
4 Strategies to Success

ABC, 123, doe rae me, it’s just so EZ! Right? Well, not always, but, if we start a little lighthearted, it makes for opening our minds for better learning.

You may recall that on Nov. 17th, I wrote an article entitled “the ABC’s of Productivity.”

Here’s an overview:

A= Accept your reality

B= Be bold. Be brave.

C= Creativity is King.

Here’s a sheet to download, to help you take those bold actions and break them down into daily tasks.

Once you’ve started down the path of ABC’s (you can sing, but it’s not required), you’ll want to implement the 4 Strategies to Success along the way.

I find that the most successful leaders have consistent habits that slowly inch them and their organizations in the direction they desire. While these habits are not “rocket science,” they enable rocket scientists (or any leader) to harness their greatness.

Here are the four featured strategies that I have found make the most impact for the least effort:

  1. Bookend to success
  2. Map Your Time
  3. Take Inventory
  4. Use Power Blocks

I’ll detail the first one here. If it looks good and you want to go deeper, let’s set up a conversation! Click here to set up a conversation.

  1. Bookend to Success:

What holds up books vertically? Well, unless your shelf is fully loaded- its bookends, right? I use this metaphor to describe the method successful leaders use when implementing the big, hairy, audacious goals they set. This concept can be expanded or contracted depending on the time period in question.

For example, it will be January in very short order. Most people and organizations set yearly goals about this time of year. It’s a perfect time to start the habit of bookending.

Great, you say. So how do I get started?

  1. Set annual goals (you likely have done this)
  2. Set quarterly goals (you may have done this)
  3. Set monthly goals

Here’s the process!

  1. On the first business day in January, look at the above 3 goals.
  2. Focus on the month of January. Which goals are the most important?
  3. Find a goal that can be translated into three actions for the week.
  4. Insert those actions into your calendar as appointments.
  5. At the end of the week, review the goals and associated actions. Did you complete them?
  6. If not, carry them to next week.
  7. Look at the rest of January and repeat this for the 2nd week of January.
  8. On the first workday of the second week of January, review your Friday work to be sure it’s still relevant and adjust as required.
  9. Do this each week.
  10. At the end of January, do your bookending for January. Did you achieve what you set out to do? Did you exceed your goal?
  11. Repeat the process for all the months. Repeat the process for the quarter, and, at the end of December, for the year.

“It’s amazing how simple, yet powerful, this process is.” – A manager in Concord, NH

Watch the magic happen, and let me know all the great work you are doing with ease! You are now feeling like a productivity superstar and that’s just the first strategy!  Woo hoo…let’s keep your momentum going. Set up a call and be prepared to launch that rocket!


Fulfillment through Wellness = Productivity

A big THANK YOU to Christy Nault, Wellness Director Of Easter Seals New Hampshire, for inviting me to be Closing Motivational Keynote for the annual Wellness Champion Retreat. I learned so much! For example, did you know:

  • Just a handful or two of cashews can make you feel as happy as a dose of Prozac?
  • A “new” exercise sensation…”POUND” allows participants to use drumsticks and up their heartbeat effortlessly, under the guise of rocking to the beat?
  • You can really only be “so” productive when you are missing out on one of the 12 Dimensions of Wellness!

Wellness is the new paradigm these days…it’s not simply about “not showing symptoms of illness.” While I’m not a wellness expert, what I know is that when I work with busy executives, wellness tends to rise to the top of the “what really matters” meter regarding time and priorities. It’s WHY a person will decide, quite often, to rise to their next level and work with me. All the productivity tricks in the world, falling on unfertile ground, will not yield the fruit (results) we seek.

What about you? Are you tired? Irritable? Working too many hours? Burned out? Headed for burnout? Do a body scan, see a wellness practitioner, or contact me to get on the path to productivity!




The ABCs of Productivity -as it relates to our country’s condition today

WAIT: How can these two topics – productivity and uncertainty- possibly be related?

A few weeks ago, one of my current clients asked me to write about the ABCs of Productivity, which I had presented to her professional group some time beforehand. However, If I did not relate this topic to the events of November 8 and over that week, into today, I would not be relevant. With that in mind, please consider the following as you move through your days and weeks to come:

The ABC’s of Productivity

A= Accept your reality

B= Be bold. Be brave.

C= Creativity is King.

“A”- Accept Your Reality- is more important than ever before. While all were surprised, and many folks very upset with the outcome of November 8, the reality is here. From Rupture comes Rapture, always. It’s a universal truth. We are on the brink of something, although what the “something” is, we don’t know. Actions to take:

  • Accept your thoughts and feelings.
  • Understand where you are today.
  • Make a Big Plan. Look out 6 months, into the unknown, and visualize your goal.

Look out 6 months- into the Unknown

“B” – Act boldly and make a difference. How can you tap into your truth and let your light shine? Actions to take:

  • Assuming your 6-month goal finds you/your team looking different from today, you’ll need to determine your paradigm shift and small steps to begin shifting.
  • True leadership is needed now more than ever. Be the bold leader that you are.
  • When you fear making the next step to the point where you don’t take that step, break down the step to be so very small that it seems like simply crossing a threshold.
  • Here’s a sheet to download, to help you take those bold actions and break them down into daily tasks <provide link to power planner template under documents:>

“C” – Creativity is King. People like to be entertained. We like to have fun. When we have fun AND get something done….we’ll do it more. So be creative in your plans. Be fearless. Push beyond the envelope of normal if you want true greatness. Yes, you’ll get some push-back. Ideas:

  • Create contests with prizes
  • Involve the whole team in your change process where appropriate
  • Allow some “failure” in the name of delegation and buy-in

Once you’ve started down the path of ABC’s, you’ll want to implement the 4 Strategies to Success along the way. Watch for those in the coming weeks. If you can’t wait, let’s set up a complimentary Success Strategy Meeting and we’ll get you started on your own Personal or Team Productivity journey right away:


How Flow and Time Management Can Help You Get More Done

When you have a good system in place that takes care of routine tasks, while helping you to manage major tasks related to work, personal goals, etc. will leave you feeling relaxed and on top of things.

Do you have a timing management system in place? Have you considered you may need to implement one?

When deciding on a timing management system ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do I have much to do?
  • How do I move through my day?

Time Management (outside-in approach) vs Timing Management (inside-out approach)

Time management, the outside-in approach is the push-to-make-more happen approach. It’s about clock time, shortage of time, lack of peace. It can be very frustrating. Time management isn’t about getting more time but choosing where we spend each bit of time.

Managing your time means to consider both how much time do I have and where should my time go. Be aware of where bits of your time might and do go.

Timing management – is about psychological time with the right activity, individual, event and at the best moment for us. The basis of timing management is relationship with ourselves. The intention for timing management is to move to a state of increased flow that will allow inspiration. We seek to bring in Reactive brain and Rational brain into harmony together. The intention of timing management is to move to a state of increased flow and allow inspiration. (Credit: Mark Forester)

  • What feels ready to be done?
  • How good do I feel?
  • What am I ready to begin?

When we know, what tasks are to be completed we can then decide when to do each one.

Where and how do I start

A good place to start is by blocking off time that you spend doing regular discretionary things i.e. sleeping, eating, watching tv, etc.… Once you’ve done that then you can fit your routine tasks around those. When you know you only have a few hours of otherwise discretionary time you can focus on the remaining important tasks.

More time in my day multitasking prioritize Productivity Time strategies

A new viewpoint when considering how to “Take Charge of Your Time.”

Time…how do you define it? Here are 2 terms referring to TIME.

Chronos or Kairos? What does this mean to you, if anything? Are we in ancient Greece yet? How are these two Time Definitions affecting my productivity?

The difference profoundly affects how we live our lives.

When we think about time in the abstract, or Chronos, there’s not generally a sense of urgency. While this can be helpful in some cases, it can also be a breeding ground for procrastination. Conversely, Kairos embodies time in our lives. Kairos says, “if I want to ‘be successful’ at my job, I need to nail down what means, and take some action as my first step.”

When reading studies by psychologists, there are 2 kinds of regret based on the age of the subject being interviewed. People their 20s regretted poor choices that got them into trouble or caused embarrassment. These range from cheating on exams to romantic interests/failures. As a result, the younger set seeks to avoid risks so that they are in the “safe zone.” Conversely, people in their 70s and 80s regretted not taking MORE chances. Their mantra is “do it while you can.” Perhaps they wanted to switch careers or learn to tap dance, but they did not act. They see the value of acting when the time is ripe.

The lesson in this? You guessed it. We’re talking about the value of goal setting, and more importantly, step-by-step goal ACHIEVING. We all have “Chronos” in our lives. Chronos tells us there will be a time to do this or that. And, he is right. There will be. But Kairos reminds us that if we wait forever, we’ll look back and wonder what happened. We might even find ourselves saying,

“Where did the time go?”

If you are ready to put Chronos in his place, and start taking action for a change, please read the article below, download the 7 steps to success, or call me for a complimentary time breakthrough session.

Finish 2016 with the pride in knowing you are poised for an even more successful 2017. I know you can.



We can do that: MORE and BETTER. But first, I challenge you, ask yourself WHY. Then ask WHY you want that WHY.

Your first WHY answer might be something like, “…So that I can manage my time better and be more effective at work.” The “why behind the why” is more like, “I am losing credibility with my colleagues because I am generally running late and don’t always have what I need for meetings. I think I am going to get passed over for that promotion, and in fact, I am not sure how much longer it may be that I’m employed here. That scares me because my family counts on me for this income, and I’ll feel like a failure unless I can prove that I can excel here.”

Do you see how different the first “why” is from the second “why?” The second “why” taps into our feelings. Human beings are more motivated by fear of failure than by the promise of self-improvement. True story. One of my clients actually had to go bankrupt before she was ready to do More and Better. At that point, she ceased caring what the “world thought of her”- and went full speed ahead to Being More, Being Better, Being Brilliant.

If you have been meaning to attend one of my events and have not made the time to do so, there’s an opportunity around the corner, and you don’t even have to leave the office. On October 5th at 1 pm Eastern, I’m doing a webinar (see sign up info in the margin). Here’s a video (9 minutes long) to explain it a big. Fast forward to minute 2 for the “meat” of the program, so you may determine if it’s a good fit for you (if your WHY is strong enough, I mean)!


Here’s a tip to get you started before Oct 5th: For meetings, follow the EpS rule:

E = Eliminate the meeting when it’s not needed;

P = Prepare. Everyone needs the agenda at least 24 hours in advance. Set expectations.

S = Stick to the Agenda. 1.) HAVE an agenda; 2.) Use Robert’s Rules to run the meeting; 3.) Begin and end right on time.

Do more, do better, and do it for the reasons that are heartfelt and meaningful to you. Tell me, what ONE thing will you do differently this week now? Go ahead, just shoot me a quick email about it: I’d love to hear how this positions your week.