How do I fit in another task?

More than a To-Do List: Finding the Truly Important

Recently I had the pleasure of finding more time for a busy manager in a local city. His issues were:

  • Too much email;
  • Task Management- desire to wear his “many hats” better;
  • Consistent follow-though;
  • Desire for strategies to make better use of his assistant.

Together, we talked about his specific situation. Where were pieces of his life falling through the cracks? Since he works in sales and marketing, it is critical that he follow up in a timely and consistent manner with his customers and potential customers. Sometimes this would happen, and sometimes it would not. Although his company seemed to be doing well, I was wondering how much better it might be doing if he were able to bridge this gap.

We worked together for a few sessions, over Skype and in person. Right away- in the first session- we addressed email overload and developed strategies that would specifically work for him to overcome his specific needs. Then, we dug a little deeper. Asking questions that cause a person to really step back begins to bring “holistic productivity” into view.

Sometimes, it’s not about fitting another task between the cracks. It’s not about crossing another item off the to-do list. It’s about creating your life in such a way that the most important things are not only done, but done well. My client commented that it’s been some time since he’d “really” focused on doing something exceptionally. With his many commitments, he had become more focused on crossing things off the list.

Great leaders and great thinkers move far beyond a to-do list. Productivity for the sake of getting more done is okay, but does it make your heart sing? When you encounter the place where your true desires meet the everyday, you have found your sweet spot.

Productivity can be your portal to life change, if you dare to walk through.