Are we ever really done? 3 secrets of high achievers

We all have goals in life, both big and small, but how many of us set and consciously work on achieving those goals? We admire those who set goals for themselves and meet them, not only do they do it once, they tend to do it over and over again! This could be YOU, if that’s something you really want and you’re willing to work at it. No one said it would be easy, but they didn’t say it was impossible either. What is it that you really want? What do you have to do to get there? Like most high achievers, you’ll find that “achieving” is a mindset, a lifestyle almost. That once you check off one goal, you’ll be searching for what’s next.

So, what are the secrets of these high achievers? Is it just luck? Do they have a process? What can you do daily that will push you forwards and help you thrive?

  1. Make a decision: rule number one of achieving is that you can’t achieve what you don’t know. Clearly define what it is you are looking to achieve and set a timeline against it. Quantify the goal so that it’s easy to determine whether and when you reach the target. For example, “I want to sell X number of products each day.”, when you hit this target consistently, you know your goal will have been met and you can move to the next “to achieve” on your list. Frustration comes from vague goal setting where a goal is not measurable. Reverting back to creating a SMART goal may seem a bit of an old school way of doing things now, but it’s still the best way to see results.
  2. Stay focused: learning to control your mind can be tricky at the best of times but training your mind not to wander, to stay focused on the journey, the small wins of each day and of the outcome will allow you to reach your goal more efficiently. If you are like many, you will have 1000 new ideas every day and will have to work very hard to get into the habit of asking yourself whether that idea contributes to the bigger picture. Does realizing that idea take me closer to where I want to be? If the answer is no, then it should be parked and if yes, look at how it can be incorporated into the wider plan. Know your limitations, you may be a high achiever, but you are also only human. Rest when your body requires it, switch off when your mind requests it and create balance where possible.
  3. Get familiar with consistency and persistency:  Consistency, I believe, comes as part of your genes. I know many people who are naturally consistent and consistently do things in moderation. They plug away each day and get stuff done. Others, and more common, will do things to extremes. They will diet for 3 weeks and then not consider what they are eating for the next 3 and will yoyo between all or nothing. If this, is you, do not despair, consistency can be self-taught and should be practiced, daily. At first it won’t come naturally but over time, I can guarantee it will get easier as you create consistent habits, so stay focused. Persistency is one that is a little less comfortable for most, as it can often mean making contact with someone over and over again, chipping away each day at the same brick before making a breakthrough but for me, consistency and persistency are key to achieving what it is you want.

There are many “secrets” or traits of being a high achiever but one thing that you can do EVERY DAY is bring yourself back to the bigger picture, the WHY of what you are doing. It’s so easy to get caught up in the day to day, in the micro activities and once you lose sight of why you are doing what you are doing, it’s very easy to lose track of what you are doing. So, at the beginning and the end of each day, remind yourself of why and make a plan for the day of HOW to will tackle it. Believe in you, you can do this. You can achieve what you’ve always dreamed of – YOU are your only barrier.

And to remind you of this, I leave you with this quote: Every achiever that I have ever met says, ‘My life turned around when I began to believe in me’.

Robert H. Schuller