
5 steps to make sure that your summer is not overwhelming

Balance your time this summer, step by step

Summertime! Shifts. 

There’s gorgeous greenery around me, even though right here in New Hampshire where I live, it’s been pretty rainy lately. We do get beautiful moments of sunshine, which I very much enjoy. So if you are like me, summer brings shifts. Those shifts bring different ways to manage our time, especially as entrepreneurs, and particularly when you are an entrepreneur who considers themselves periodically scattered. It’s easy to get pulled in one direction or another direction. 

Summertime! Push and Pull.

There’s kids, and there’s this idea that you have some fun in your summer, but yet you need a plan for the fall, and you still need to create revenue for yourself during the summer.  Most of us can’t just go two or three months without having money come in so there’s this ‘push and pull’ and worry. And now that Covid is done, (thank goodness, right?) there’s a lot more opportunities and kind of a continued pent-up desire to do these things that in 2020 and in 2021, for the most part, we really just couldn’t do. 

What is behind the feeling of push, pull, lack of “discipline” and feeling of inertia?

All these “pushes and pulls and things you have to do” does get overwhelming, right? On Monday, June 12th, at my complimentary Wisdom Warriors Group Coaching, we had a lot of people to gather around and start to talk about this exact issue.

What we uncovered was that deep down below the ‘push and the pull’ and the stuff that’s happening are three things that were below the surface, not allowing us to stay focused on what we want. They are:

  1. The belief that we won’t succeed in anything – in work, or in play.  
  2. Difficulty in decision making:  At the core of some of the decisions is the belief that if we make the wrong decision, we won’t succeed. What do we say ‘no’ to? For example, I have a client and one of the very beginning conversations I had with this person was, ‘you’ve got a lot going on here. How about we just take a hard look at what’s going on and just stay with 20% of the most important stuff and take that other 80% and just push it to the side for now’. This person had a really hard time doing that, and as a result is still actually struggling with managing their time, but slowly we’re getting there.  
  3. We don’t want to proclaim what is holding us back. That’s big. Now these things do take time, of course, and in one hour we’re not going to figure all of that out – but in that one hour we had on Monday, we really did go deep and figured out what was wrong. 

My own dilemma with decision making and FOMO (number 2 above, with a little mix of 1 and 3)

Here’s a little story about myself and my children. One of them has left home now – he’s on his own, and then the other one is a teenager and he’s doing pretty well, but I do still need to parent him quite a bit.  When my kids were small, and I was a single mom (certainly for a longer time than I was a non-single mom) I really wanted that downtime but yet I never took it from myself. And I said I wanted it, but yet my actions didn’t equal what I said I wanted. 

Unless I got to crisis level, I wouldn’t take my downtime. I’ll tell you the truth, this is still something I’m working on, and I am so much better than I used to be. It’s a work in progress.  I didn’t realize most of the time that I was doing too much. I didn’t realize that, especially in the summertime, I had so much FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out). I wanted my kids to have all the experiences, to do all the things, and you know what the belief was? 

The admitting, the proclaiming what’s holding me back took me years to figure this one out. I really believed that I would not be a good mother if I worked too much, and if I didn’t allow them every single experience that I thought other people would be giving their children.  I did not think about that consciously; it was very much on a subconscious level – that was a belief. These beliefs are no joke and they are part of the equation. 

This all brings us to….

Five steps to make sure that your summer is not overwhelming.

I bet you never thought I’d get to this part of the article. Here they are!

  1. Get clear:

DEEP INQUIRY: What do you want? What is getting in the way?

2. Map it out: 

PUT PEN TO PAPER: Create milestones for each month and times on the calendar to save space for your priorities

3. Stick to your plan 

PREPARE FOR THE INEVITABLE: Be wary of that push and pull…it’s sneaky!

4. Create Accountability

HERE’S YOUR INSURANCE! Buddy up with a friend or group

 5. Celebrate

OFTEN OVERLOOKED: The small wins count! Don’t ignore these!

The first step-  identifying what is what you want and what is getting in the way, was done on Monday at Wisdom Warriors..  However, because we didn’t get to the calendaring, prioritization, creating those milestones, or doing the time management part in time that we had, I am offering a pop-up workshop that you cannot afford to miss. It will be a beefy 2 hrs and packed with gold nuggets to carry you through the summer.

IT’S TOMORROW- Monday June 19th 

12 noon to 2:00 PM Eastern. 

So if you’re in Eastern Time, all you have to do is take an extra hour of your lunchtime, it’ll be well worth it for you. I’ll be sharing with you the ‘Anti-Overwhelm Solution’ as part of the 5 steps above.

What will the Anti-Overwhelm Solution do for me?

You will stop feeling overwhelmed at the idea of work and preparation, fun and the beach, and kids and childcare and that they needed some downtime – but hang on, ‘what about my business? How do I plan for these things? And how do I still feel like I can maintain that free flow?’

I believe in you. I know you can create exactly the life you want. I know that it does take a step by step by step approach and you want it all to be done in 30 minutes or 60 minutes – but the truth is that in two hours, you can really get moving

You are maybe also thinking ‘well, heck, I didn’t go to Wisdom Warriors, so I’ve already missed that part’, right? Here’s what I’m going to do for you. I’m going to take the teaching part of that session and I’m going to go ahead and include it in your package so that when you sign up for the workshop on the 19th, you’re also going to get that recording of the teaching, which is 15 minutes, so you are right up to speed with everybody else and so that you hit the ground running.

It’s 12:00 PM Eastern, on Monday 19th.  Rock on and sing with the birds, allow the beauty, have the wind in your hair, have the sun in your face, and enjoy your summer. You deserve it. You can have it all just one step at a time. Remember that I believe in you- and I will see you Monday. 

Boundaries Get Organized More time in my day Time strategies

5 steps to make sure your summer is peaceful, productive and profitable

You don’t have to choose between profit and enjoyment

We are right on the cusp of the longest day of the year, and some of the kids are starting to get out of school.  Perhaps if you’ve got kids, you’re feeling it already – that the summer has started for you.  Sometimes, as entrepreneurs, we are stuck in this funky place where we want to really enjoy our summer….yet we feel the “pull” of “omg I can’t leave my company in the dust!”

Summer might look like spending a lot of time on the beach with our kids. It might be with our grandkids. It might be taking an extended trip. Yet, we need to keep the business going. We need to continue on with some basics through our work. It also may be that your work gets busier in the summer. Maybe it’s a really busy time for you and that adds another level of confusion. And then on top of it all, you might consider yourself a distracted entrepreneur or a scattered entrepreneur…which does not help with the “being pulled” feeling.

To get to a place of peace, confidently make those decisions, and ditch regrets…follow these 5 steps.

  1. Plan your time off. If you haven’t already done this, first and foremost, plan your vacations – even if your vacations are just a few long weekends. I’ve got three weeks of vacation set up (I wanted four, I ended up with three. I’m okay with it).
  1. Decide if this is enough. I was going to take the whole of July off, and due to some other circumstances that came in, I decided to go with the first two weeks of July and then one week in August, and I’m okay with it. Would I like to have four weeks? I would. Next year, I’m going to try again. I’m going to try to take the whole of July off. So, even if it’s just a week or a few long weekends, it doesn’t matter. Plan those vacations, and then be okay with it. 
  1. Ask: what are the important milestones in my work/ business this summer? Write down where you wish to be on September 1st and look backward. One way to make it personal is to write a letter to yourself dated Sept 1st. Write how you feel. For example, “wow, you had a great summer. While you took every weekend as a long weekend, you were able to work Monday through Thursday, 8am- 12pm. And you were able to create [these certain milestones for yourself that are important for you and your business].”
  1. Work backward. Create a plan for yourself so that  you’ll be able to achieve those milestones. 
  1. Review and adjust mindfully. This is something that we can often forget – to have a system that reminds us of what we said we wanted. Remember, while we love to be nimble as entrepreneurs, it’s important to be in the decision making piece of changing our minds

For example, say your milestone was to work Monday through Thursday, 8am to 12pm, and to do x, y, z – but something came up on a Wednesday that was a once in a lifetime opportunity. As long as you go back to what you said your milestones were, and ask yourself, “will this affect it negatively?” 

If the answer is no, it will not affect my milestones negatively when I adjust accordingly, you then make tweaks. Maybe you work a whole day for a day or two on those times. You make that conscious choice and conscious decision– versus just “kind of forgetting things” and going with the flow. You honor that commitment to yourself. If you do change your mind, you change it purposefully. 

And there you have it! Those are five steps to have the summer of your dreams with productivity, peace and profitability or whatever you decide that you want. 

What is the NEXT step?

Come to my Free Wisdom Warriors tomorrow!

We’re going to talk about how to decide and still keep your options open. So that is something that I find many people have an issue with. They want to make a decision, but they don’t want to lose their options. So it’s all about time management in the summer for the Distracted Entrepreneur. 

 It’s always free at Wisdom Warriors

While this is usually a monthly event, I’m skipping over July, so if you don’t come on Monday, then just know that you won’t have another opportunity to go to the Free Wisdom Warriors until August 7th, because I am taking those first two weeks of July off and I’m honoring my commitment to myself – but I’ll miss you!

Join me at 12pm lunchtime Eastern on June 12th.  

  • It’s so simple
  • It’s free
  • There’s no high pressure sales for anything. 
  • It’s all, it’s all information and community and you really get clear and you know what to do next.
  • AND you feel like, “Oh my gosh, I am not alone here”. 

See you on Monday?


Got a Summer Distraction? This will solve it.

It’s just about summer, and what I’m hearing from some of my clients is that it’s a little hard to stay focused on their goals (aka what they “said they wanted to do”) because it’s so beautiful out. I really can resonate with that.

I remember, especially at the beginning of my business, 14 years ago, I would find it difficult to really stay focused on my work, and business. I realized that it wasn’t so much for me that it was summer, but that I wasn’t as dedicated to it as I needed to be for it to be successful – and I probably had some limiting beliefs around whether I could be successful or what I should be doing instead.  

To that end, I am going to bring you through a process. You will identify what you said you wanted, (or perhaps you haven’t even said what you wanted, but you’re getting distracted) and maybe the distraction right now is how beautiful it is out.

Read on or watch the video

As I’m recording the video which goes with this blog, there are beautiful flowers behind me and the birds are singing.  It’s a beautiful day out today here in New Hampshire, and that would warrant anybody to want to play hooky, right? When you have your own business, you really can, and so that’s hard sometimes. 

The process starts with the Unscatter Your Life guide, which is available on the front page of my website (download it and go to page four). Page 4 is about how this is all going to come down to your decision and how to stay non-distracted, and is called the Wheel of Entrepreneurial Life. The Wheel is a way for you to decide what area of your life you want to focus on to change – because we can’t change everything all at once. We want to, and we try to, and we fail – so the way to make progress is just to pick one area and pick the area that’s really calling to you the most and decide what you want and how badly you want it and where you are right now. I’m not going to go into all those details because that’s all in the guide.

Guess what! I’m going to add a bonus here. The bonus comes from the workshop I did in early May, which was called ‘Spring Into Your Breakthrough’. Once you decide what it is you want and set your goal, you will take an Extra Powerful step from the spring workshop.  Example…you want to be closer to your children – that’s your goal.  You are in the ‘family’ part of the Entrepreneurial Life Wheel.  Let’s say your children are early-teenagers and they just don’t need you or want you the way they used to (it’s hard, I know as I had two of them. One of them’s gone, and the other one right now is getting to be more of a mid-teenager!). So then you want to ask yourself:

  1. ‘What is a challenge for me?’ And you’re going to say something along the lines of, ‘Well, a challenge for me might be my sadness that s/he doesn’t want to play games anymore’. So you write that down. 
  2. ‘What else is a challenge for me?’ And you might have another answer such as ‘s/he’s so busy hanging out with her/his friends that there’s hardly any time left for me.’ So you go progressively deeper. 
  3. ‘What else is a challenge for me?’ And go a little deeper.  What’s really going on for you? Maybe when you start looking at the inside like that, there are fears there. ‘I fear that s/he might get into drugs and alcohol because I’m not there all the time’. or ‘S/he might start hanging out with the wrong people’. I don’t know. 
  4. ‘What is the real challenge?’ This is where I really want you to go very, very deep.  

I did this (asking progressively deeper challenge questions) recently one-on-one with one of my VIP clients, and that client came up with his answers  – to really dial into fear of failure and fear of success.  If your answers are anything that can be connected to fear of failure or failure of success, then you are going deep enough.  In this example, it might be that you fear failure as a mom/dad.  That could be what’s at the root of it. That fear could be saying ‘What will you do with your life?’ Or it could be saying, ‘If you have more time to work / work on your business,  that will mean you need to redefine who your are’. 

Redefinition, even though we say we want it, is really a big deal. It’s no joke to redefine yourself. As long as we’re in the loop of saying ‘I want, I want…’  we get to have that as a crutch. If there’s actually something that we like, we can actually really get it,  our whole bodies are like ‘Whaaat? Alert, alert! I didn’t really want it’.

That reminds me of a little story (I’m going off on a little teeny weeny tangent and then I’ll bring it back)

When I was small, maybe four or five years old,  I wanted an inchworm for Christmas. The inchworm was one of these toys that you rode on, you sat on it and bounced and it moved forward.  That seemed so magical and far away from me. I remember going downstairs on Christmas day and seeing that inchworm in front of the Christmas tree … I couldn’t even speak, I was so dumbfounded that I got the thing I wished for, and my parents were looking at me…they can’t wait. They got the cameras ready and they’re ready to go. I was frozen; paralyzed with fear. I remember saying, “I just wanted to pull it”. And that’s all I could do. I could just pull it because the manifestation of the thing that in my head was unretrievable – I couldn’t manifest it to get it. It had shocked my system. 

It’s quite like that for us. When we say we want something and we’ve been wanting it and wanting it, we get addicted to wanting it. And in fact, if you really dial down and dig deep underneath all of this stuff, you’ll realize that that’s what’s there: the Wanting Addiction. Through the process of asking the Challenge Questions, you are empowered to decide, is this really and truly what you want? And what do you need to overcome? What kind of fears do you need to work through and get over to truly achieve it, or- perhaps the process has allowed you to determine that you don’t want it at all. 

So that’s why I love the guide, because if you download it and you really do it, it can be in and of itself transformational. And then of course there’s an option to talk to me- send me a little message saying ‘Hey, I want to talk to you about this’ – there is a free session waiting for you because it’s important – and especially at the beginning of the summer I want you to be able to enjoy your summer, and I want you to be able to do the transformation your way in a way that is so meaningful for you. 

So download the guide, ask yourself the challenge questions, set up your follow up call and, and tell me – what do you really want? Has it changed since the beginning of the year or maybe since the beginning of the quarter? What area of life does it relate to? 

I can’t wait to see you on the other side.

Boundaries Confidence prioritize Time strategies

Know anyone who tells you “life got in the way” of what they wanted?

Have you ever been going along just fine in your business and your life, and then all of a sudden an event occurs- seemingly out of nowhere?

Maybe a loved one had an accident, maybe your spouse lost their job, maybe a snowstorm came in and you lost your electricity, or another natural disaster. 

I call this “life getting in the way.”

On April 28th, life got in the way for me.  On this date, I was informed that my father got into a big accident – a fall. It is now almost a month later, and we are still experiencing issues from this fall, and like many other people my age, I am now faced with adding the needs of my parents to my already very busy life.

Many times, my clients tell me that’s their biggest problem: they were going along fine and then life got in the way. I have three tips to help.

  1. When you believe that things are going a little off the rails (you are going to laugh at this one), double down on your self-care.  There’s a lot of conversation around self-care. Maybe it’s ‘just take a hot bath’ or ‘go to a massage’, or ‘go get acupuncture.’ My version:  do what makes you feel like you. For me, I dance, I get out in nature, and I allow myself the pleasures that make me happy. This weekend I’m planning on going to the ocean and I’m going to lay in the warm sand and I’m going to listen to the surf and I’m going to go out to eat. And it’s going to be amazing. I  ask myself ‘How are you loving yourself right now?’ 

Read on or watch the video.

  1. Clear the deck. I am right now not accepting any new appointments. I’m not making any new plans. I’m not necessarily crowding my schedule. If anything, I’m removing things. I just did a live video over at the UnscatterMe Facebook community that showed that we removed our fence from the backyard about a month ago – and sometimes removing is a great productivity strategy.  It’s a way to see into the woods.  Before there was a fence – and now I can see into the woods. Removing is a beautiful thing, removing things from your calendar. 
  1. Set your expectations with reality. I am a high achiever. I get a lot done, and I get it done in a short amount of time, with work and at home. I was once called Kali, the Goddess who has many different hands, and I am Goddess Kali.  This new situationI find myself in, however, feels like an octopus with lots of different tentacles and a lack of clarity. To that end, I release this expectation to get to the goals that I had planned on before -because I am not Kali. God is Kali right now. I am simply Carol. I am able to do what I can do. To do that, let’s return to the first tip: taking care of herself. I have to love myself. I have to eat good food, drink plenty of water, and once in a while, have a glass of wine. I must stay active, stay out in the sunshine and in nature whenever possible.

Let me know what parts of your life might be getting in your way and what tips inspired you and what your next step is. I’d love to hear it. If I can do it, you can too 🙂

Accountability Confidence

How to cut your decision time from 20 days to 15 minutes and feel peaceful

Hello and welcome to ‘Nature Today’ with Carol. I recorded the video outdoors, and it is a beautiful May day here in New Hampshire.Today is about overwhelm and how it impacts decision making. When overwhelmed, decisions can be really hard. I just got off a call with a client and she was feeling rather overwhelmed with a big decision she had to make. She is in several courses right now to do several certifications. She needed to decide, do I go for my big certification in November, or do I wait till next April? And she said that she had until the end of this month to decide. Now, I pointed out that that was really only 20 days. And she said, “yes, I have 20 days to decide” but by the end of our 30 minute call, she had made her decision, she had a best-next-step that would get her to that decision. I believe we did that part of the call in maybe 10 or 15 minutes!  We identified what exactly was holding her back from making that next step to make that decision and that was that she needed to reach out to somebody and she wasn’t sure about reaching out to that person. Wow!

Read on, or watch the video

Decisions are multi-level. When we are going for something big, like a big certification or a big life change, I’m going to call that ‘hard change’. ‘Hard Change’ is a phrase coined by Michael Bungee Stainer. Hard change involves saying ‘no’ to what’s worked for you so far, for the present you. Let that land for a moment. The woman that I was speaking to realized that she’s going to have to say ‘no’ to some things so that she can say ‘yes’ to this larger certification. ‘Saying ‘no’ now enables you to say ‘yes’ to the promise of future rewards’. You’re going to be playing a harder long-term, bigger game with a constant temptation, a constant temptation to opt out for a short term win. 

I have another client that at the beginning of our engagement, said “I would like to do X, Y, Z and I would like you to help me out with it” and as this person went along he was finding that he was getting kind of pushed over this way and pushed over that way with things that he wanted to do in the moment. And what he’s begun to realize is that saying ‘yes’ to those things in the moment is not allowing him to get to that bigger, longer term goal. So it’s really important for you to dig deep into that bigger, longer term goal. Ask, ‘Is this something I really want?’ I’ll go back to my client earlier with the certifications – she put herself into that ‘future you’ condition when she was going to have that certification and that had her know from the bottom of the earth that this was what she was meant to do in the world, and how she would then feel. And she was able to say ‘yes, I can now take a step’. The other person that I’m talking about hasn’t done that level of discernment – so that’s why I offer my deep discernment course that starts today – May 11 as I record this. It starts today, and if you would like to join us from week two, there are still a few spots available because I now have two cohorts instead of just one. 

If this is you and you are thinking:

  • I know I need that deep discernment. I didn’t think I needed it.
  • I didn’t think I was a thing. But now that you’re telling me these stories about the ‘hard change’ and the ‘future you’ and what you have to do and how easy it sounds and how hard it actually is, I feel like I wanna know more about this deep discernment and how it can help me

If that’s you, please hit reply and let me know, and we’ll see if you’re the right fit. If it’s not you, I hope that this has informed you in some way, inspired you in some way, and I would love to know a little bit about what your big ‘aha’ is. I’m going to leave you with one more thing. If you over-plant a garden, what’s going to happen is the plants will crowd each other out and none of them will do really well. So that’s why when we garden, we also weed, we take out and we thin out to allow the plants that we want to grow to really flourish. 

That’s what I want for you in the realm of your decisions of what you really want and why, so that you accomplish those things and feel GREAT about yourself!


Spring out of stuck

This strategy will surprise you

How have you been feeling lately? 

Maybe you’ve been trying to get someplace and you just can’t get there. Maybe you’ve been trying to reach a new health goal, you’ve been trying to reach a new business goal, you’ve been trying to just get on, stuck in your life, and it’s spring and you’re feeling like you are ready to pop and want to do these things….but you’re not sure how.

Read on or watch the video

The Surprising Strategy

I’m going to illustrate a surprising way that you can “get there.” This solution is a lot different than you might think. It’s all about vulnerability. I  was inspired about this through a very interesting source. It was in a magazine – there was a guy wearing a kimono which said ‘the art of opening up’ in Japanese. 

The article talks about his experiences traveling, and using vulnerability as a way to experience an opening up to failure, so that he could exceed his limits (as he knew them). For him, it started in high school. He went to France. He lived with a host family. He didn’t know any French, and he was deathly afraid of making a mistake. So he really tried really hard to say the right thing, and at one point he wanted to say how good the meal was and that he was full.  

He used the verb for ‘full’ that he thought was correct, and it meant ‘pregnant’. He was embarrassed. Rather than letting this error stop him, he let himself fail and from that moment forward. Amazingly, he found himself making friends instantly and abundantly.

He later went to Japan, met a woman, and fell in love with her..  They decided to go dancing to a special dance and he knew nothing of the dance. He got the biggest kimono he could get, but it was still about a foot too short, and he was out there dancing, making a complete fool of himself because it was all so new to him, yet, having so much fun. He ended up getting invited to events and homes, and developed a beautiful social network because he wasn’t afraid of messing up, feeling vulnerable, and learning. 

He learned a lot about the culture and he made friends. Last in the story, he went to Cambodia. He stayed with a family and thought, “this is going to be the longest four days of my life”, as he did not know the language at all. It actually went really fast because he decided he was just going to try to communicate however he could without any knowledge of the Cambodian language – and he found that the more he opened up to people and just decided to look stupid, be vulnerable, that he ended up having amazing experiences. With each of these experiences, he grew. 

How does this strategy relate to YOU?

So I ask you, what is holding you back? What vulnerability could you allow to show through? Thinking about the goal that you want, thinking about that breakthrough that you want to have, how might you “stick your neck out and look stupid” so that miracles occur? Now that it’s spring and the ground is starting to thaw, the snow is melting (here, anyway!) what is it that you want to break through with? 

3 other ways to get unstuck:

  1. Help me help you: I recently sent out a survey on Monday, March 25. It takes 3 minutes to fill out. It helps me serve you better and I’ll use it as I’m developing something new…which starts April 3…and I truly hope it will help you start to “thaw” or get unstuck 🙂
  2. Download and print your Unscatter Guide:  It will take you from ‘scattered and stuck’ to ‘focused and confident’ and it’ll walk you through the steps. 
  3. Come to Wisdom Warriors on April 10: I’m skipping Wisdom Warriors on Monday April 3rd and having it on Monday April 10th. We’re going to be focusing on the economy, entrepreneurs,and how you could really capitalize on where we are today. 

Until then, be vulnerable, look silly, open yourself up to miracles and keep being fantastic.