Accountability Get Organized Planning

Why we are afraid to fail and what it’s costing us

Failure.  One word guaranteed to strike fear wherever it lands. It happens to everyone.  Even those who we see as “living the dream”. But that doesn’t make it any less of a bitter pill to swallow when it comes a-knockin’ at our door.

So, you have two choices. Either, you can shrug it off, with an “Oh well, it wasn’t meant to be…” kind of approach, OR you can look for other ways to handle that F-word, a way to not only look at it more optimistically, but also to find clues within it for future success.

Now, for the purposes of this article, I’m going to assume that you’re all for taking option two.  So, how can you flip that negative to a positive and come out the other end oh, so much wiser?  Here are my three top tips:

1. “If I don’t start, I won’t fail” – how this mindset is killing you slowly

How many times have you caught yourself in this mindset?  You procrastinate over a task so long that it (in your mind at least) becomes so much bigger and more complex than it actually is. You set yourself up for failure before you even start.  You know, if we tell ourselves we are going to fail, then it becomes almost a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Remember, it is far better to do something imperfectly than nothing perfectly.  Inaction is the biggest risk you can take. You end up nowhere…fast.  Fear of failure is what keeps us rooted to the “now”.  But, like any other fear, the only way to get the better of it, is to stare it straight in the eye and remember that failure comes from productivity – fear from doing nothing, from inactivity – which is better?

2. The benefits of thinking ahead

We have all heard Benjamin Franklin’s quote, “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail” – yep, that old chestnut – but it’s absolutely true in this scenario.

Many fail because they don’t take time to think ahead and plan for success. Without a plan, you have no roadmap, and wouldn’t you rather be on a super-highway heading to success, rather than a bumpy one-track road leading to who-knows-where?

Instead, head failure off at the pass by identifying risks at the planning stage.  By “shooting holes” in a plan (either do this yourself as part of a review, or, even better, get someone you trust to do this for you).

By planning ahead, you get to envision your success – what will it look and feel like? And this is an important part of the process.  By planning ahead, you switch from reactive to proactive, with a better view of any roadblocks or diversions in the path, allowing you to take action in plenty of time, and with confidence.

3. The hidden anchor of worrying too much.

We somehow think that one or two failures throughout our lives translates to us being a total failure.  And, with that sort of mindset, that set of self-limiting beliefs, how can we ever hope to succeed?

But, picture yourself in x years’ time, as an elderly person.  Wouldn’t you rather be laughing, remembering life’s hiccoughs, the bumps in the road and reminiscing about how things eventually played out, rather than lamenting the opportunities missed because you were too worried about “what could have happened” to accept them?

Failure is a fact of life, which everyone faces once in a while.  Some you win, some you don’t – all you can do is roll with the punches.  Change your mindset to one of reflecting on every failure as a lesson learned.  A means, perhaps, of opening up new potential and new opportunities to explore.

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Let’s get you more focused, organized, and productive than you have EVER been! Let’s see what might happen if you dare to just “read the blogs” to taking the steps to get you to where you want to go, but perhaps have not dared to…. until now.

I’ll be there! I can’t wait to meet you.

Confidence Growth Mastermind Groups

3 Ways To Catapult Your Success In 2019

In our last blog, we looked at the power of leveraging more than one mind in your business success.  Now, following on from that, let’s discuss ways to put that success into turbo drive in 2019.

  1. The power of hyperfocus.

Big picture thinking is usually where we start with any new idea.  The mind maps, the brain-storming sessions, the “getting it all down on paper” phase is great.  It allows all our thought processes, our ideas to come together; a visual representation of what’s been milling around in our brains.  But, what then?  How does this translate into the steps needed to succeed?

The answer is hyperfocus.  This is the ability to focus on one thing, to the exclusion of all else for an extended period.  Use your time to focus on one point at a time, without distraction, and then move on to the next.  By working in this way, you can avoid distraction and maximise productivity, which in turn leads to a focused to-do list of tasks that you can work to, rather than a vague idea.

  1. Be selective about how you spend your time.

The interesting thing about being productive is that it is about becoming selective in what you do, not trying to do everything.  The truth is, the more work we must do, the more “frazzled” our brain becomes and we end up working on counter-productive tasks, simply because they are in front of us.

It’s okay to say “no” to certain opportunities, for example. Don’t go down the route of stacking more demands on your already laden plate.

Remember from our October blog, we discussed how free time is vital time? That free time, time to dream, time to rest, recharge, reenergize and regain perspective is vital.

We see productivity as getting more done, which to most of us, translates as spending more time and effort on tasks.  In fact, it is just the opposite.  In order to achieve more, we need to focus on less.  Spend our time on the goals that matter, and work in a way that brings maximum value to our time.

  1. Leverage your Mastermind Group

How much time do you spend marketing your business? It’s possibly the biggest time-suck of all.  Keeping up to date with social media, with networking, with lead generation; it all takes time.

But this is where your Mastermind Group is invaluable. Your group peers all have their own personal networks, just waiting for you to explore! You know the saying, “If you don’t ask, you don’t get”? Well, ask for referrals, ask to be recommended to potential leads, really leverage that group – an be prepared to reciprocate.

So, in conclusion, although you may be self-employed, that doesn’t mean you have to be isolated.  How good would it feel to have a group of compatriots there who have got your back and who, you, in turn could support? A win-win situation for all participants.  New friendships, new collaborations, new encouragement. What’s not to love?

Accountability Growth Mastermind Groups

The power of more than one mind – Leverage your impact in 2019

Is there a honeymoon period when running a business?

You know the deal.  You start your business; you don’t miss the water-cooler politics, the commute, the endless meetings for the sake of it.  The rosy tint on those self-employed glasses leads to a romantic vision of what self-employment means… but, at some stage, reality bites! You miss the camaraderie with colleagues, the feelings of “we’re in this together” and you find yourself overwhelmed with plans, ideas, lists. Not to mention the headache from wearing all those hats.  CEO one minute, office clerk the next.

So, what can you do about it?  Where can you go to bounce around those ideas, while obtaining valuable feedback from like-minded individuals, all the while making valuable progress towards your end-goals?

The answer is a Mastermind Group. A group of individuals striving for a common purpose and supporting each other along the way.  Not convinced?  After all, won’t this all take valuable time?  Time that you could have dedicated to working on your business? Sure, you’re going to have to commit to regular meetings (either in person or “virtual”), you’re going to be held accountable for your actions.  You’re going to have to realize that “it’s not all about you” But, what about the benefits?  Let’s look at how you can leverage your impact with a Mastermind Group:-

  1. Business Idea Support

You’ve got a great business idea, right? Everyone thinks it’s a winner… except the “everyone” in this case is your partner and your mom.  Not exactly objective opinions, then? This is where a Mastermind Group comes into its own.

There is a real synergy of energy, commitment and, dare I say, excitement that emanates from a good Mastermind Group. Members support each other with total honesty, respect and compassion.  After all, the group should be made up of people in a similar position to you, so whilst it may not always be plain-sailing in terms of pitching your ideas, you know that any criticism will be constructive and aimed to challenge, rather than destroy.  We all love being Devil’s Advocate sometimes, don’t we?

Your peers are there to give you feedback, help you brainstorm new possibilities and set up accountability structures to keep you focused and on track.

Use your members to gain a different perspective and iron out any wrinkles before you take your idea to market.

  1. Social Support

Sometimes your self-employed solitary efforts can feel like solitary confinement!

Remember your employed days, when you were surrounded by others and could regularly tap in and out of human interaction? Wouldn’t it be nice to have some compatriots to celebrate your success now? Commiserate with your failures (we all have ‘em!) and to just, well, listen sometimes?

With a Mastermind Group, you’re part of an exclusive community (and, hey, there’s no admission charge!) The feedback you receive can transcend just business issues and extend to your own self.  It can be so liberating to review yourself and get impartial input. Being around those you feel comfortable with stimulates the “happy hormone”.  The result? Better mental and physical health.

  1. Referral Partners

Members of a Mastermind Group all come with their own “tribe” – their own network of contacts.  Over time, as you build your relationships with your peers, they will generally share their contacts with you.  This gives you access to a greatly-extended personal network – no elevator pitch necessary – the recommendation has already been made for you.

In our next blog, we will look at how you can put your success into turbo-drive with focus, productivity and those Mastermind Groups, too.

Confidence Goal Setting Positive Thinking

How to completely change bad habits, once and for all.

In our last blog, we talked about resolutions and how they so often seem to fall by the wayside.  Often, this can be because the resolution necessitates a change in long-held habits.  While it’s not easy to break the habits of a lifetime, it can be done.  Here are three pointers to help you on your way:

  1. The brain science behind habit.

Habits are derived from constant repetition of an action or emotion into our brains. Add in the pleasure derived from that action and before long, you have an almighty craving established. If you want to break the habit, then you need to start with the pattern of behavior, the trigger to that habit. Instead of going onto “Auto-pilot” and doing what you’ve always done, adopt a more mindful approach.  Identify what triggers the behavior in the first place, plan a way to side step these and, in so doing, a way to “push-back” against that “auto-pilot” action.

2. One habit per month is more than enough.

Remember that any change takes time.  Your brain is an oh-so-marvellous thing! It will do its darnedest to resist any change, because, well, it’s just easier that way! Instead of being in a rush to change all those habits at once, concentrate on slow and steady.  One habit-change per month will give you time to focus on changes for good and allow your brain to accept that changes are coming. More importantly, it will become your “new normal!”

3. An ingrained habit becomes part of you.

Remember the saying, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over, but expecting a different result”? well, your habits are so ingrained that, often you don’t even have to think about them, they just happen.

Rather than concentrating on the break, focus on a positive change. By substituting, rather than stopping, we can make small changes that can contribute to overriding the habit and, instead, set us on a different path (one that ties in with those resolutions we made in our previous blog) Pretty soon, our new actions will become ingrained and we won’t even realize it.


In summary, if we adopt a more mindful approach to our everyday thoughts and actions, we are able to understand the triggers that underpin them. Identifying the reasons why we reach for a cigarette or maybe a glass of wine at the end of the day is critical to this process.  Remember that change takes time and any small step in the right direction is a positive move towards our goal. If we are aware of those harmful practices, the habits that keep us from being our true selves, then we are well on the way to a sense of fulfilment and honesty within our lives.  So, here’s to resolutions and the new you just waiting to emerge!

Goal Setting Positive Thinking Wellness

3 ways to make sure your resolutions are not wasted: A gift to yourself

New Year’s Resolutions, don’t you just love ‘em?  Those things we decide we “shoulda, woulda, coulda” achieved and yet only 9.2 % of those who resolve to change something about themselves or their lives will succeed and something like 80% of New Year’s Resolutions will fall by the wayside before February has waved goodbye.

As the end of the year approaches, we take stock of our lives, both personal and professional.  As discussed in my previous blog, we use the holidays to recharge our batteries and reflect on what we have achieved, but more often, those things we feel could or should be better.  We can feel disappointed with a perceived lack of progress, whether that is with our health, relationships or revenue.  We resolve that something MUST change, right?

So, how can we make resolutions that will “stick”?  Positive changes that we can maintain not just through January but forever?  Three ways to ensure your resolutions are achievable and successful, too:

  1. Make them real, be it pie or income.

That pumpkin pie was good, wasn’t it?  But , as the saying goes, “a moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips”  In an effort to atone for the many indulgences of the holiday period, so many of us resolve to lose that extra bit of weight and, to show just how committed we are to the notion, we will throw in a really expensive gym membership for good measure.  How long did that last?  One week, two?

Setting a resolution is no different to setting a business goal – you need to be SMART – make them specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timely.  It’s no good saying “I want to lose three dress sizes in a month” – that’s not going to happen in a healthy way and be impossible to maintain. Similarly, saying, “I’m going to save x thousand dollars a month” might be fine until the car needs work, or the house insurance is due, then you’re back to square one, with feelings of failure thrown in.

Yes, it’s good to aim high, but you also need to be real. Be realistic in your timeline.  Sure, you want results yesterday, but life’s not like that.  You are far more likely to stick with your resolution, instead, if you set small goals along the way and reward yourself for achieving them.

  1. Make it easy using HABITS

Habits are what we do daily, consciously or subconsciously. They can support our goal or detract from it, and it’s important to “use them for good.” Before you do this,. make sure you have the capacity to achieve your goals. Set up mid-point achievements and congratulate yourself for achieving them.  Give yourself a reason for continuing and, instead of always looking to your end goal, maybe take a look back and see how far you’ve come already!

  1. Don’t over extend yourself

As January 1st looms, the exercise of resolving to change for the better, fills us with hope, excitement, empowerment; we just can’t wait to see the “new” us.  We’re going to be fitter, healthier, more successful… and in that heady rush of excitement, it’s easy to forget about all the other demands on our time. For example, if your resolution is to run a marathon and you have never run before, then you’re going to need to put in some training.  What obstacles are in the way of that training?  Can you commit to early morning gym sessions or weekend practice runs?  If not, maybe put that resolution on the back burner until you do have the time.  Don’t set yourself up for failure before you even start, because instead of running a marathon, you’ll find yourself running headlong into diminishing self-esteem. Make sure you can expend both the time and effort to stay committed to your goal. If possible, minimize any distractions that may hijack you on the road to “new you” to give yourself the best chance of succeeding.


In our next blog, we will take a closer look at habits and how you can change them…once and for all.

Positive Thinking Productivity Time strategies Wellness

Holiday time: Avoid these pitfalls for peace AND productivity

Last time we talked about the stress so many of us feel approaching the festive period, aspiring for everything to be so ‘perfect’ whilst often neglecting our own wellbeing, and that of our friends and family, and how its so easy for this wonderful time to feel like a diversion from ‘work’.

Spending time away from the distraction of the phone ringing and emails pinging and instead focusing on planning, prevention, capability improvement and relationship building will lead to a clearer vision and a more fulfilled life, allowing you to enjoy more control and fewer crisis situations.  How valuable would spending some time on self-renewal and tasks that inspire and uplift you be, not only to your work life, but your overall wellbeing? By having your intention top of mind, you avoid wasting that precious time on autopilot and build that self-worth by actually achieving something.

For maximum productivity:

  • Set Boundaries. It’s all about the quality. Quality time off means real time off, not time off cleaning the house from top to bottom, just in case your guests notice that speck of dust, or catching up on the ironing mountain. It’s not about sneaking in work while the kids are playing in the living room (you know who you are.) You might have to be assertive in assigning some “me-time”.  Humans aside, setting boundaries can also involve setting some rules with the gadgets in your life, too. Thanks to technology, we are never far from emails and social media…all the things that link us back to work and, if we’re not careful, sneakily suck us back into the work environment. Allow yourself total radio silence on those work emails and focus on the quality of a few hours peace to focus on family and friends.  While we’re distracting ourselves with modern technology, we aren’t experiencing that all-important quality time. It’s just time!
  • Be off balance, on purpose. Some will say it’s about balance; balance in work and non-work, balance in activity-filled time and total down-time.  I say it’s about knowing what you really want, and really need, and honoring that. It’s about clearly understanding yourself, your priorities, and your body, mind, and spirit. It’s about deciding to be off balance, on purpose. Be where you are when you are there. And have a plan to recall what you want to do when you emerge from being present with your family/yourself, so you don’t “forget” about work related items.

Downtime (time “off”) is as much about caring for your body as it is your mind. And, if you still need some persuading, think of the favor you are doing your boss (who of course might be YOU) by taking time off.  Sound counter-intuitive?  Ask yourself, would your boss rather have an employee who is relaxed, refreshed, recharged and (yep…the “P” word) productive, or one that is exhausted, stressed and drained?  It really is a no-brainer, isn’t it?

I wish you peace, joy, productivity, and of course lots of turkey. Yes, you can have it all.  Just not all at once…