
3 Mantras to Keep a Focused Mind (part 1)

Do you believe that a few more tricks and tips will help you be more productive?

Well…all the information in the world does not help if you can’t execute. Execution requires focus. While the concept is simple, the reality is not so simple. If you are like most people, you:

– Sometimes (or often) find it hard to focus;

– Wish “just do it” worked. But, it doesn’t. So, you are reading this blog! Awesome.

We all find it hard to focus at times, and as individuals, we all have different reasons for this. That being said, there are several areas you need to take into consideration when thinking about your own reasons for struggling to focus. Before we get into the nitty-gritty “how to” of focusing like a fiend, let’s look at the Cake!

When we look at the Productivity Success Cake, we see that Power Focus is actually on layer 3, Productivity. And, what I know is that the other layers need to be “shored up” before the productivity pieces can be fully utilized to their highest and best.

The base layer- Health:

Our brain’s inability to focus can be caused by physical health factors, such as not getting enough sleep, not eating right, lack of exercise, and not taking your medication. And, our mental and spiritual health are also critical-path items (this is the “meditation” slice).

The second layer- Environment:

Our environment also has an impact on our ability to focus. I recommend that you take into consideration your physical space, your personal goals, your support network, and your sense of purpose in the world (see Environment Layer). Is your environment peaceful and distraction-free? Do you have clear personal goals and the time to work towards them? Do you have a support network so that you are heard completely, and validated? That support circle can also help to hold you accountable. Maybe it includes a coach!

For those of us with AD/HD, focus can be a real hurdle. If you find it hard to concentrate on mundane tasks, become distracted easily, or have difficulty completing tasks or projects, I’ll have some great tips for you in my next blog.

Want to see how YOU rate in YOUR productivity? Ditch the overwhelm and see how your cake looks! You can take the Success Cake Evaluation –  HERE

This tool will help you see productivity in a whole new way. It’s not all about “how to beat procrastination” after all. You will learn more about how ALL the layers in your life affect your productivity. Then YOU get to choose what to focus on to create the cake of your dreams!

In my next blog, we’ll be exploring how to improve focus with some simple techniques.


Secrets to Getting Things Done

In my last blog we discussed breaking through the stop/start pattern and ways to stick to your plan. In this post, we’ll be looking at this more deeply and structuring your plan on getting things done.

More often than not, a lack of plan will have a hugely negative impact on achieving our goals. How do you know where you’re going if you don’t have a map?

This plan in itself can be overwhelming if you’ve not tackled this before, but no need to worry, I’ve broken it down into sections for you below.

Step 1: Brain Dump.

Set some time aside and sit somewhere peaceful with a pen and a notepad or sketchbook and write down everything. Your goals, what you need to do, ideas you may have. Everything. Get it all out onto paper. Remember this is just for you so it doesn’t matter what it looks like (although I know a lot of people who like to make their brain dumps visually appealing by using different colored pens etc.).

Step 2: Organize the information

Create categories (such as ‘Personal’, ‘Family, ‘Work’) organize each thing into these lists. Try to be as specific as you can. You may add more at this time as well as find that one task crosses over into more than one category, I suggest highlighting these particular tasks as you’ll want to prioritize them.

Step 3: Calendar it

Whether this be on a physical or electronic calendar, make a guess as to how much time each task will take and put it into a slot. DO NOT PACK TOO MUCH IN. LEAVE WHITE SPACE. If you are not used to doing this, the propensity is to underestimate how long a thing will take and also to not allow for the unexpected. This results in NOT putting anything into our calendar and is a giant pitfall.

Step 4: Review regularly

Things change so you may have to change your plans. I would recommend a weekly review so you can tweak as necessary. Your business and/or life may warrant other decisions so a regular review will help you stay on top of the continuity and progress. This review also allows you to take stock of your progress, tick things off your list and see how far you’ve come.

Final Bonus: Combatting Fear

Fear is the number one thing that holds us back. We all experience fear in one shape or form, and it prevents us from really achieving what we want to. Sometimes we don’t even notice it is fear that’s the culprit, but distraction, procrastination, and self-sabotage are all forms of fear manifestation.

The very best antidote to fear is to face it!

Recognize the fear when it manifests and admit to yourself this is a form of fear. Then take action. One small action to overcome. If you’re distracted or procrastinating, take a small break to reset then do one thing from your list that will help you on your journey. You’ll be grateful you did.

Don’t look back. Before you know it, you’ll be ‘doing’ it!


Breaking the Start/Stop pattern you have had for years

  • Do you find you are always starting and never finishing?
  • Do you love the spark of an idea when it’s fresh and new, but loathe moving a project all the way through to completion?

You are not alone. In fact, a friend of mine just today told me that she is a “ignitor” or “spark” – not an implementor. She had a great idea to raise chickens. Who maintains the coop? Her husband. This friend has gone through a few career changes also and is in the midst of a beautiful change right at the moment.

So, what can be done?

First, love yourself as you are. Know that this is your strength. You are an idea person. The world needs you! So many people out there are “blah blah blah.” They go to work each day and power through life, barely looking up. They are so disconnected with themselves that new ideas don’t have chance. And you are NOT that person!

Why do we berate ourselves?

Society has a very strict agenda. You must do well in school, get your degrees (undergraduate then graduate, preferably) then go out and get a job. If you are an idea person, if you have a vision bigger than you know what to do with (or many, often all at the same time) – you feel odd, wrong, you don’t fit in…and The Traditional Path does not reward you. Time and time again we are told we “just need to…” and we fail. If this sounds familiar, I have got you!

Getting Back on “Track”

First, agree with your makeup. You are a superstar, ignitor, illuminator, and big idea person. You are an artist, a visionary, and you come up with “crazy ideas” all the time. What might happen if you allowed yourself to embrace these gifts??

Second, do create routines. Routines are not schedules. Routines create freedom. You have a routine whether you know it or not. Hitting snooze 3x and running is a routine. It is most likely not your outwardly desired one, yet, it is. What do you WANT the routine to look like? Play with it, keep it close (yes write it down!) and be okay with tweaking it. Do a routine in the morning and the night. It’s a game changer.

Third, outsource and externalize. You aren’t going to keep everything on track “in your brain”. In my next blog we will go through steps as to how to catch the butterflies and allow the beauty at the same time.

If you know you have AD/HD, this probably makes tons of sense to you. If not, you might notice something that sounds promising. Either way, if you procrastinate, get off track, or consider it “normal” to finish 80% of a project, stick with me as we are going to nail down some of the squirrels and smile all the way to progress!

In my next blog we will discuss the secret to getting things done – and the number one thing that holds us back!


Feeling drained? Find unexpected ways for more energy here!

There are always going to be times when we find ourselves feeling odd, perhaps emotional, and generally a bit ‘out of sorts’, and sometimes it’s hard for us to put our finger on just what the cause is. However, if you’re feeling funny and not quite yourself right now, there are more than a few easily identifiable reasons…

Why right now?

The strange Covid-19 world we’re currently experiencing is creating all sorts of issues for people, mentally, physically and emotionally. It’s draining for a lot of us, and for plenty of reasons.

You may have more people at home than you’re used to. Our social batteries often only last so long, especially if you’re somewhat introverted, and expending extra energy just being around more people more often, can be exhausting. Maintaining an upbeat tone or trying to stay positive for other’s benefit can take its toll.

Alternatively, if you’re an extrovert and have been thrust into a more isolated lifestyle, you’re likely to feel overwhelmed with loneliness or boredom. Your energy comes from being around others and to suddenly have that taken from you will mean you’re likely to feel drained of enthusiasm.

You may have noticed it’s taking more work to achieve the same thing. Just ‘running out to the store’ seems a thing of the past, now with lines and social distancing rules, meaning you can’t simply grab and go as you once would have. If you’re tired and drained of energy, you may be approaching tasks with a less than enthusiastic attitude compared to normal, even if it’s something you usually relish.

Our day to day routines and patterns have been increasingly interrupted. You may be getting up later or going to bed later than usual, your mealtimes may have been thrown out of sync, not to mention any exercise routine, even if it was simply walking to work. And this interruption has a clear effect. When our patterns are interrupted, we may tend to eat more, and eat less healthily. This in turn means we’ll have less energy and so we find it easier to skip exercise, creating a vicious cycle.

So, what can be done?

Although we’re not able to change what’s going on around us externally, there are ways in which we can combat this feeling of being drained, by looking inward and making choices.

1. Take a ruthless and honest assessment of where you and your family are now

Look at your home situation. What have you got to be thankful for? What improvements could be made? How can you all help each other through this? Really look at how you’re all feeling and what behaviors you’re all exhibiting. This will help you identify where you need to be more empathic, or stricter with yourself or your children, for example. It will help you be more patient where need be, as well as aid you in finding resolution to any irritations or annoyances.

2. Make choices to support your values and dreams

Don’t be tempted to forget about yourself, your passions, and your ambitions. You are important and you matter. Things may feel so far away for a lot of us at the moment, but this will pass, and your values and dreams will remain. Give yourself some space to rekindle any passion you may have lost.

3. Be okay with imperfection

Remember, it’s ok to not be ok. It’s so very tempting to try to be super productive, learn a new skill, finish a project you’ve been putting off or generally feel you should be achieving more. For many of us, during these unfamiliar times, the pressure is overwhelming so remember to be kind to yourself and accept that things may not be as perfect as you’d like, and that’s ok.

There is a light…

Times like these are truly tough for us all. Remind yourself of the value you hold as well as the value of others. Look inward, be patient with yourself and accept that there are certain things that simply can’t be helped right now, be gentle and less expectant. Keep your heart-centered choices at the forefront of what you do, and that should give you the clarity, energy, and motivation you need to keep moving forward.

Find out more in my second blog – (More Energy, Less Overwhelm.)


More Energy, Less Overwhelm

In my last blog post, we looked at why we might be feeling drained and some unexpected ways to help boost your energy levels and tackle some of the stresses and strains of living in a world affected by Covid-19.

To recap the key points:

1. Take a ruthless and honest assessment of where you and your family are now

Look at your home situation. What have you got to be thankful for? What improvements could be made? How can you all help each other through this?

2. Make choices to support your values and dreams

Don’t be tempted to forget about yourself, your passions, and your ambitions

3. Be okay with imperfection

Remember, it’s ok to not be ok.

Now, let’s dig a little deeper.

If your intentions are to be kinder, more empathic, more patient, more forgiving, how will you know you’re succeeding? Quite simply, we must measure our intentions by really focusing on what’s important to us. For a start, your intentions will help you identify what’s important to you and what you value most. If you’ve opted to be more patient, for example, that may show you hold peace very dear and you’re willing to compromise in order to achieve this peace as a result.

Ask yourself, what results are you hoping for? Do you wish for a more peaceful household? Do you want to feel less pressured? Do you wish you had more guilt-free time to work on your passions? Then, each day, ask yourself if you can feel a shift. Do things seem calmer around you? Do you feel less overwhelmed? Have you started to feel that boost of energy you’ve been longing for?

How can we make sure we succeed in our intentions?

What we measure, we succeed in. When we take the time to prioritize ourselves and those around us, and become more aware and mindful of small, positive shifts, we notice progress. When we witness progress, we feel more focused, motivated, and much more inclined to continue these intentions. A positive cycle is born.

What can you do to be effective and not overwhelmed?

Sometimes, just trying to remain upbeat or motivated can feel overwhelming. Feeling drained and feeling overwhelmed often go hand in hand. This is where the patience and kindness come in. You really must endeavor to treat yourself as deserving, whether that be deserving of a break, deserving of some time out, deserving of a healthy meal or a run round the park, your needs matter.

Taking it easier on yourself actually allows for more space to grow and move forward. It may seem like a contradiction but overwhelm can cause a kind of mental paralysis and by being kinder and more patient with yourself and accepting the imperfect, you give yourself space to breathe. Often, this will lead to your desire and motivation returning, giving you that much sought-after energy boost.

You can take it easy on yourself AND move ahead…it’s possible.

Count your blessings and watch your wins. Celebrate!

Earn more, work less: here’s how

Get ruthless.

Many businesses are suffering but that doesn’t necessarily mean yours has to. It’s tempting to lower rates and fees or offer your products or services at a discounted price but that’s not always the best option.

These times are showing plenty of people what they’re truly capable of, how we can adapt to change when it’s necessary and how we can succeed through hardship.

In tough times, the tough get going.

We all need to put food on our plates and a roof over our heads. If you have something others are crying out for, charge what you’re worth. People will always pay for something that gets them results, something they value.

Working smarter, not harder, is a mantra we should all get on board with.


Over giving: Give more and get more in 3 simple steps

In my previous blog, I looked at the fundamentals of over-giving – why we do it and the potential cost of this mindset to us and those close to us.

In this blog, I’m going to explore how we turn that mindset on its head and give freely, while maintaining our values.

How to give like a Go-Giver and still earn a profit

Let me start this section by saying that being a Go-Giver; giving your best and giving generously, does NOT mean that you must give your offering, whether that’s time, support, whatever, for free.  Instead, focus on the value that you can bring to a situation.  It’s about being authentic in everything you do and, instead of giving to the point of exhaustion, it’s about effectively communicating the value of your offering,

How to provide value and invite the sale without feeling “sleezy.”

The key here is to focus on communication.  When we communicate clearly and with authenticity, then our value becomes apparent and may, ultimately be rewarded. In order to achieve this, we need to ensure that we’re listening to the wants and needs of our audience.  It’s not about a quick sale, or having a “buy, buy, buy” mentality; it’s much more about identifying the “pain points” of that person and identifying the added value that we can bring to their life; the problems they experience that we can solve.  If we can do this, then we start to build a relationship of “know, like and trust” and it’s from this relationship that sales spring eternal!

How to stay in integrity with your values, and still freely give: it’s possible

It really is possible to live a life of authentically giving, while making a profit and making those sales, as long as you honor your personal boundaries.  Problems occur when we ignore the boundaries we may have worked hard to previously identify and enforce, because we feel we need to give more that we are, perhaps, comfortable with.  Instead, if we focus on our boundaries and give only within those limits, then we can give freely and with integrity…and be able to live with ourselves, too!