Confidence Get Organized Goal Setting Positive Thinking Productivity

Do you know what you want to do but you can’t do it? Here’s the first step.

GREAT! You’ve recognized some changes you want to make in your life.  You’ve set your goals and have a clear idea of what you want to achieve, when and how. Congratulations … there’s just one small hitch.  One tiny problem. Something is stopping you from achieving those goals and putting a massive “Detour” sign bang in the middle of “Goal Highway”.

Often, we find that, although we can identify those steps we need to take to help us reach our goals, we are held back because we are locked into unconscious patterns, which anchor us to how we have always been; the long-held beliefs we have had that this is the way we’ve always done it, so why change? The fears of upsetting or impacting others if we make that change, the guilt because we are putting ourselves, our own needs first.  Sound familiar?

So, let’s look at 3 strategies to help us achieve our goals:

  1. Start by envisioning what you want to achieve. How will this make you feel? What effects (positive and negative) will this have on your life, on those around you? What will life look like on the “other side”?  Write this down if it helps (remember it’s for your eyes only, so no stressing if it looks anything other than perfect!)
  2. Clear out. Now, make a list of what’s in your way. What’s stopping you from achieving your goal Nirvana? – Be sure to consider all aspects of your life and wellbeing – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual and be honest, even though this might involve looking deep within yourself.  It will be worth it, promise!

So, now you have your list of “road blocks”, which can you remove? Set about removing, deleting and clearing all those that no longer serve you.  Doesn’t that feel better? Sort of like a “soul spa”, right?!  Remember, if it doesn’t support your better self – ditch it!

  1. It’s time to notice how you feel, unencumbered by what was holding you back. By performing this de-cluttering process, you give yourself more space to achieve your dreams and to explore new energy and new ideas.  You may have removed physical clutter – “stuff” in your home, your office (what about that email inbox? How many spammy emails does one person need?) Stuff on your desk, your shelves, stuff in your calendar, or it may be more about ridding yourself of emotional clutter – old ideas, bad habits, feelings of “not being good enough”, that ugly imposter syndrome that shadows your working life; whatever form your clutter takes, how do you now feel having acknowledged and addressed those feelings?

By removing these self-limiting beliefs and practices, you will free up “space” and give yourself the tools to get more done. As the Buddha said, “What you are is what you have been, what you will be is what you do now”. So, take your fresh, newly-decluttered, de-complicated self and move forwards with purpose!  Go do great things!

In our next blog, we will be looking at the next step of the process.  How to simplify your home and financial life.  Be sure to check it out!

Confidence Get Organized Growth More time in my day Positive Thinking prioritize Time strategies Wellness

3 Ways To Make Sure Your Energy Is Not Wasted

In the last blog, we looked at ways to control our energy levels and how to discover what in our life affects them on a day to day basis.

But, what about those times when our levels are at a high?  How can we keep from wasting those precious feelings?

3 ways to keep your energy at the max:


  1. Be selective. Good intentions are one thing, but if you spread that energy too thin, there will only be one loser.    We all know someone, who, when we come away from a conversation or encounter, makes us feel drained.  Who, when we ask a simple, “How are you?” will give us chapter and verse on every little thing going wrong in their lives.  You know, the “glass half-empty” kinda gal?


These people simply suck us dry of any good vibes and leave us not only carrying our own concerns, but theirs too.  Don’t let them!  Steer a wide berth from these “Emotional Vampires”, these people who are just going to bring you down and say, “Not today, thanks!”


  1. Look at your goals. Funnel your positive, light-shining energy in to what YOU want to achieve.  Your goals.  Not anyone else’s, – yours.  Create a list of what you want to achieve and think big here – don’t limit your dreams and then focus that energy into a plan of action.  Remember, little steps achieve big things and don’t let your energy be depleted by set backs along the way.  You’re in this for the long-haul, remember?


  1. Do what you love. Why are you spending time and emotional energy on those tasks that you HATE? That’s a sure-fire way of depleting your energy tanks.  Instead, identify and recognise those tasks you dislike, or that you spend too long on and either find someone else who loves that kind of thing (and make their day), or eliminate them in some other way.  Can they be broken down into smaller, less onerous tasks, for instance?


Lastly, remember, you’re in control.  These are your energy levels, your resources, the things that make you tick that we’re talking about.  You wouldn’t run a car without fuel, so why would you run your body without investing some care and long-term maintenance on it?

Pay yourself some attention and, I promise, you’ll be reaping the benefits forever after.

Growth Positive Thinking Wellness

Counterintuitive Thoughts That Will Change Your Energy Level

There’s no getting away from it, modern life is busy.  Fact.  We run around, barely registering the days of the week, the weeks of the month, endlessly trying to check off everything on our to-do list.

Our smartphone constantly reminds us of those dates we must keep; the kids’ end of term play, that medical appointment, updates from family and friends, and our inbox?  Chock-full of information, invitations, expectations…

Busy, busy, busy, right?

But, what happens to our energy levels?  How do we keep those at 100%, allowing us to be all things to all people, all the time?

The truth is, we don’t have to, and that’s okay, really.

Be true to yourself.  It’s okay to feel depleted occasionally.  It’s fine to admit that you’re firing on less than four cylinders.  Hey, we’re all human, so give yourself a break and don’t beat yourself up because you’re just not feeling it!

Be self-aware.  Notice how you’re feeling at varying times of the day, after various activities.  Make a journal, if that works for you.  Pretty soon, you’ll see patterns forming of energy highs and lows.

Which are the activities that are real energy-downers?  When do you feel energised with that, “Today, I’ll conquer the world” kind of vibe?

Capitalize on those highs, but don’t whatever you do, I repeat, DO NOT schedule meetings during these “high“times.  That’s a sure-fire way to zap those energy highs.  Instead, schedule activity that requires you to be present and “of the moment”.  Schedule in small tasks that you can tick off your list – you’ll feel on top of the world as your productivity goes sky-high!

What you put in, you get out. Once you’ve established the “when” of your energy peaks, it’s time to focus on the “why”.

Why are you feeling so great?  What’s causing this…and how can you get more of it?  Is it down to the food you’re eating?  We all know the link between a healthy, balanced diet and our inner zen.  Is it down to exercise?  Maybe it’s the opposite – maybe it’s giving yourself permission to do nothing for a while and giving those batteries a recharge.  Self-care should be a part of everyday for each and every one of us.

Perhaps you switched your cell phone off for an hour or revised your personal boundaries of when you’re “at work” or “at play”.  Have you caught up on that neglected social life?  Met up with friends or spent a little time doing something you enjoy?

Recognize what has resulted in your energy highs and, you know what?  Do more of it!  Factor in regular time doing whatever makes you happy, whatever gives you that “zing” and you’ll thank yourself for it.

As your energy levels soar, thanks to a little bit of “energy-awareness”, so you’ll find the strength to tackle those problematic meetings…

If you feel your energy is being sent in the wrong direction, or just being drained, you’ll want to check out my next blog to discover ways to ensure your precious energy is not wasted.


This is the first thing to do when you feel invisible.

This is the first thing to do when you feel invisible.

In the last blog, we discussed 5 ways you may be self sabotaging yourself and how to “get out there” and what happens when you don’t. Maybe you are still feeling invisible, and not sure how to be noticed, and afraid of what might happen if you are noticed.

Go ahead. Be the person you are afraid to be. That’s the first thing to do.


Becoming our true selves creates mutual respect, admiration and honesty within our lives. And this leads us to reach our goals. How?

 There is a certain amount of fear and hiding in us all. And, when we live life “full out” and stop hiding, we begin growing. And then we risk failing. And failing is essential to growth.

So how can you become the person you are afraid to be? Developing confidence and believing in yourself, your power and your ability to get achieve your ambitions. Your goals!

Remember, building confidence is not an easy and straightforward journey. But taking action is the first step to start building your confidence. You may fail at first, that’s ok. You are probably in very good company. Get on your feet and use what you have learnt to try again until you consistently get the results you would like to see.

Give yourself some love. Most of us are impatient by nature. We want changes to happen now. However, hardly anything in life happens out of the blue. Change takes time so start with small steps but keep a long-term perspective.

Learn to handle people undermining your confidence and don’t let them get through you. One of the best technique is co-opt their criticism. Somebody is trying to put you down? Try this: “You know what, you might be right. I have no idea if this is going to work. But I figure I have to give it a shot, right? If you were me, what would you do?”

Stretch yourself and branch out. Your opinion about yourself and what you can achieve has probably been moulded by your upbringing – your parents, your teachers, your friends. Start seeing things from a different perspective. Working towards greatness is a process and you need to learn how to live your life with intention. Rephrase “I wish, I hope, someday I will” with action statements: “Today, I am, my calendar includes, my deadline is”.

Lastly, put yourself in the right environment. Are the people around you pushing you forward or holding you back? Try to create your own growth environment.  Surround yourself with motivating,

Expect “setbacks.” Learn from your “mistakes” and keep trying. Find your focus. Be deliberate in making your daily decisions. And if you’re stuck, reposition yourself quickly. Sometimes teetering at the edge of a cliff is a good place to be. It means you’re growing and that puts you WAY ahead of the bulk of this population.



Do you back away from the limelight?

Do you back away from the limelight?

5 ways this is hurting you, and what you can do about it.

You don’t need to be a celebrity to have a fear of being visible. I work with many entrepreneurs. Oddly enough, so many of them fear “getting out there.” Life challenges us and asks us to step up on a daily basis. As an entrepreneur, when we hide, our profits die. So, what’s the hiding about? And how can we jump over this hurdle, into the land of profits and true happiness?

We constantly feel this pressure of being something else, somebody else, be always perfect. We are afraid of our true self, we fear that if we try to show ourselves someone will degrade us and we’ll be ashamed, exposed. Wow.

Do any of these 5 self-sabotaging moves look familiar?

1. Jealousy

  • Issue: Maybe a colleague received yet another promotion, or our younger boss just bought a gorgeous sporty car. Jealousy comes from our deep-rooted fears and insecurities which appear when we feel like we are not enough or we don’t have enough to be happy.
  • Solution: Comparing ourselves to others is rarely a win. What special gifts do YOU bring to the table? Honor those.

2. Faking It

  • Issue: “Fake it until you make it” sounds better than it actually is. Faking doesn’t do anyone any favors. We all tell little lies to ourselves and others in order to cope with our fears of being degraded or even ridiculed for who we really are. Beware – hiding our true self starves our potential!
  • Solution:  Live As If. When you swap your mindset for a new one, then act as if, you’re moving forward authentically. For example, say you want to be a speaker. You don’t have speaking experience. You are scared to be in front of people. What would a great speaker in training then do? Maybe he would join Toastmasters. Voila! Do this and you are Living As If. One small step.

3. Our Inner Bullies

  • Issue: We all know well that little creature living inside our heads. He (or she) is bossing us around—telling us what to do, how to think and act—even what to feel. Our inner bullies can be bigger and more powerful than our true inner selves, so we need to learn to tune out and stop listening.
  • Solution: Take it one step further. Don’t only “tune out” the bully; counteract him. Who might be the superhero to that Negative Nancy voice? How about Positive Peter? What might Positive Peter have to say? When we consider that these Inner Bullies are NOT us, and that we can separate ourselves from them, we gain back control over our own lives.

4. Caring About What Other People Think

  • Issue:  It can be difficult not to care about what others think of us. However, sometimes we let their opinions dictate how we are supposed to be. No more please! It is useful to seek advice and ask for opinions, but deep down, we need to follow our own inner compass.
  • Solution:  Repeat after me: What other people think of me is NONE OF MY BUSINESS. Right? Caring about what other people think of you is self-centered. And being self-centered is not a good feature. Be of service to others and soon this Fear of What Others Think will melt away.

5. Self-Destructive Habits

  • Issue:  We are sabotaging our true self with self-destructive habits every day. Think about the many times you doubt about yourself, of what you are capable of or worth. Or the times you pleased others and put everyone’s needs before your own. This is another no – no! Recognizing your own self-destructive behaviors is the first step to stopping them and the key to elevating your success in both business and your personal life.
  • Solution:  Doubting, considering yourself unworthy, and putting yourself last are all symptoms of lack. It’s the lack of self love. Self love is critical. It’s interesting how people who don’t love themselves are often self-centered (they are trying to seek others’ approval). When you truly love yourself, it does not matter what others think. You give of the overflow and act in service. What can you do to love yourself? Do what lights you up. This could be going for a walk every day, reading a book, meditating, seeing a movie with a friend. Treat yourself exquisitely so you can be your best self for everyone else.


There are many things we do every day which prevent us from living authentically and becoming our truest selves. When we are aware of the harmful things we do to sabotage our own personal growth, we can begin to address them, one by one, and replace these soul sucking thoughts and habits with new, empowering ones.

When we move closer to our true selves, we find that sense of fulfilment we seek. Becoming our true selves creates mutual respect, admiration and honesty within our lives. And this leads us to reach our goals. If you want to move up the corporate ladder, gain more respect at home or at work, or become the leader in your field, you’ll want to stay tuned for the next blog.

Productivity productivity in the workplace Time strategies vacation Wellness

The sublime art of slowing down

Last week we discussed the benefits of a summer vacation. But what about when you don’t want to work AT ALL in summer? What about when you have children and you are trying to also run a company? Scroll to the bottom to address this tricky issue.

First, let’s address the real benefits of slowing down. Why does this work so well when we are addressing productivity?

Slowing down gives space to our subconscious, letting our intuition come to conclusions in a less logical way.  Letting our creativity flow is a big step towards being more productive, after all, we are human beings, not robots.  Our productivity doesn’t depend on speed and efficiency, it depends on our creativity, intuition and innovation, and these things need space to flourish.  Nothing shuts down inspiration faster than forcing it.  Yup, it’s counterintuitive.

Creativity is everything.  Many jobs can be exported, and have been, to people who can work for far lower pay than us.  The only thing that truly sets you apart is your creativity and innovation.  Creativity stems from connections between disparate ideas, but unless you have explored a variety of experiences, you will not have anything to draw from.  Going on vacation or simply taking some time off work provides a wealth of novelty to spur creativity.

When we slow down and give ourselves time to think, we notice the difference between getting things done and getting the RIGHT things done (and doing them well).

“It’s only when we start asking ourselves questions like “what am I actually doing here?”, that thinking time starts to feel productive”

The human body and mind need breaks and vacations to provide rest and benefits that have a much greater influence on success and happiness than clocking in overtime at work. Overworking yourself isn’t going to make you more likely to succeed.  If anything, it may make you resent your work, lower its quality, and negatively impact your happiness.

OK, so, maybe it’s your situation that you are an entrepreneur with kids home for the summer. Yikes, what do you do?

This is not easy! Camp is expensive. Running kids around or trying to work with loud and needy kids in your home is far worse though.  You may be thinking “I’ll just take the summer off.”

Here are some items to consider:

  1. Can you afford to take the summer “off”? Do you need the cash flow? If you stop working, how will this affect your workflow/cash flow in the fall?
  2. Get real. Even if you take 4 weeks off of the 8-10 weeks, doing so purposefully is a much better strategy.

I work all summer.  I also take vacation.  As my children grow, their needs change.  Being real about what you expect is critical – boundaries come into play here.  Our children love to push our boundaries, and we don’t do what we “should” do.  We do what we value.

This is tricky! We will talk more about this in our July Lunchtime Love.   Also feel free to email me at to untangle the web of conflicting voices in your head….

Be amazing, be bold, rest well!
