
Mastering Time: Prioritize What Truly Matters

The river only flows in one direction

Let’s talk about making time for what truly matters. We need to prioritize what’s important right now. Recently, I conducted a survey, and now it’s time to dig into the responses and understand how we can all support each other. I’ll try to keep this succinct and focus on one or two key points that stood out.

One respondent mentioned being constantly busy doing things for everyone else, which gets in the way of self-care, marketing, and personal priorities. This person loves their family and spends a lot of time doing chores and helping their spouse, but struggles to find time for themselves. When asked what they would do if they had a magic wand, the answer was simple: have fun, do things for themselves, and focus on their business.

The solution isn’t all or nothing. Many people think it’s either full-on self-care or no self-care at all. They want balance. As a Libra, I don’t believe in perfect balance. Instead, I advocate for being off-balance on purpose. If you’re busy with tasks for others or struggling to find a balance between work and self-care, the key is to take small, specific steps.

For example, I recently shifted from vacation mode in July to planning mode in August. I like to assign themes to each month, week, and even day. If you’re an entrepreneur in the coaching, healing, or helping space, you might find August to be a slower month. Use this time to prepare for the fall. Start now so you’re not caught off guard when September arrives.

Remember, we are not robots. As perfectionists, we often think everything has to be perfect, but it doesn’t. Mercury retrograde can cause things to go awry, but that’s okay. Today is a new day. I have a specific morning routine with a handwritten checklist that I rewrite daily. This helps reinforce my goals and keeps me on track.

In summary, if you want to achieve more balance and stop doing everything for others, start loving yourself and doing things for your business. Take it easy and slow. Write down your tasks and check them off as you complete them. It’s okay if you don’t get everything done. Lean on others for support, and feel free to reach out to me. Even if you’re not a client yet, I have time this month to chat.

We just had our Wisdom Warriors session, now called the Overachievers Club, which is perfect for people-pleasing perfectionists who feel like underachievers. I love the new name and can’t wait for our next session on September 9th. In the meantime, let’s have a conversation. I have time this month to help you get ready for the fall. Don’t be caught sleeping at the wheel when Labor Day rolls around. Hit reply and we will make time, okay?

Peace out.


Why your time management strategy has got you overwhelmed and what to do instead

How anxiety hijacks our brain

Today, let’s dive into why your current time management strategy could be leaving you overwhelmed- and what to do instead. If you want to live a life like mine, where I enjoy a lakeside lifestyle, work from home, make a big impact, and absolutely love my life, keep reading.

First, I have a graphic for you. Most people want to do more in less time. They think, “I just need a new strategy, maybe more patience.” I’ve got an alternative perspective. This idea actually came from a meme about being patient.

Check out the graphic in the video: On one side, there’s this anxious guy fishing for time management. He’s stressed out because he’s got a lot to do and not much time to do it. His anxiety is eating up his time, leaving him feeling overwhelmed, guilty, and stuck in a cycle of not getting things done.

Now, on the other side, there’s another figure (could be anyone – guy, gal, non-binary, doesn’t matter). This person also has anxiety, but they’re fishing for self-love and self-belief. Look at all those fish! They’re winning the battle against anxiety and gaining better time management, manifesting what they truly want.

So, what do you want for your summer? More fun weekends instead of being overworked and overwhelmed? As a business owner, it’s time to start planning for the fall. It’s not too late – it’s the perfect time! Get ready for Labor Day when everyone’s back and business picks up. Use this time to nurture yourself and get prepared.

Remember, no matter the level of anxiety, love yourself for the win. 

Ask yourself, “What one thing I do for *me* right now that’s really simple?” 

Whatever comes to mind, do it! Maybe it’s stretching, breathing in some fresh air, or planning that one summer activity you’ve been dreaming about. When Labor Day hits, you’ll feel amazing knowing you did it. Bonus tip: If you feel like there is no way to do it, you are too busy, immediately stop and do it. Do it right now. 

Hit reply and tell me what you’re going to do differently, so you’re not just fishing for time management but feasting on self-love, purpose, and abundance. Peace out.


Take Control: July 1 marks your fresh start for the month, quarter, and half-year

Relax your way into what you really want

Happy almost 4th of July! Or if you’re watching this from outside the United States, happy July.

We recently celebrated the solstice, a beautiful time for new beginnings. In fact, today I drew a card that said it’s a beautiful day for new beginnings. What are you beginning as we turn the page to the second half of the year?

Today, I received three messages from different places during my workday, all pointing towards the theme of new beginnings.

1. The Power of Meditation

The first message came from a coaching special interest group I belong to. The presenter spoke about the benefits of meditation and how it works well in coaching. I couldn’t agree more. When my clients and I shift from running around and being scattered to being more grounded and focused, we don’t shut off our thoughts but allow ourselves to be present. Practicing presence allows our brains to create new beginnings, and we deserve a new beginning.

2. Stop Running and Grasping

The second message was from an amazing client who allowed herself to slow down this past weekend. She did things for herself, like going to a movie, buying art supplies, and volunteering where she wanted to volunteer. By doing this, she felt less scattered and more in control of her life. As a result, she’s now better equipped to go after her dreams in the second half of the year.

3. Redefining Self-Identity

Lastly, I heard from a woman in a group where I coach. She described herself as the “queen of turning a dime into 11 pennies”, highlighting her money issues. She learned that she was projecting her money issues onto others. We often project our own issues onto others, thinking they come from outside when they actually come from within. She was challenged to redefine her identity. I invite you to do the same: declare today, “I am the queen or king of [your desired identity],” and future pace what you want to achieve by the end of the year.

Remember, you are limitless. Anything that comes from your heart and soul can be achieved. Go inside, find those answers, and act on them.

Announcing Limitless Days

This summer, I am offering Limitless Days. I have a few VIP spots available for one-on-one sessions, where I dedicate a limitless block of time just for you. Additionally, I am forming a group in early August for three or four sessions. 

If this resonates with you, email me at and say, “I want to be LIMITLESS!” 

And we will set up a conversation.

Happy 4th of July, happy Independence Day, happy second half of the year, and happy solstice. There’s a lot to celebrate, and it starts with you.

Blessings, Carol

PS: You don’t want to miss this interview…I am my raw-est and realist ever! LINK TO YERMI VIDEO


Something I never thought I’d do:  Learning from a horsefly

Shocking horsefly lessons: Structure, order, and planning!

Have you ever considered the signs around you to help inform what you might want to do in the future? I never did. I thought that was a bunch of hooey. But a friend of mine, who I’ve known for 15 years, introduced me to the idea of animal totems.

For a long time, I was resistant. Slowly, I learned that everything is connected. When you want to be more productive in your business, in your life, when you want to align yourself with your money, your abundance, your ability to stay organized, to have that mission, to live out that mission in the world, keep reading.

I am delving deeper into my spiritual side, and as I do, I get all the wiser. Today, after I sat in quiet reflection and pulled a card, I almost put it back. The card was about how animals help us. I live with animals, and they tell us things. Initially, I thought I needed a new card until I decided to see what happens.

I’m not a big animal person, so I picked the Horsefly because they’re out now—it’s June. They find their way into my hair and annoy me. But amazing things happened when I read about the Horsefly, and it relates to the kinds of things I teach, which is exactly the message I wanted to share and exactly the message that I needed.

The Horsefly is all about resilience. It’s about staying vigilant and carrying on, going for what it wants. There are various interpretations worldwide—Chinese, Native American, and an African interpretation, which I like. The African tribal horsefly symbols and meanings within African folklore symbolize the need for structure, order, and planning in life.

Isn’t that how you know me? I think so. The Horsefly’s regimented routine of feeding on blood reminds us to find ritual and routine. Preparation brings future success. I’m a big preparer. For example, tonight I’m going to a concert. I began thinking about what I need to pack, what to get on the way for food, etc., ahead of time in the morning. That’s part of my routine.

The Horsefly plans ahead to survive challenging seasons. We must likewise lay the foundation to actualize our dreams. As your Green Goddess dream coach I’m here to actualize your dreams with you. The first thing is to have that routine in the morning. The second is to plan a little bit every day, every week, and every month. We’ll be doing more of that together this fall in the next cohort.

Investing in the future often requires sacrificing present comforts and desires. Now, I gotta tell you, I am not into that. I don’t like to sacrifice my comforts one little bit. The Horsefly delays gratification for sustenance. We must work diligently now to reap later rewards. I can tend to go without for a long time and then feel undeserving. However, it’s smart to say, “If I want to go on that trip, I need to put aside money every week or month,” which means choosing not to go out to eat now for that future goal.

In African tribal mythology, the Horsefly exemplifies the wisdom of living an ordered, purposeful life aligned to higher goals. I never would’ve thought of that from a Horsefly.

So, happy solstice & happy summer! I cannot wait to serve you this summer.

I have one spot available at the end of July for a mid-year review. If you haven’t taken advantage of it, now is a great time. Email me at and we will set it up!

Enjoy your summer, take time off, be who you are, but don’t forget to think ahead. Plan a few things so that your future aligns with your vision.

May all your lights shine in the darkness. Plan like the annoying Horsefly, but please, don’t be annoying. Get that beautiful message. I cannot wait to serve you. Don’t forget to contact me to make time this summer to check in with yourself and me, so you get set up for the fall and the rest of the year. And I promise, I won’t bite. Haha! 

Accountability Get Organized Goal Setting Organization vacation

Achieving Balance: Summer Tips from the Overachiever Society

Practical Solutions to Tame Your Summer To-Do List

Welcome to the Overachiever Society. That’s what we might call our monthly Free Wisdom Warriors/UnscatterMe monthly gathering! This week in Wisdom Warriors, overachievers shared their struggles and aspirations. In this video and article, I want to discuss some of their challenges and the solutions we explored during our monthly session.

Our attendees had varied goals for the summer. They wanted to have fun, get outdoors, move their bodies, and enjoy nature. They also aimed to achieve significant milestones like selling real estate and letting go of clients as their businesses evolved. These business people juggle multiple responsibilities and ambitions. One person owns two businesses and works for someone else. Naturally, their to-do lists were extensive.

We focused on solutions to manage these goals during the busy summer months. Here’s what we discussed:

  1. Dump Out Your To-Do List: Start by writing down everything on your to-do list across all categories. This helps you see the full scope of your tasks.
  2. Ruthlessly Remove 80%: Trim your list down by 80%. You don’t need to discard these items permanently; just move them to a “parking lot” for later consideration.
  3. Prioritize the Remaining 20%: Organize and schedule these prioritized tasks. Importantly, schedule activities you genuinely want to do before your to-dos. Remember what you really want – whether it’s getting out in nature or moving your body.

One participant said, “I need to be stronger than my excuses.” This resonated with us because excuses often hinder our progress. We discussed small, actionable steps, like placing your walking shoes by the door to encourage daily walks.

Moreover, it’s the perfect time to re-evaluate your larger year plan with executable steps and a repeatable process to achieve your 2024 desires. Summer is an excellent time to reassess your progress. With half the year behind us, now is the perfect moment to check in, re-evaluate and adjust your plans. 

To that end, I’d LOVE to push your edges and provoke you to think deeper and more powerfully than you ever have in your life. Why not? Life is FOR you and with me at your side, you are both energized and organized.

But that’s not for everyone. Alas, I have 2 places in June and 2 in July. When these review sessions are gone, they are gone.

Will you be the brave, bold, badass person to hit reply and say HELL YES LET’S HAVE A LOOK TOGETHER? Ready, go!

Summer is short, especially here in New Hampshire. Between the black flies, pollen, and rain, it’s easy to get distracted. So, enjoy your summer, stay focused on your goals, and take advantage of these opportunities.

I believe in you. Action takers, this is your sign to hit reply. Enjoy the summer and make the most of it.

See you soon!


Permission to Pause: Making the Most of Summer

Tips for Enjoying the Season Without Losing Focus

It feels like summer in New Hampshire. The air is filled with beautiful humidity, birds are chirping, and you might spot a monarch butterfly. This is the time of year that most people dream about. While I absolutely love winter for its quiet reflection and the inspiration it brings, I also enjoy the fullness of spring and summer. There is some semblance and parallel between the two. The quiet of winter reflection is probably what I love the most. Also, the quiet of winter, the smell, the coldness smell, and the awesome beauty of ice, of snowflakes and the inspiration and the drawing in where all our wisdom lives is what I love. And we can do the same in summer.

Both seasons offer a chance to slow down and draw within.

Today, I want to talk about how to enjoy the beauty of spring and summer while finding quiet patches to reflect. It’s easy to get caught up in the busyness of the season. Just yesterday, a new client wanted to reschedule our initial meeting because she had overbooked herself—a common summer occurrence. With so many activities, it’s important to slow down and take small steps to stay grounded.

Slowing down and taking one small step at a time is truly the biggest, most important and most deceptively difficult thing you can do. The 3 tips I will share are all about taking time to slow down in the summertime to really identify what’s important to you -so that you don’t have to be all over the place and exhausted, enjoying a BIT, but being almost too scattered to enjoy everything.

Ok, here are your tips!

**1. Eliminate All-or-Nothing Thinking:** It doesn’t have to be all or nothing. You don’t need to take the whole summer off. Even a short period, like a day or an hour, can make a difference.. While it would be great to take the whole summer off or the whole month, the longer you give yourself, sometimes the more we tend to waste time. You probably are familiar with the concept of “I like to wait till the last minute.”

That’s because of something called Time Horizon. When we give ourselves too much time, we don’t feel that pull to do anything. So play with that. I invite you to play with how much time is “enough time.” I just got back from eight Days of Travel Bliss. Travel Bliss allowed me to have some adventures, have some downtime, connect with people, and have some solo/partner time. It was a really beautiful period of time, so that’s why I think a week is great, but it can be longer. It can be shorter. 

**2. Give Yourself Permission:** Sometimes, you need to give yourself permission to follow your heart and be yourself. Recently, I had a star reading from a Practical Astrologer. It was eerie and affirming at the same time. She told me “you have permission” to be you! It’s in your stars!

This is YOU and it’s okay to be you just as you are. Wow! So please give yourself this permission slip, whether or not you read your stars. When you hear yourself saying something like, “oh God, there I go again” give yourself permission to be her or him or them. Why not? You have permission!

**3. Take Any Step:** When pursuing a new goal, any step is a good step. It’s okay to experiment and not be sure what’s going to work. Having a mentor, a system, or a community can help you stay on track and avoid giving up.

What I find is that for the bulk of the people, including myself, when we don’t have a mentor, a system, a community, we tend to give up on whatever we’re going for. That’s why I do the work I do.  I would love to help you to support you in going from, “I like this and I like that”, and I want this and “I want that, and I can’t choose”  to going through step by step and help you and support you in the thing that you really want to do.

Your next best step to that is to come along to my Free Monthly Wisdom Warriors this coming Monday at noontime Eastern. FYI – I will not be doing one in July. So this is your last opportunity until August. When you come to wisdom warriors with an idea, you are able through that process of being with this community for only an hour, to then manifest this idea. Then,  when you go along into your fall and into the rest of your year, you will not be quite as all over the place and more focused. And when you’re more focused, guess what? You get more traction. And when you’re more focused on the thing that you try to do and get more traction, then you’re going to manifest what you want more quickly.

You’re going to be more solid in what you want. You won’t go off track and have those terrible voices that say how guilty you are or shameful. We don’t want that. We stay away from that. So that’s why you want to come to Wisdom Warriors, come with some ideas, come with no ideas, come to be inspired. Ideally come with a seed of an idea because I’m going to help you germinate that seed. 

It is time to germinate. It is time to flower.

Blessings, love, and joy to you this spring and summer. I can’t wait to see you at Wisdom Warriors Monday June 10 at noon eastern, and support you on your journey.

Coach Carol