about supporting productivity by engaging different parts of your brain.
  2. Secondly, rhythm and routine support creativity. Contrary to common belief, they don’t stifle it; they create space for it to flourish. 
  3. TIME FOR ACTION: learn how to IMPLEMENT these concepts by coming to the YOUR BOLD BREAKTHROUGH: The Great Work-Shop on May 7. Your great work is your gift to the world, unique to you in a way AI can’t replicate. 

If you want to be average, get a job…any job will do. 

If you want to be impactful, join me on May 7th for the Great Work Workshop, Your Bold Breakthrough,. Do it before seats and time run out.

It’s time to prioritize your sanity and your impact. 

See you there!


Embracing Your Great Work: 3 questions to answer so you truly believe in yourself

Empowerment through courageous inquiry and resilient action

Having the courage to do our Great Work in the world, to get out there and do something different, is no joke.

Answering the 3 questions below, very thoughtfully, will move you out of procrastination, inertia, and pain. They help you answer the bigger question:

Is there some part of me that doesn’t believe in me? 

This is such an important question because no matter how prepared you get, if you actually don’t believe that you can do the thing, your body will self-sabotage all day long.  It will not allow you to do the thing even when you take the steps. 

So here you go; the three questions:

  1. What do you really want? (Important so we don’t spend all our money and time doing stuff that does not matter yet…most times with most people that is what they are doing! Come 5/7 and stop this vicious cycle)
  2. What are you willing to do? (get out of your head and into action….be sure to have the 3 ingredients for success here: a community, a coach and a course/path)
  3. How many failures are you willing to have? (people almost never consider this and rather, expect perfection on their first try…when this does NOT happen they quit and tell themselves all the reasons they are not worthy, should not have tried, it’s not for them etc…which are All Lies.)

Do not forget or miss this rare opportunity on 5/7 to dive deep and stop that little voice inside that you could be doing your Great Work “if only…” (add in your reason/excuse)

Your Bold Breakthrough: The Great Work-Shop  is coming May 7th. Do not miss it. It’s 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM Eastern. Some registrations are starting to come in. Make sure you get a seat. 

It’s your chance to still make sure you get your goals realized in 2024. It is not too late. See you there. 

BONUS; Let’s dive deeper into the concept of self-belief: The Johari Window

The Johari Window offers a fascinating framework for introspection, dividing our self-awareness into four quadrants. This was fascinating to me. Tell me what YOU think. I’ll get you the quadrants and then an example for each one.

1. “open” quadrant: this encompasses aspects known to both ourselves and others—a realm of confidence and assurance. Duh; no example needed.

2. “blind” quadrant: this reveals aspects known to others but hidden from our awareness, shedding light on areas for growth and development. Good example: you keep eating cookies, soda and chips and wonder why you don’t lose weight. You might see it, but you are not aware of it. Or you are trying to grow your coaching practice, but you are not doing the right things for your phase of business. It takes others to shine the light and for you to recalibrate and follow a path of success.

3. “hidden” quadrant: this harbors secrets known only to us, urging us to confront our innermost fears and insecurities. Example: many of my clients hide money secrets from their husbands as they are building their business. They are deathly afraid of failure so they want a “win” first before asking for support. This backfires. Luckily they hired me and we got them out of lies and into abundance 🙂

4. “unknown” quadrant: this represents uncharted territory, where potential awaits realization, beckoning us to embrace uncertainty with courage and conviction.

As we navigate our paths towards greatness, let’s embrace belief in ourselves, transcending doubt and fear. If you find yourself grappling with self-doubt or uncertainty, know that you’re not alone. Reach out, initiate a conversation—let’s embark on this journey together. 

Remember, our bold breakthrough awaits, slated for May 7th. Don’t miss this transformative workshop, an opportunity to unearth your true potential and redefine your journey towards success. 

Join us, and let’s make 2024 the year of unparalleled growth and achievement. 

See you there!

You are worthy and the world needs you,
